PagcA2 !‘ÏJortlattb © hseruer Salsa Party to End Racism Friends and supporters o f U niting to Understand Racism are in vite d to a Salsa Party fundraiser fo r the organization on Friday, Dee. I from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the W edding House 2 7 15 S.E. 39th Ave. The event w ill include appe tizers, desserts, soft drinks, cham­ pagne and w ine and a beginning level Salsa class taught by a pro fcssional dance instructor. There w ill be other Latin dance perfor­ mances, a music DJ, a silent auc­ tion and door prize drawings. Tickets, $25 for singles and $40 fo r couples, can be ordered by sending a check made out to UUR-Salsa Part II at P.O. Box 1089, Portland, OR 07202-1089. For more inform ation, call Macceo Pettis al 5( 13-284-3818 or visit November 22. 2006 Simpson ‘Tell Tale’ Murder Story Destructs ’If I Did It' book, interview had big Fox-TV money trail ( AP) - The (). J. Simpson txx>k saga took another tw ist Tuesday when his fo rm e r s is te r-in -la w , Denise Brown, accused the media company behind the project o f try ­ ing to buy her fam ily's silence for "m illio n s o l dollars." tions w ith representatives o f Nicole B ro w n S im p s o n 's and Ron Goldman's fam ilies over the past week and that the fam ilies were offered all profits from the planned Simpson book and television show, but he denied that it was hush Simpson's book, " I f I did it." was money. a sequel few had dared conceive, "T h e re w ere no s trin g s a t­ w ith Simpson — acquitted o f mur- tached," News Corp, spokesman deri ng his ex-w i I'e and her friend but Andrew Butcher said. later found liable in c iv il court — Denise Brown told N BC 's "To­ describing how he would have killed day" show Tuesday that her fam ily's them. response was "A bsolutely not." . 1 A spokesman fo r News Corp., "They wanted to o ffe r us m il­ O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown are pictured in this 1993 file owner o f Fox Broadcasting and lions o f dollars. M illio n s o f dollars photo. publisher HarperCollins, confirmed for, like. Oh, I'm sorry' money. But Brown said. "W e ju st thought, oh canceled the w hole thing, less than that the company had conversa­ they were still going toairthe show," my god.’ What they're tryin g to do a week after it was announced. is tryin g to keep us quiet, tryin g to "I and senior management agree make this like hush money, trying w ith the Am erican public that this to go around the c iv il verdict, g iv ­ was an ill-co n sid e re d p ro je ct," ing us this money to keep our M urdoch said. "We are sorry fo r mouths shut.” any pain that this has caused the ■ ■ H i luephoria jr »V • A ny fascination w ith Simpson's shocking return to public life was overcome by revulsion and disbe­ lie f from much o f the public. Even N e w s C o rp ’s R u p e rt Murdoch, a media king w ith a fa­ mous taste fo r scandal, couldn't stand it anymore. On M onday, he - fam iliesof Ron Goldman and N ¡cole Brown Simpson." " I f I D id It" had been scheduled to a ir as a tw o-part interview Nov. 27 and N ov. 29 on Fox, w ith the b o o k to f o llo w on N o v . 30. H arperC ollins spokeswoman Erin Crum said some copies had already been shipped to stores but w ould be recalled, and all copies w ould be destroyed. Simpson's attorney, Y a le i ialantcr. told The Associated Press: "W e had known for three or four days that this was a possibility." "There are o nly three possible reactions: anger, happiness o r in ­ difference. He’s totally indifferent about the fact that it's been can­ celed," Galanter said. He said he didn't know i f Simpson was paid upfront. Simpson was acquitted o f m ur­ der in 1995 but was later found liable fo r the deaths in a w rongful- death suit file d by the Goldman fam ily. Simpson has failed to pay the $33.5 m illio n judgm ent against him in the c iv il case. His N F L pen­ sion and his Florida home cannot legally be seized. He and the fa m i­ lies o f the victim s have wrangled over the money in court fo r years. The cancellation was a stunning rebuke to ReganBooks — a high- profile im print o f H arperC ollins— and Judith Regan, who had labeled the book and interview Simpson's "confession." She insisted that she had done it not fo r m oney, but as a v ic tim o f dom estic v io ­ lence anxious to face dow n a man she believed got aw ay, lite ra lly , w ith murder. ; •• a R tf : <51 -, • . » • » * ► «T S »Jr --•3 Blue Man Group on OPB T V * 10pm Wednesday, November 29 6pm Sunday, December 3 8pm Tuesday, December 5 * Blue Man Group is coming to Portland! Special tickets are available to OPB supporters. Tune in for details. Channel 10 Council on American Islamic Relations spokespersons Mohammed AbuHannoud (left) and Bushra, answer questions during a news conference regarding the removal o f six imams from a US Airways flight. (AP photo) Muslim Scholars Kicked Off Plane Airline behavior called outrageous ( A P ) — The C o u n cil on A m e ri­ can-Islam ic Relations called Tues­ day fo r an in ve stig a tio n in to the behavior o f a irlin e s ta ff and a ir­ port security in the rem oval o f six M u s lim scholars fro m a US A ir ­ ways flig h t a day e a rlie r. A passenger raised concerns about the imams — three o f w hom said th e ir norm al evening prayers in the a irp o rt te rm in a l before b o a rd in g the P h o e n ix -b o u n d plane — through a note passed NEW SEASONS to a flig h t attendant, according to Andrea Rader, a spokeswom an fo r US A irw a y s . “ We are concerned that crew members, passengers and secu­ r ity personnel may have suc­ cum bed to fear and p re ju d ice based on stereotyping o f M u s­ lim s and Islam ,” said N ihad Awad, the c o u n c il’ s executive d ire cto r. The six were re tu rn in g fro m a conference in M in n e a p o lis o f the N o rth A m e rica n Im am s Federa­ tio n , said O m a r Shahin o f Phoe­ n ix, president o f the group. “ They to o k us o f f the plane, h u m iliated us in a very disrespect­ fu l w a y,” Shahin said a fte r the in cid e n t. P olice were ca lle d a fte r the captain and a irp o rt security w o rk ­ ers asked the men to leave the plane and the men refused, Rader said. Shahin said no one asked the six to leave u n til p o lice arrived, when the group co m p lie d . The other passengers on the flig h t, w hich was carrying 141 pas­ sengers and fiv e cre w members, were re-screened fo r boarding. Rader said. The plane to o k o f f about three hours a fte r the men were rem oved. G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y M A R K E T Pfiar ' fansfç f> * w 1 «S Ateare,a regularpharmacy'. V \Ne fill p r e s c r ip tio n s - in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti- d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re . |r W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo r m a tio n . O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s re q u e s te d . ✓ W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . M eet y o u r P h a rm a c is t M ehnda B u tle r Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D . N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 8 4 8 w w w n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m • M O N -F R I 9 a m - 7 p m • S A T 9 a m - 6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m - 4 p m "LITTLE THINGS" (A rtw o rk 7 " & u n d e r) Begins the day after Thanksgiving November 24-December 26 • Changing M onthly Exhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop • Custom Framing OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 •