il, November 22. 2006 1 ‘P ort lattò (Obseruer PageA5 F ood Tart Cherry Salad Words of Thanks This recipe has been in my fam ily fa r years: a long standing holiday favorite. It's pleasantly tart and a perfect complement to any meal INGREDIENTS 2 (16 ounce) cans tart red cherries 2 (8 ounce) cans crushed pineapple 1 -cup sugar 2 (6 ounce) packages cherry gelatin 3 cups ginger ale 34 cup llaked coconut I cup chopped nuts (optional) Thank You Hooray for Thanksgiving Thank you for this special time To offer our Thanksgiving. Thank you for this food, and fo The blessed lives we’re living. It's Thanksgiving dinner. Let's not be late. There’s lots of good food. So fill your plate. With pie at the end, It can't be beat. DIRECTIONS D rain c h erries and pineapple, reserving juices. Set fruit aside. » A d d en o u g h w a te r to th e c o m b in e d ju ie e s to m a k e 3 - l/4 c u p s ; . pour into a saucepan. A dd sugar; bring to a boil. R em ove from ‘ » the heat; stir in gelatin until d issolved. Add ch e rrie s, p in e­ apple and g inger ale. C hill until partially set. Stir in coco n u t and nuts if desired. Pour into an oiled 3-qt. M old o r 13”x 9 ” x 2" pan. C hill until firm , ab o u t 3 hours. Prep time: 15 min. by S. Sperry The list of all we’re grateful for Would fill a great big book; Our thankful hearts find new delight: Everywhere we look! Hooray for Thanksgiving. There's so much to eat! Yields: 16 servings Bacon Cheese Potatoes New Delights Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY O R A N C H E R 'S — TfcNQERANGUSM This is a really easy sidedisli to prepare and goes great with any meal. Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Chuck Pot ¡¡oast Boneless. SAVE up to $2 50 lb. INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS • 8 medium potatoes • Vi cup finely chopped onion • I pound process American cheese, cubed • I-cup mayonnaise • Vi pound sliced bacon, cooked and crumbled • 3A cup sliced black olives • 1 tsp. Chopped fresh parsley (optional) • I pinch Paprika (optional) Peel the potatoes; place in a saucepan and cover with water. Cook until tender but still firm; drain and cube. In a bowl, mix potatoes with onion, cheese and m ayon­ naise. Transfertoan ungreased 13”x 9 ”x2”, baking dish. Sprinkle with bacon and o l­ ives. C over and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 m inutes or until heated throughout. If desired, sprinkle with parsley and paprika. Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes QQ Wild Alaskan Sockeye Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Salmon Fillets Butcher s Cut Grade A. Locally Grown. SAVE op lo t , 50 111. ■D Froren/tbawed SAVE up lo S3 00 lb. Yields: 10 Servings Sweet Navel Oranges Creamy Corn Casserole Large Hass Avocados H Y O N c ciro N C Club Price SI 00 ea O ' Organics Salads 5-ot.package Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 79 on 2 SAVE up lo 791 on 1 This recipe is truly the most delicious stuff! It is incred­ ibly easy to prepare. Ingredients • Vi cup butter, melted • 2 eggs, beaten • I (8.5 ounce) package dry com bread mix • I (15 ounce) can w hole kernel com , drained • I (14.75 ounce) can cream ed corn • 1 -cup sour cream HOLIDAY CHEER PARTY Directions • Preheat oven to 350degrees, and slightly grease a 9”x 9" baking dish. • In a medium bow l,com bine butter.eggs, com bread mix. whole and cream ed corn and sour cream . Spoon mixture into pre­ pared dish. • Bake for 45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Prep time: 5 minutes C ook tim e: 45 minutes Yields: 8 servings Pseudo Sourdough for the Bread Machine 77»t.v bread is has a delicious taste twist. Note: Use only real sour cream fo r this recipe! INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • You're Invited. Celebrate the Holiday Season 3A cup W ater % cup Sour cream, room tem perature 1 TBS. V egetable oil I 1/8 tsp. Salt 3 eups Bread (lour 2 TBS. Dry potato Hakes 2 TBS. W hite sugar 1 */i tsp. A ctive dry yeast -ta_____ Dairy Glen Milk G eneral M ills C ereal Gallon Whole 2% 1%, or Fat Free tO to 13 75-02 Selected varieties Club Price $ , 66 ea SAVE up lo $719 on 3 with us. BE Y ONE, GET ONE FREE KJMI II«« VAI If FMI K eebler M ix M atch S ale a i m 16-02 N* Selected varieties SAVE up to $3.99 on 2 CLUB PRICE December 7th 4 to 8 pm tu jv v . v v iiu l vve n a v e lu lake your holiday enter- aining effortless. Enjoy im pling th ro u g h o u t the store. e-order all your holiday eeds. Enjoy great food, great atmosphere and eet and greet our staff. Arrowhead ' Water S afew ay Butter ' Top Bread 24-pack 169-02. bottles Club Price $4 50 ea SAVE up to 17 98 oo 2 18-Pack Budwei, Miller or Coon 22 5-02 Homestyle White or Wheat SAVE up lo St 99 on 2 12-oz hotties Selected varieties Plus deposit m Dreg SAVE up to $4 00 ' '* tf/zl DIRECTIONS Place ingredients in the pan o f the bread machine: in the order suggested by m anufac­ turer. Select; W hite Bread setting, and start the machine. Yields: I Loaf To make life easier for meal preparations, the ‘Food Section' will present an assortmentof hearty. healthy and user-friendly winter and holiday recipes. For recipe requests or suggestions contact: Subject. Food Section Saleway SELECT Softly Bath Tissue 12 Double 24-Single a S-Triple Roll Club Price $4 50 ea SAK epleS4 H » 2 Molts Apple Juice 64 or Selected van ClUt ’ BICI flies Club Price St 25 ea SAVE up lo SS 71 on NOV-DEC • 10 !BB »»I 14* IB« •«« I UP a » 1 s i « i I«-to !■* I « y« Sto» 34 Al I I IMtTS ARE PFR UOCSFIIOID. PFR DAY Item' ft p n m ,n thn ad are avjdaNe at ynur I«xa4 ^afewty «orcs. No u f o to dealctv re«aurann or inmtutiont Safo in mail quantum only • «/ .L - .. • -------— only U u n titm ofwrne wem. mar he hmtied and Mibytu ro «aiJahdit? Not rewonuhle for rvpognph nal ____ or , pnt<»rul 7 °” enon , nsem We ’ revrvr H lt y rhe 10 c right ,orrK’ to 4* corral Pnnie^ all r pnnted t o n O n c ro Buv n On One, Buv Get One, One Get Free One PB O Free G O fB , O orten. G O ’ rutfomer j orten. fu«omer mu«jtunha»e mu« pun me hate tin» ,w item to meive ... the m o n d item tree BOGO orten are mit I 2 prue u f o It only a Tingle item purchased. the regular prxe applm Manufacturin' mupon» may be used on purchased germ only - not on fret germ (-2006 Satewav Stem, Int 't