(T hv Page B 6 P n rtla n b (íDhseruer November 15, 2006 P o r i la n d O b s e r v e r A u f o R .e v ie w SPECIFICATIONS: 3.0-1 Iter, 16, 2 15 horsepower engine: 6-speed manual-overdrive transmission; MPG is 20 in city and 2 9 on highway; $43,50 0 MSRP. 2007 BMW 5251 K athleen C' akk A BM W is truly the ultimate driving m achine that provides the ultimate driving experience to its owners. No other car handles like a BMW. You have to drive itto really understand why it's called the ulti­ mate driving m achine. BM W o ffi­ cials confirm that 70 percent o f 5- Series ow ners are men and say BM W ow ners are people w ho love to dri ve, love a sense o f control and appreciate technology. L ike all BM W s, the 5-Series is a car that’s driven, not som ething you sort of point in the direction you want to by go and then float over road sur­ faces w ithout a sense o f being co n ­ nected to anything in the process. You will revel in the driving perfor­ mance. and cherish the moment you can get hack on the road. I driving the 525i iseffortless. The active front steering in the 5-Series is unbelievable. N othing seem s to upset its kind nature. The high- tech. ‘active steering' senses your turning needs: based on the ca r’s speed, that a lot o f turning is being requested and autom atically ad ­ justs the steering ratio for quick response. G one is the need to turn and turn and keep turning the steer­ ing wheel w hen exiting a parallel parking spot. So you can get out of just about any parking spot w ith no fuss. It takes a w hile to m aster the quick steering. The 525i has near perfect 5O-5O-weight distribution, w hich h elp s to red u ce w eight sw ings as the car travels around curves. Yes, effortless. The 525i com es loaded with equally impressive standard features such as: dual front and side airbags, front and rear side head-protection airbags,antilock 4-wheeldisc brakes, brake assist, antiskid system, rain­ sensing wipersystem. Dynamic Sta­ bility Control, active cm ise control, tire pressure monitors, dual zone air control, BMW Assist (emergency BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Aubrey Joyce Russell bom on October 25, 2006; 4 lbs. 12 oz. and concierge serv ice) system, out­ side-temperature display, a theft- deterrent system, remote keyless entry and so much more. The ¡Drive is the only feature that is bit trouble­ some. This system handles so many features that it can absorb the dri ver’ s attention from the road. The ¡Drive has a joystick knob that works con­ trolling most o f the key functions for the entertainment system, naviga­ tion, communication, climate con­ trols and com puter data inform a­ tional system . A lso available is BMW's Night Vision, which projects onto a dashboard screen images of objecLs beyond headlight range, very cool. The 525i overall is the ultimate luxury sedan. BMW owners expect the ultimate driving experience and expect to pay a premium price for that pri vi lege. Howe ver, the average con­ sumers must ask themselves; “Can I afford to support my BM W 's pre­ mium gas addiction?” and "How much does it cost to replace those run-fiat tires?” If you have the means then the ends would be to step up and lake the ultimate driving experi­ ence in the ultimate driving machine. If you are budget conscious but still have the 'BM W N eed', this would be a perfect lease vehicle. PORTLAND AUTO SERVICE Service Mechanic & Towing Tune ups Brakes Motors Transmissions General Mechanic Service (503) 493-1755 (503) 957-1209 IH IW U N C I Home Offire. Bloomington. Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland OR 97217 603 286 1103 Fax 603 28b 1146 einie lull hSmtr'oJstatefariu com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® s H air A ffa ir 2309 Neals Lane Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone: 360-695-5577 (AP) — A senior V atican cardinal on Tuesday condem ned the building o f walls between countries to keep out im m igrants and said W ashington's plan to build a fence on the U.S.-M exican border was part o f an "inhum an program ” . Cardinal Renato Martino made hiscom - ments at a new s conference presenting Pope B enedict’s m essage for the Roman C atholic C hurch’s W orld Day o f M igrants and Refugees, in which the Popecalled for more laws to help im m igrants integrate. "Speaking o f borders, I must unfortu­ nately say that in a world that greeted the fall o f the Berlin Wall with joy, new walls are being built between neighborhood and neighborhood, city and city, nation and nation," said M artino, head o f the V atican’s Council for Justice and Peace. Loaves & Fishes Centers, The M eals-O n-W heels People will deliver more than 1,000 ho, tur­ b Í t u a r i e s Grant Graduate Remembered Floyd ‘Tony’ Sails Funeral services were held M on­ day in Rose City Funeral Home follow ed by a m em orial service at the Firs, A M E Zion Church for F lo y d A n th o n y "T ony" Sails, w hodied Nov. 4, 2006 o fa heart attack a, the age 38. Mr. Sails was bont Feb. 7 . 