Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 22, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    November 22. 2006
Page A3
r t lauft (Dhseruer
Zoo Opens Horizons to Local Youth
con tin u ed
fro m F ront
d irec to r, left the industry.
“ D arryl and som e com m ittee
m em bers left for other pursuits, but
w e’re still trying to see how we can
make it w ork.” G om ez said.
G o m ez said it’s also im portant
to focus on recru itm en t before
the co lleg e level, prior to w hen
m any stu d en ts form ca reer d e c i­
s io n s .
A n o th er lim itatio n he rec o g ­ targ ets teen s w ho may have o th ­
n iz e s h its c lo s e r to h o m e - e rw is e k n o w n n o th in g a b o u t
P o rtla n d ’s u n resp o n siv en e ss to w o rking at the zoo. It co m b in es
its ch a n g in g d em o g rap h ics.
en vironm ental ed ucation with jo b
W hen V ecch io arriv ed at the sk ills like m an ag in g tim e and
O regon Z oo in 1998. he brought m oney. P articip an ts are recruited
along a m odel program he created from o th e r co m m u n ity program s
in R hode Island that fam iliarizes like B oys and G irls C lubs. S elf
in n er-city y outh w ith zo o o c c u ­ E n h an cem en t. Inc. and S ch o o ls
p atio n s, ca lled Z A P o r Z oo A n i­ U niting N eig h b o rs (S U N ) sites.
mal P resenters.
During its first year 10 positions
Z A P is a paid in te rn sh ip that were tilled, this year V ecchio says
the zoo received 80 applicants.
Pam McElwee. Z A P program co­
ordinator, said this past year they
reached 13,(XX)kids. ‘T h e idea is to
reach out to folks w ho may no,
norm ally visit the zoo and d o n ’t
have access to that kind o f educa­
tion." she said.
T he presenters groupgrew when
its graduates were trained as coun­
selors for the zo o ’s second diver­
sity program - UNO or Urban N a­
ture O vernight.
U N OcoordinatorJody Van Riper
V ecch io created U N O in 2004) said it is m odeled after W onderful
to e n g a g e m in o rity youth from O utdoor W'orld. a sim ilar nation­
ages eight to 11, mainly from north­ wide program that reaches inner-
e a s t an d n o rth P o rtla n d an d city youth ages eight to 12.
H illsboro. U N O c o u n se lo rste a c h
Z A Pand UNO budgets w ill grow
kids ab o u t the o u td o o rs through this year to the$l(X).(XK)to$2( X).(XX)
o v ern ig h t cam p in g . T he zoo re ­ range, and V ecchio hopes to locate
p o rted that out o f the 3(X) U N O jobs for Z A P graduates.
p a rtic ip a n ts th is past sum m er,
"I alw ays envisioned Z A P kids
n early h alf had n ever been c a m p ­ would return as future zookeepers,’’
ing before.
he said.
Lining Up for Vanport Square
c o n tin u e d dK fr o m F ront
and other seattxxi as "m ore a d es­
tination place."
"I started talking with Ray in the
spring o f 2002,” Fife said. "The
chance to ow n my own property
was an attraction and dealing with
Ray was the final piece. I stuck with
Ray's vision."
M aintaining the vision o f a co m ­
m u n ity -a n c h o re d re ta il c e n te r
h a s n 't b ee n e a s y . L e a ry an d
willing to sell w ithout assurance o f
obtaining adequate replacem ent for
by the m onth o ra lease was a major
its heath and senior services facili­
inducem ent for most o f the buyers,
ties, which the developm ent team
including Hom o f A frica ow ner
was unable to supply.
M uham m ed Yousef.
The plans also called for acquir­
"It's my own space, my own
ing a group o f hom es on Northeast
building, I own it!" Y ousef said,
G arfield Street, but two o f the ow n ­
passionately excited about his new
ers were unw illing to sell. W orst o f
location to be. The Horn o f Africa
all, the deal foragrocery fell through,
has been doing business at 3939
and the team w as unable to find
N.E. M artin Luther King
another anchor tenant.
