Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 22, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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Emmitt Smith Dances to the Top
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Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke
celebrate their win and display
the mirrorball trophy on 'Danc­
ing with the Stars, the Results
Show,' in Los Angeles.
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 9/?17
503 ?86 1103 F«ix jl )3 28b 1146
etme lull h5ntM$statefarti) com
November 22. 2006
most dynam ic celebrity dancer, but
the public's vote, the deciding fac­
tor after the contestants had tied in
the judges' tally at T uesday's final
dance-off, brought Sm ith the vic­
(AP) - Emmitt Smith danced off
"It is aw esom e! It is aw esom e!''
w ith the m irror ball. T he three-tim e declared Smith, after hugging his
Super Bowl cham pion, w ho proved professional dance partner Cheryl
to be as nim ble on his feet in the Burke. "W e cam e a long way, we
ballroom as on the football field, really have."
was named the w inner o f ABC's
Burke won last season, too, on
"Dancing with the Stars." With last the arm o f singer Drew Laehey.
w ee k 's victory cam e the glittering
S m ith h ad k in d w o rd s fo r
trophy. The NEI.'s all-tim e leading L opez, w ho w as g racio u s in his
rusher beat out actor M ario Lopez. d e fe a t. He c a lle d th e fo rm e r
The hunky, dim pled Lopez was "S aved by the Bell" sta r a "true
generally regarded as the series g en tlem an " and said he and part-
ner K arina S m irn o ff "raised the
bar" during the co m p etitio n .
"This w hole jo u rn ey w as u n ­
b eliev ab le ... A nd K arina, m ost
u n b e lie v a b le p e r s o n ," L o p e z
g ushed. "It's so m eth in g I'll n ev er
fo rg et."
Smith and Burke w ow ed judges
in the final night o f com petition
with a spirited sam ba, to the tune o f
Stevie W onder's "Sir Duke."
"W hat’s so great about you is
you are the everyday man who
becam e a dancer in our eyes in the
past 10 w eeks," ju d g e Carrie Anna
In ab a to ld S m ith , w h o 's been
dubbed "The Big Easy" for his laid-
back elegance and eharm.
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service "
IS M l > I
Top 2 %
in P ortland M etro
i n g
elaborately decorated
trees, live entertain­
m ent, crafts, and a
photo with Santa, g in­
g e rb re a d d is p la y s ,
and more. Form orein-
form ation, call 503-
Tony and L ib b y K e lly
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most excil-
ing flamenco
d a n c e r s , at th e
Schnitzer C oncert Hall on
W ednesday. Nov. 29. T ickets are
available at all T icketm aster loca­
tions and the Portland C enter for
the Perform ing Arts Box O ffice on
Southw est Broadw ay and Main.
H v
Pottie training
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Playwright Presents ‘ M u tt' — A
local playw right is challenging ra­
cial issues with levity and bravery
in her world prem iere production
"M utt" opening Friday. Nov. 24 at
N o rth P o r tl a n d 's I n te r s ta te
Firehouse Cultural C enter, 5340 N.
Interstate Ave. Lava Alapai tells
the story o f a bi-raeial young adult’s
m istaken Caucasian self-identity.
Show s run subsequent Thursday-
Saturday nights at 8 p.m. through
Dec. 9. Tickets are $12 and can be
obtained by cal ling 503-952-6646 or
v isit th e w e b s ite o n lin e at
m anyhatscollaboration.com .
W orlds A IDS Day G ala — Inhonor
ol W orld AIDS Day, Kimpton Ho­
tels is hosting a gala charity fund
raiser to benefit the C ascade AIDS
project to fight H IV /A ID S. The
event will be held T hursday, Nov.
30 at 5 p.m. at the, 5th Avenue
Suites Hotel, 506 S.W . W ashing­
ton St. The event venue includes:
livejazz. artist, horsd'oeuvres, wine
tasting, palm reading. Cham pagne,
tem pting deserts and a rattle. This
is a free event but requires a RSV P
‘Festival of T re e s ’ — The 24th
annual Providence Festival ofT rees
is held Nov. 30 through Dee. 2 at the
O regon Convention C enter, featur-
N o rm a n S y lv ester B an d — Play­
ing at D om enic’s in M ilwaukee,
Friday. Dec. I ; at 9 p.m. and Satur­
day, Dee. 2 at 8 p.m. at H alibut's;
and at 9 p.m. on New Years Eve at
C ly d e's Prime Rib. M ake your New
Years Eve Party reservations early
by calling 5 0 3 -2 8 1-9200 or visit
nom ansylvester.com .