1968, in S an d u sk y , O hio, and moved to P o rtla n d as a child. He graduated from G ran, High School in 1986, and held several jobs, includ­ ing Stocker, jan ito r and laborer, and most recently worked for Unisource M anufacturing. He m arried Tasha M alloy; they divorced. He was baptized at the First AM E Zion Church where he sang in the youth choir. He also at­ tended A lbina Church o f G od and Life C hange Christian Center. S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h is daughter. Elexis R. Sails; son, A dante Sails; m other and step­ father, Willie and C urtis Carr; fa­ ther, H ugo E. S a ils ; s is te r s , C y n th ia P erry ; brothers, Hugo D. Sails, M aury A. Sails, Frankie Stoudam irc and Pierre Sails; com panion and her sons. Sherri Thom pson. Terrance and Latrel I; form er wi fe Tasha and her son (his stepson). Teafan Malloy. In Loving Memory Shirley Jean Cunningham Funeral services were held M onday, N ov. 13, in the Church of the Living God, 6401 N.E. 10th Ave. in Portland, for Shirley Jean Cunningham, who died Nov. 2, 2006 at the age 58. Shirley Jean Micheaux was bom April 8. 1948, in Portland, where she lived all her life. She graduated from Lincoln High School and was a self-employed adult caregiver. Survivors include her sons, Michael G. Morton Jr., Anthony L. M orton and C harles E. Cunningham; mother. Hazel Micheaux; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Arrangements by Ross Hol­ lywood. Tues-Fri: 10 to 6 Mon & Sat: 10to4:3G Bryan Walden Cardinal Says Fence Inhuman key dinners to hom ebound seniors on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23. The organization wi 11 also host com m u­ nity T hanksgiving D inners in the Portland-V ancouver m etro area. Join a Thanksgiving dinner at one o f these locations betw een 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on T hursday, Nov. 23: Beaverton Loaves & Fishes 1505 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211 - Jesus - State Farm ' Providing Insurance and Financial Services R eligion Homebound Thanksgiving Meals Daytime Service Tow Truck (We sell cars) President Bush signed legislation last month approving the construction o f a 700-m ile fence — a m ove that angered M exico’s governm ent. Bush defends the fence as necessary to tighten control o f the border to keep crim inals and terrorists out. T housands o f poor M exicans risk their lives each year sneaking across the 2,000-m ile border to seek jobs. Workers build a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border. Center, Elsie StuhrCenter,555OS.W. Hall B lvd.; B elm ont L oaves & F is h e s C e n te r, S o u th e a s t M ulticulutural Center, 4610 S.E. Belm ont: C entro Cultural. 11 ION. A dair, C ornelius; Cherry Blossom Loaves & Fishes Center, Eastside C o m m u n ity C en ter,7 4 0 S .E . 106th Ave.; Elm C ourt Loaves & Fishes Center, Y W CA , 1111 S.W . 10th Ave.; King City City Hall. 15245 S.W. 116th A ve.; T igard Loaves & Fishes C enter, 8815 S.W . O ’ M ara; and M anor E vangelical Church. 17913 N.E. 72nd in Battle G round, Wash. For inform ation, call 503-736- 6325 o r360-693-7125. Grace Holiday Bazaar A holiday bazaar with arts and crafts for sale will take place S atur­ day,N ov. 1 8 fro m 9 a .m .to 2 p .m .a t G race M emorial Episcopal Church, 1535 N.E. 17 ,h Ave. The event will also include a raffle for a handm ade quilt created by the W om en o f G race, a gourm et lunch for $7, preserves and hom e­ made foods and a treasure sale. Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner C elebrate hot meals, good fel­ low ship and free clothing with B rothers on the M ove as they p rese n t th e ir 9 th A nnual Pre- T hanksgiving D inner, Saturday, Nov. 18 from 11 a.m. to 3 :3 0 p.m. at C om er Stone Com m unity Church o f G o d in C h rist, 2 2 1 6 N .E. Killingsworth. Arrange for a free ride to the dinner from either o f these pick-up points; T hird A venue and East Burnside at 11 a.m ., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., or a, Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and W ygant Street at 11:3() a.m., 1 p.m. ant 2:30p.m . Call5O3-281 -4587 forinformation. 'TJ-Licious # SMOKEHOUSE A.rG irrii 5pccia[izin¿ in 5molicl ¿ V |t\íí> 5 5c,ifpol Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood Lunch $5.95 ng. 'Oinner $9.95 anb ng Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Sandwiches & More Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Jazz & Blues, November 16, 2006, 6-9pm, noeovei 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 One Year Anniversary Special (Nov.-Dec.): Smoked Pork Chops Dinner $7.95 A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! Kimberly Adams, Owner. Mortgage Broker OR HML-3793 HA H5I0-MB-28452 Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts” " will find the perfect loan for your needs First time buyer or seasoned investor Purchase, Refinance, Line of credit Good or bruised credit Single family, condo, 2- 4 units Commercial Financing & more! We re local. We care Experience the difference (360) 433-2466 or Toll free (877) 436-2466 Apply online at www.dakahome.com In The Market For a Vehicle? Tired of being taken advantage of when purchasing an auto? Just don’t have the time? Hate the process? Then put me to work! 20 years experience in the automobile industry Hush Café Formerly of Beaverton Chrysler, for the last 8 years Fine Mediterranean Cuisine • The Best Shawarma The Best Falafel in Town • The Best Hummus Just give me a call or email me, so I can get you Into some wheels! Phone: 503-274-1888 Fax: 503-274-2888 433 S W 4th Ave, P o rtland, O R 97204 Mon-Fri 10am-9pm Saturday Late 12pm-3am We do Catering Tim Wilson Independent Broker (503) 550-3841 No Fees! Email: tnatl46@aol.com