Jr. Blvd. for 10 years, but
Eventual ly Gerding-Edlen
Y ousef said, "The (new )
dropped o ff the team. PDC
location isa lot better than
gave several extensions on
w here I'm at now ,” de­
the o rig in al dev elo p m en t
scribing his current digs
timeline, but became increas­
as "dom inated by crack
ingly restive. The urban re­
new al d is tric t's ad v iso ry
He adds that he has
com m ittee, in its budget re­
— Muhammed Yousef, Horn of Africa owner
found Leary to be "a nice
view, endorsed funding for
guy, very honest and help­
V anport, but also included
W oolley, together with the huge alternative uses for the funds if the
U nlike Yousef, w ho is moving G erding-E dlen Co., won develop­ project fell through.
lock, stock and barrel, restaurant ment rights to the site in 1999. At
L ast y ear, th e team p ro p o sed
ow ner M arco Shaw will continue to first the plan was a m ega-project leasin g the M arco b u ild in g to a
operate his Fife location as a neigh­ spanning three square blocks and teleco m m u n icatio n s service co m ­
borhood restaurant serving co m ­ a new grocery.
pany. S om e n eig h b o rs p ro tested
fort foods with locally grow n and
T hen there w ere difficulties. that the p ro p o sed use w ould p ro ­
produced foods, w hile opening M ultnom ah County, w hich ow ns vide no b en efits to the ad jacen t
Hard-Shell in Vanport with shellfish the northernm ost block, was un­ co m m u n ity , an d that the public
It's my own
space, my own
building, I own it!
p ilo ro by M ark W ashing ion / T hp P ok i i . a n d O iisi kvpk
Construction is at a fast pace for the future Vanport Square business and retail park at Northeast
Emerson Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard.
su b sid y (th e p ro ject receiv ed $9
m illion in tax increm ent financing
and new m arket tax c re d its) w as
ex c essiv e in relation to its size.
S om e called for the rep lacem en t
o f L eary and W o o lley as the d e ­
v elo p m en t team .
In contrast, there is strong sup­
port for the current schem e.
"There were som e people who
tried to underm ine Ray’s and my
effo rts for th eir ow n reasons,"
W oolley told the Portland O b ­
server. "People are staunchly be­
hind us now. W e’ve gone a long
way tow ard cem enting our relation­
ships with the com m unity."
At the o p en in g ce le b ra tio n .
Leary thanked virtually everyone
who had played a part in the pro­
cess. He com pared the planning to
the lives o f Jackie Robinson and
Joe Louis.
"All the hiccups, false starts and
travails to get here, they were noth­
ing. T oday we can start Vanport,"
he said.
Rose Festival President Named
First African
American to
lead group
L eslie G o o d lo w -B a ld w in o f
n o rth ea st P ortland w ill lead the
R ose F estival board d u rin g the
festiv al's 100th y ear in 2007. She
is the first A frican A m erican to
head P o rtla n d ’s annual trad itio n .
G o o d lo w -B a ld w in , p ro g ra m
Leslie Goodlow-Baldwin
m a n a g e r fo r th e M u ltn o m a h
C o unty D evelo p m en tal D isa b ili­
She ca lls h erse lf on e o f the
ties P rogram , jo in e d the Rose fe stiv a l's b ig g est c h e erle ad e rs.
F estival board in 1999 and has S ince m oving to P o rtlan d w hen
served in key le ad ersh ip roles.
she w as five years o ld , she has
Turkey Fryer Safety Urged
m ls se d -o n ly on e G ran d Floral
"M y fam ily had its favorite spot
on the route, ju s t like th o u san d s
o f p e o p le in P o rtla n d . B ein g
elec ted to th is b oard w as one o f
the b iggest a c c o m p lish m e n ts o f
my life," G o o d lo w -B ald w in said.
"A nd I am pro u d to be the first
A frican A m erican to lead the Rose
F estiv al, esp e c ia lly d u rin g the
C en ten n ial C e le b ra tio n ."
T he R ose F e stiv a l’s C e n te n ­
nial celebration will feature a trib ­
ute to P o rtla n d ’s h isto ry , cu ltu re
an d co m m u n ity w ith en h an ced
trad itio n al festival events, as w ell
as new ac tiv itie s ce n tered on the
100-y ea r o b se rv a n ce .
Tocdl residents are urged to
use care when cooking holiday
m eals especially if using a turkey
"If you’re cooking your turkey
in a deep fat fryer, do it outdoors
and never leave it unattended,”
advises O regon State Fire M ar­
shal N ancy Orr. "Because hot oil
is extrem ely dangerous, don't use when adding or rem oving food
turkey fryers on w ooden decks or from the fryer.
in garages."
