Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 15, 2006, Image 9

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
M etro
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Novem ber IS. 2(M,6
B e a u ty
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Preventing cold and flu, plus tips fo r
managing your hair. See pages B2 and B3, inside
* t onintuni ty> se n
it e
Acclaimed dancer
coming to Portland
Playwright Lava Alapai tells the story o f a
woman who s just learned she's black.
A Portland audience will soon explode in
excitement for the dazzling work of flamenco
artist Eva Yerbabuena.
Accompanied by her outstanding musicians
and singers, Yerbabuena brings her new pro­
duction. “ Ballet Flamenco Eva Yerbabuena” to
the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall for an exclu­
sive performance on Wednesday, Nov. 29 at
7:30 p.m., presented by Portland’s White Bird
Dance series.
Based in Seville, Spain, Yerbabuena is con­
sidered by many to be the most important and
exciting flamenco artist working today. She
receives accolades for the purity of her work
and the intensity of her spirit.
She last played in Portland to a wildly enthu­
siastic sold-out house in the spring of 2004.
Yerbabuena was featured in Stomp's award­
winning IMAX fdm “Pulse,” and has wonevery
major Spanish choreographic award, most no­
tably the Premio Nacional de Danza 2001, a
recognition ot her place among the great figures
of flamenco.
Dance Insider describes her as not only an
impressive flamenco dancer, but an impressive
dancer, period.
Tickets are available at all Ticketm aster
locations and the Portland Center for the
Performing Arts Box Office on Southwest
Broadway and Main.
Racial Issues
Satire follows journey
of self-realization
A local playwright is challenging racial issues
with levity and bravery in her world premiere
production "Mutt” opening Friday, Nov. 24 at
North Portland's Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Lava Alapai tells the story of a bi-racial young
adult's mistaken Caucasian self-identity. She
follows the harrowing yet achingly funny jour­
ney of Serena Matthews as she comes to the
realization of her own race.
Both a playwright and performer, Alapai
speaks out on untold aspects of racial tension
such as black racism towards mixed-race people,
and a multicultural person's confusion when
The play digs deeply
into questions o f cultural
ownership, unwritten
rules o f racial identity,
and the boxes we are
pushed into by race.
Eva Yerbabuena is
one o f the world’s
most exciting flamenco
dancers. Whitebird
Dance brings her to
Portland’s Schnitzer
Concert Hall on Wednes­
day, Nov. 29.
Sisters in Action Celebrate 11 Powerful Years
Sisters in Action for Power, the grassroots
organization for young women promoting ra­
cial, economic and gender equity, will hold
their 11 th Annual Celebration on Friday, Nov.
17 at 6:30 p. m . in the Ki ng Elementary School
cafeteria, 4906 N.E. Sixth Ave.
/com m unity
C a le n d a r
Work Against Abuse
Com m unity A dvocates invites those in­
terested in protecting children from abuse
to becom e an event volunteer, event out­
reach. technology expert, graphic artists
or office support team member. For more
information,call 503-280-1388.
Women in Community Service
V olunteerfem ale mentors are being sought
by W om en in C om m unity Service to work
with incarcerated women at the Coffee
Creek C orrectional Facility. The women
provide support and encouragem ent for
inm ates transitioning from prison back
intothe com munity. For more information,
Black History Museum
The Black History M useum o f Oregon is
seek i ng bri 11 i an t m i nds o f concerned indi­
viduals to help in restructuring the m u­
seum foundation's com m ittee. For infor­
mation, call 503-284-0617.
Global Exchange
T h ursday, N ov. 16. at 6 p.m . at the PSU
The theme of the evening is “Passing the
Torch: Emerging Leaders - A Vision Comes
Sisters in Action for Power Executive Direc­
tor Amara Perez is leaving the organization and
will pass the torch toTerenie Faison, a longtime
S m ith C en ter Ball Room . Portland State
U niversity S tu d en ts for U nity, present
N ig eria n e n v iro n m e n ta l and hum an
rig h ts a c tiv ist, O m o y ele S o w o re: a
fo rm er political p riso n er, speaking o f
the death and d estru ctio n cau sed by
m ultinatio n al oil co m p an ies th ro u g h ­
out the N iger D elta.
Oregon Food Bank
T he Oregon Food Bank seeks volunteers
on M ondays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m..
and Tuesdays. 9 a.m. to mxin. to sort and
repack perishable foods. Cal 15, 13-282-0555,
e x te n s io n 2 7 2 o r v isit th e w eb at
O regon foodban k .org.
Racial Profiling Discussion
T uesday, Nov. 21. from Nix,n to I p.m. at
the Portland State U n iv ersity 's Smith
M emorial Student Union. M ulticultural
C enter, Smith 228, JoA nn Bowman, the
associate director o f Oregon Action, will
discuss "R acial Profiling and Resistance
in Portland".
