November 15. 2006 Il?c n r t hut b (O bseruer PageA7 Focus i Subscribo e 503-288-0033 Fill Out, Cflp Out & Send To: |Jortlanb (Dbsmier Attn’. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame :__ A ddress :. T elephone : or email suhseriptinns@portlandohserver.eoin d an cs white bird PSU' CÒTE D ’IV O IR E A Calibration Of International Woman Choreographers COMPAGNIE TCHE TCHE “Q u een s o f Heart: C om m unity Therapists in Drag" is p re se n te d Friday a s part o f the N orthw est Film and Video Festival. ‘Queens of Heart’ at NW Film Fest The 33rd NW Film & Video Fes­ tival features "Queens of Heart: Community Therapists in Drag," Friday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Northwest Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium. The Film, eo-direeted by Jan Haaken. Wendy Kohn and the help of graduate students from Portland State University, brings Darcelle XV to the screen, the oldest drag club in the United States and a rite- o f-p a ssa g e p ilg rim a g e for bachelorettes from all over the Northwest. Darcelle ( WalterCole), the owner and the main attraction, has per­ formed there for over 30 years and isa Portland institution. But Darcelle and her other performers are more than just entertainers. For many, her club is a way for people to enter a world where they leave society's rules and genders restrictions at the door, where fora few hours they can act as they never would in their day-to-day life. Haaken. a Professor of Psychol- ogy at Portland State University with a focus in feminist and psy­ c h o a n a ly tic c u ltu ra l stu d ie s, insightfully explores audiences' reactions to the club and what that says about our society. From the girl's gone wild to guys that ner­ vously squirm as they laugh, the Darcelle experience provokes tell­ ing responses that obviously hit chords not otherwise played. Darcelle and friends will be on hand at the screening greeting view­ ers and doing a Q&A after the film. Scrooge Gets Skewered in ‘Inspecting Carol’ "TH E DANCE BECOMES AS AGGRESSIVE AS Holiday classic thown into a tailspin Artists Repertory Theatre launches the holiday season with “Inspecting Carol.” a farce about a theater company whose ump­ teenth annual Christmas Carol is being threat­ ened by megalomaniac actors, anxious board members, unscrupulous producers and an im­ pending inspection from the National Endow­ ment for the Arts. Developed by Seattle Repertory Theatre’s Artistic Director Dan Sullivan in collaboration with hiscompany of actors, “InspectingCarol” uses a holiday cash cow, the classic “A Christ­ mas Carol,” as a Trojan horse to investigate the absurdies of modern theater and modem theatrical Financing. In it, a local theater company’s annual pro­ duction of A Christmas Carol is thrown into a tailspin when the cash-strapped company learns that the National Endowment for the Arts is sending a site inspector to evaluate the quality of the theater’s Finances and produc­ tions. “Inspecting Carol” runs Nov. 14 through IT IS BE A U TIFU L - M adagascar T rib un e THURS-SAT, 8PM __ _ <1 DECEMBER / “ V LINCOLN HALL. SCHOOL OF FINE P0RTLAN0 TICKETS: $14 Students and Seniors. $25 Adult. Service fee additional. PSU Box Office (inside Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway). 503-725-3307 and ticketmaster 503-790-2787. Info./Groups: 503.245.1600 ext. 201 SPONSORED BY WILLAMETTE WEEK w w w .w h ite b ir d .o r g N asir N ajieb s ta r s In th e P ortland A rtists R epertory Theatre p ro d u c­ tion o f ‘In sp e c tin g Carol, ' a ta le o f th e c la s s ic ‘A C h ristm a s Carol' g o n e awry. Dec. 24. Performances are at 7 p.m. Tues­ days through Thursdays and Sundays; and 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets range from $22.50 to $42.50, with student and senior discounts available. Tickets can be purchased by phone at 503-241-1278, online at or at the box office at 1516 S.W. Alder St. "Keep Alive The Dream " Tribute to: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. When? Monday January 15th, 2007 12:00P.M.-6:00P.M. Serena Barton presents ‘The Story o f St. Catherine o f Bologna’ and other original paintings at the Interstate Firehouse Cul­ tural Center. Saints, Artists and Other Folk W orking in oil on canvass, found w ood and reclaim ed books, Serena Barton presents “Saints, Artists and O ther Folks” during an exhibit this month at the Interstate Firehouse Cul­ tural Center, 534ON. Interstate Ave. B a rto n ’s m ixed m ed ia w ork evokes the com plexities and desires o f life, relationships and o f the human response. She invites the view er into the lives o f many characters including E urope’s first professional artist Lavinia Fontana, and St. C atherine o f Bologna w ho is represented in her own shrine. H aving studied and w orked m any years in Italy, Barton isclearly influ­ enced by R enaissance and Baroque painters and by the 19th-century French “rebels” such as Manet. She is em boldened to create w ork that evokes the mystery, hum or and joy o f life. Gal lery Hours are Tuesday through Friday from 11 a .m .to 6 p .m .; Satur­ day from 12 p.m. to4 p.m. Admission is free. An a rtist's tea is scheduled Saturday, N ov. 18 at 1 p.m. Where? NEW LOCATION! Highland Center 7600 N.E. Glisan Portland, Oregon Who? Guest Speakers Musical Guests Entertaining Perfomiers mmunity Figures & More Donation: $3.00 or 3 cans of non-perishable food Live Broadcast/Simulcast Portland Com m unity Media (PCM ), KBOO 90.7 FM SPONSORS: Safeco Insurance, Portland Association of Teachers, McDonald's of Oregon and SW Washington, Dignity Memorial Locations, Oregon Education Association, Providence Health System, Enterprise Rent A-Car, Concordia University, Portland General Electric, Portland Community College, African American Chamber of Commerce, Portland Community Media, KBOO RADIO For program information & event schedule log onto: A Production of World Arts Foundation, Inc.