If the oil begins to smoke, im­
A dditional turkey fryer safety m ediately turn the fryer gas sup­
tips from the C onsum er Product ply off, Oregonians need to be
Safety Com m ission advises holi­ careful in the kitchen too. Cook­
day cooks to raise and low er food ing fires are one o f the leading
slow ly to reduce splatter and pre­ causes o f residential tires in O r­
vent bum s and to cover bare skin egon.
2808 N.E Martin Luther King Jr.
Portland. Or. 9 7 2 12
Phone (503)493-8127 • Lax (503) 528-8298
Lunch Menu
C ajun S h rim p shrim p sau teed with butter, wine, garlic a n d tom ato
C alam ari served with aioli a n d cocktail sauce
Crab & A rtichoke D ip with feta , parm esan, p a rsley a n d tortilla chips
Crab C akes served with a rem oulade on a b ed o f m ixed greens
O nion R ings served with ranch dressing
Q uesadilla served with shredded lettuce, tom ato a n d onions
be the change: become a fo ster parent
The Boys & Girls Aid Society is a private non-profit agency serving
our communities most vulnerable youth by providing them with
S A l A O k J t SO I PS
quality and nurturing foster care placements. We want to make
H o u se S a la d served with m ixed greens, tomato, onion, cucum bers a n d carrots
Clam C how der served with o yster crackers
C aesar S a la d served with romaine, croutons, a n d P arm esan C heese
C h e f S a la d Turkey, Ham. C heddar & Swiss. Tomato, Egg, Bacon a n d choice o f dressing
Cobh S alad chicken, bacon, tomato, avoc., blue cheese crumbles, olives, an v dressing
G reek S a la d Kalam ata olives, onions, tomato, fe ta cheese with a vinaigrette
S h rim p L o u ie bay shrim p, black olives, tomato, egg, a n d choice o f dressing
Taco S a la d served in a tortilla bow l with m ixed greens, tomato, onions, olives,
cbeddar cheese, so u r cream, guacam ole, tortilla chips a n d p ico d e gallo
the difference for youth, and to do this we start by listening.
We want foster parents who w ill include us as they do their own
children, take us out In the community, talk to us, let us know we
are safe, listen and not always try to fix things, treat us with love
and respect, be a good role model, and who are non-judgmental.
Could you be the foster parent we are looking for? Contact us today at 503-542-2311
or fostercarcOboysandgirlsaid org to find out how you can be the change for a child and
become a foster parent
The Boys & Girls Aid Society
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> J
S A N D W IC H E S *A ll sandw iches served with F rench fries
R L T Bacon, lettuce, tom ato a n d m ayo on sourdough
F ren ch D ip thin sliced p rim e rib served au ju s
H a lf S a n d w ich & S o u p choice o f turkey, ham o r roast b e e f lettuce, tom ato a n d m avo
served with clam chow der
P rim e R ih S andw ich s e n e d open fa ce, au ju s, on toasted sourdough
R eu b en ( ornetl beef with ¡0 0 0 island dressing, Sw iss cheese and sauerkraut
Iu rk e y Club, turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, H avarti cheese, bacon and m avo
on Toasted Sourdough
-Paul, a youth in foster care
w w w .b o ysa n d g irlsa id .o rg
B I 'R fiF .R S *AU burgers served with F ren ch frie s
B B Q B acon C heeseburger with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, m avo
B u ffa lo ( h icken B u rg er tossed in a spicy sauce, with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, m avo
C lassic C h eeseburger lettuce, tom ato, onion, m ayo
Patty M elt seasoned burger with red onion, Sw iss cheese, 1000 island dressing
Spice B u rg er ( ajun spice, stuffed with blue cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, m avo onion
l.l A t H F A I R E F S A ll entrees served with soup or salad
8oz N ew York Steak cooked to perfection a n d served with onion rings
( h ic ke n A lfred o with fettu ccin e pasta. A lfredo sauce, garlic, parsley parm esan cheese
H a lib u t E ish & Chips b readed a n d deep fr ie d s e n ed with fries, cole slaw it tartar sauce
K ID 'S M l \ I *()ne o f th e fo llo w in g , plus a Soda pop or p a n
Fish & Chips - C hicken Strips - Spice Mac - C heeseburger - G rilled C h e e se - Q uesadilla
l)J on Thursday, Friday & Saturday - Sunday is free Karaoke and Pool