Title Wave Book Sale
M ultnom ah County L ibrary’s Title W ave
U sed Bookstore, 216 N.E. Knott St. hosts
a custom er appreciation sale Friday, Nov.
24, from 5:30 a m. until 4 p.m. Treasures
member and youth leader.
The new staff leadership team will include
Chirece Olugbala and Courtney Jones, also
longtime members and graduates of the group
leadership program.
For more information, call 503-331 -1244.
hidden throughout the store. For more
inform ation, call 503-988-5021 or visit
m ultcolib.org/titlew ave.
Women of the Season
Sunday. Nov. 26, at 4 p.m., the V ancouver
Avenue First Baptist Church, 3128 N.
V ancouver Ave., presents: honored guest
Jessica P. Manaway, Evangelist C.P. Monk,
Lady Della Johnson, and M issionary Zina
M cGee to share the gospel and rebuild
Volunteer for Crisis Line
W ant to m ake a d ifferen ce in y o u r co m ­
m u n ity ? V o lu n teers and ad vo cates are
needed for the Portland W o m en 's C ri­
sis Line. T he needs include on-call ad ­
vocates to resp o n d in person or over
the phone, o u treach and educational
effo rts, and fu n d raisin g and ad m in is­
trative duties. Call 503-232-4176 form orc
inform ation.
Home buying Classes
Portland C o m m u n ity Land T rust helps
firs, tim e and low -incom e h om ebuyers
p urchase h om es at below m arket price.
A ttend a free, o n e-h o u r class to learn
m o re a b o u t th e p ro g ra m . C o n ta c t
Ke I ly (ft pclt.org o r cal 1503-493-0293.
trying to be "black enough."
The play is loosely based on Alapai's personal
experience of moving from her home in Hono­
lulu, Hawaii, to West Virginia for her first year
of college in 1992. Raised by her Japanese
mother and grandmother and her Hawaiian
grandfather, she'd never been exposed to black
family members.
Experiencing her "blackness" in the mainland
South was an entirely surprising experience -
one she wasn't equipped to handle at the time
that is beautifully transformed into a very per­
sonal fiction in “Mutt.”
The play digs deeply into questions o f cultural
ow nership, unw ritten rules o f racial identity, and the
boxes we are pushed into by race.
Serena is 18 years old when she learns from her
guidance counselor (Jane Fellows) that she is
Bradley-Angle House
The Bradley-A ngle House needs volun­
teers to help its outreach against domestic
violence. W om en o f color and bilingual
w omen are encouraged to call. For more
information, call 5( )3-282-994(1.
December Zoo Lights
The w alk-through winter w onderland O r­
egon Zix, Lights com es to life throughout
the month o f D ecem ber. The festival in­
cludes: the lighted zoo train, choral and
ensem ble music, puppet show s, and a
model train display. Festival hours: Sun­
day - Thursday. 5:(Ml p.m. to 8 p.m.. Friday
and Saturday. 5:00p.m. to8:30p.m .Closed:
Dec. 24 and C hristm as Day. C ontact 503-
2 2 6 -1561 or visit oregonzoo.org for more
Parenting Classes
N ew borns d o n 't com e w ith instruction
m an u als but parents and p aren ts-,o -b e
can attend classe s through P rovidence
H ealth S ystem s to learn ab o u t a variety
o f to p ics from pain and ch ild b irth to
b reastfeed in g to infant C'PR and much
m ore. For a sch ed u le o f ev en ts, call 503-
5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 o r v isit: p ro v id e n c e .o rg /
c la sse s.
on page H5
“Scrooge Lives" Craft Bazaar
Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege will host
the 37th annual craft bazaar, at the Gresham
Cam pus Lounge; Room 1051. The bazaar
is scheduled for W ednesday. Nov. 29 and
Thursday, Nov. 30, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For more inform ation contact: 503-491-
Holiday Ceramics Sale
Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege invites the
public to attend the 23rd annual student
works sale to be held in the Visual Arts
CenterCallery at the MHCC Gresham Cam ­
pus, T uesday. Dec. 5 through Friday, Dec.
8, from 10a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday,
Dec.9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more
information, call 503-491 -7309.
Fashion Show Saturday
M en's and w o m en 's casual, business,
evening and wedding apparel will be fea­
tured at the "Im agine the Possibilities"
fashion show , Saturday, Nov. 18 from 8
p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Kennedy School-
M cM enam ins. A portion o f the profits will
benefit the W oodlaw n Boys o f D istinc­
tion, an after-school program started by
preem inent A frican A m erican teacher
Lionel Glegg.