C h ris tm a s Revels — Friday. Dec.
1, at 7:30 p.m., the Scottish Rite
T heater, S.W. 15 & M orrison, will
Scrooge Gets Skewered — 503-
present the opening night perfor­
241 -1 2 7 8 , o n lin e at artistsrep .o rg
m ance o f C hristm as Revels, a w in­
o r at the box o ffice at 1 5 16 S.W .
ter solstice celebration that crosses
A ld er St.
religious and ethnic boundaries, to
entertain the entire fam ily. For per­ H oliday Ale F estival — T he I Ith
form ance schedules and inform a­ Annual Holiday Ale Festival will
tion please contact the box office: begin on T hursday, Nov. 30, and
continue through Sunday, Dec. 3,
at Pioneer C ourthouse Square. 701
S.W . Sixth Ave. Com plim entary
sodas for m inors and designated
Ballet F lam en co — W hite Bird
D a n c e s e rie s p r e s e n ts E v a
Y erbabuena. one o f the w orld's
Sunday Supper Tine
Celebrating our Customers!
Iiveat Cannon’s Rib Express
R eggie H ou ston ’s
Box o f C hocolates
“ya never know wliat ya goin g it”
m a r k e t
Hip-hop Dance Classes —
V ancouver-C lark P arksand Recre­
ation is hosting family friendly hip-
hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
V arious lessons teach rhythm, tech­
nique, coordination, agility, com bi­
nations and team w ork through ur­
ban dance m oves. For more infor­
mation, cal 1360-696-8236.
‘A S easo n fo r P eac e’1-— The Port­
land G ay M en 's holiday concert
“G oodw ill to A lfa sse m b le s music
from various cultures and traditions
to celebrate the hoi iday season with
perform ances scheduled at Kaul
A uditorium on Friday and S atur­
day Dec. 15-16 at 8 p.m. and Sun­
day, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m.
Newport'sjazzfor the Holidays—
Friday, Dec. 29 thru M onday, Jan.
I . the Oregon C oast Counei I for the Holiday Ale Festival
Arts will host N ew p o rt's Jazz for
the Holidays, a massive New Years Trippin' through Town — Take a
Eve Party, spread out o ver 4 days trip through tim e to find the hottest
a n d h e a d lin e d by s o m e o f poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­
P ortland’sja zz icons, including the ing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Bobby T orres Ensem ble and singer Ohm. $ 7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
N ancy King, at the N ew port Per­
Belly D an ce C lasses — Caravan
fo rm in g A rts C e n te r. V is it
S tu d io s o ffers classe s in belly
jazzatnew port.org or cal 1888-701 -
dance. African dance and more.
Visit w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
Timetojam — Jam N ight Portland's
ever-popular com edy and variety
show is at Christian Performing Arts
Center, 8 1.3 1 N. Denver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday night starting
at 9 p.m. with dinner by Mondemaj
Catering next door to the show at
6:30and7:30p.m .
Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar
Sponsored by:
Famous Nature Photographs
Fam ed w orks by p h o to g rap h er
A n sel A d am s, in c lu d in g ‘T h e
Tetons and the Snake R iver.’ and
many other o f the most beautiful
national sites, is on display this fall
and inter at the W orld Forestry
C enter D iscover M useum.
O M S I P re s e n ts : B lac k H o les —
A flight sim u lato r tran sfo rm s real
sc ien tific data about black holes
in to stu n n in g v isu a liz atio n s in
O M S l's new p lan etariu m show
"B lack holes: T he O th er S ide o f
In fin ity ." For m ore in fo rm atio n ,
call 503-797-41XX) or visit om si.edu.
Live Music Every Night
• Kick o ff your week with liv ejazz every Sunday
at 9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont).
• Participate in a mixed-media open mic night each
M onday at the Back-to-Baek Café (614 East
• The T hom City Improv, featuring m em bers of
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„ . u tu
M el B rown
Q u tv ah .T h e
Chosen and The Black Notes, per­
fo rm at C o n a n 's (3 8 6 2 S .E .
H aw thorne) every T uesday at 10
• C elebrate Hump Day at The Red
Sea (3 8 1 S.W . 3rd Ave) after work
on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
• Inch tow ard the w eekend at the
C andlelight Room (2032 SW 5th
A ve) with the Black Notes, per­
form ing each Thursday.
• C e le b ra te F rid a y w ith M el
Brown, playing jazz at S alty'severy
Friday and Saturday, and Jim my
M ak 's on T uesdays and T hurs­
• Live R eggaeon F ridaysand Sat­
urdays a, M ontego Bay, ( 1239 S.W.