November 15. 2006 il!‘^Jurtlanò (iDhserue C lassifieds /B ids Page BS Playwright Challenges Racial Issues City Planner I - Land-Use continued fro m Metro City Planners I - Land-Use specialty are responsible fo r perform ing black. W hen she asks her w h ite m o d e ra te ly d iffic u lt a n d re s p o n s ib le p ro fe s s io n a l p la n n in g assignments ranging from developing and evaluating land use plans, policies and codes to analyzing u rban d e ve lop m e n t proposals for com pliance w ith a p p lica b le codes and approval crite ria . Duties include a ssistin g m ore se n io r p la n ne rs in c o n d u ctin g stu d ie s and m o th e r w h y she never to ld her she was black, her m o th e r says. " It d id n 't com e u p ." T h is is the "M utt,” a play about a bi-racial young adult's mistaken Caucasian self-identity, opens Friday, Nov. 24 at north Portland's Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. sem i-surreal w o rld o f “ M u tt." preparing reports on sh o rt and long-range land-use assignm ents or p ro je cts and d e te rm in in g c o n fo rm ity w ith la n d -u s e law s and regulations, d ra ftin g new o r revised codes and o rd in a n ce s and preparing oral and written sta ff recom m endations. Additional duties in c lu d e in te ra c tin g fa c e -to -fa c e w ith in d iv id u a ls a n d g ro u p s J o in in g M a n y H ats C o lla b o ­ ra tio n fo r th is p ro je c t is a ta l­ ented d e sig n and m anagem ent team , in c lu d in g D ra m m y A w a rd w in n i n g re p re s e n tin g d iv e rs e in te re s ts , in c lu d in g p ro p e rty o w n e rs , developers, builders, designers, a rch ite cts, landscape architects, neighborhood representatives, neighbors, and o th e r interested p a rtie s to d is c u s s b u re a u p o lic y a n d re s o lv e p ro b le m s and differences am ong com peting interests and com m unicating detailed technical inform ation to a variety o f internal and external custom ers. d ir e c to r K r is t a n Seem el. T h e In te rsta te Fire h o u se C u l­ tu ra l C e n te r is lo c a te d at 5 3 4 0 N . In te rsta te . S h o w s ru n subse­ quent T h u rs d a y -S a tu rd a y nights A pproxim ate M onthly Salary Range: $ 4 ,0 4 9 to $ 4 ,6 7 3 at 8 p.m . th ro u g h D ec. 9. T ic k ­ ets are $ 12 and can be o b ta in e d A pplication dea d lin e is 4:3 0 P M , Monday, N ovem ber 27, 2 0 0 6 . by c a llin g 503-952-6646 o r online To learn m ore a b o u t th is p o sitio n, or to apply online, v is it ou r w e b site at w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s /jo b s / or p ickup an a p p lica tio n a t 1 1 2 0 SW 5th Ave. P ortland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 a, m a n y h a ts c o lla b o ra tio n .c o m . Top 2 % in P ortland M etro KELLER WILLIAMS l'iM lliiid F ir n t f i r Sub-bids Requested PSU UCB Dental Clinic Expansion Member of: AGC~ CO 18th MBA, M.Ed., Brokers. CRS. ABR, SRES Portland, OR E M E R IC K C O N I T R U C T IO N HAPPY Tony and Libby Kelly BIRTHDAY! WWW S ellin g P o rtla n d R e a lE sta te 503-330-5488 Bid Date: November 15, 2006 - 3 PM 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland, OR Bid documents available for review at our main office, 8850 SE Otty Rd, Portland or can be purchased at Shay Washington - From your Family Willamette Print & Blueprint. P.0. Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100 (503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933 - CCB #10723 em aifcoreyl&emerick. com We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women, disadvantaaed or emeraina small business entemrises. Les Whitworth C.P.A. We re all about your future! ’' b c to l c k e e f ii n ff s e r v i c e s FACULTY VACANCIES - FALL 2007/2008 5421 Portland Community College is actively seeking applicants who w ill bring diversity Io our (acuity SUB-BID REQUESTED PSU PLAYING FIELD LIGHTING PROJECT PORTLAND, OR AREAS OF SUBCONTRACTING NEEDED ARE: ELECTRICAL, MATERIAL AND LABOR, CRANE SERVICE, VACUUME EXCAVATION SERVICES, AND EARTH BORING. BRENT SCOTT TAYLOR • CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING • EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION • HISTORY • INTERIOR DESIGN • MACHINE TECHNOLOGY • MATHEMATICS e m a il: le s (a le s w h ilie a r lh e p a .c o m SONA JOINER CALLNOW PCC jobs), visit our website h ttp ://lo b s.p c c.e d u or contact PCC Statt Employment: (503) 978- 5857; email: pccjobs@; TTY: (503) 978-5878 Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disability As an Affirmative Action. Equal Employment Opportunity institution. PCC actively seeks gualilied minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities to enhance its work lorce and to reflect the diversity ot its student body. Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? The Oregon Zoo, a D e p a rtm e n t o f M etro, a M e tro p o litan Service D istrict organized u n der th e laws o f th e S tate o f Oregon and th e M etro C harter, is s o lic itin g p ro p o s a ls fro m A rc h ite c tu ra l and E ngineering te a m s to pre q u a lify fo r an e x h ib it renovation a t th e Oregon Zoo: Predators o f th e S erengeti. The Zoo’s e xisting Alaska Tundra e x h ib it, a p p ro x im a te ly 3 0 ,0 0 0 s q u a re fe e t, w ill be rem odeled into a n aturalistic African h a b ita t with expansive public views and new a n im a l h o ld in g fa c ilitie s . Zoo s ta ff developed a P ro g ra m a n d S c h e m a tic D esign fo r th e p ro je c t. S u b m itte d Save hundreds o f $$$$$ p e r m onth an d C a ll Charlotte Martin - —“ —- ™ Is t 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver, W A 98684 • Sex crim es • Drug crim es • All m isdem eanors and felonies 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL You may have more options then you think. Proposals m u st be received a t th e business o ffice o f The Oregon Zoo, A tte n tio n Lee C am pbell, 4 0 0 1 SW Canyon Road, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 1 -2 7 9 9 , no later th a n 2 :0 0 p.m ., Thursday, D ecem ber 14, 2 0 0 6 . 2. Criminal Accusations: CARPET CLEANING I t s never too soon to think about refinancing. proposals w ill be used to se le ct a design c o n s u lta n t te a m fo r an engineering Feasibility Study, basic Design D evelopm ent and Cost E stim ating, a rch ite ctu ra l, engineering, design deve lop m e n t, and b id /c o n s tru c tio n /p o s t co nstruction services. M etro may accept or reject any o r all bids, in w hole o r in part, or waive irregularities not a ffe ctin g su b sta n tia l rights if such action is deem ed in th e public interest. C e ll 9 7 1 -$ 4 4 -6 4 1 4 le ic ic . l e s i e l i i i w a r l h r p a . r o m File review w ill begin ori Friday, D e ce m b e r 1 5, 2 0 0 6 and w ill continue until positions are tilled. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS METRO ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING TEAMS RFQ 07-1215-ZOO M e tro a n d its c o n tra c to rs w ill n o t d is c rim in a te a g a in s t any person(s), em ployee or ap p lic a n t fo r e m p lo ym e n t based on race, creed, color, n a tional origin, sex, sexual o rie n ta tio n , age, religion, physical handicap, p o litica l a ffilia tio n o r m a rtia l status. M etro fu lly co m p lie s w ith Title VI o f th e Civil Rights Act o f 1 9 6 4 and related sta tu te s and regulations in all program s and activities. For m ore in fo rm a tio n, or to o b ta in a Title VI C om plaint Form, see w ww .m or ca ll (5 0 3 ) 7 9 7 -1 5 3 6 . ADULT BASIC EDUCATION / GED To obtain complete position details and to apply online lor any of the above listed positions (and all WE ARE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND REQUEST SUB­ BIDS FROM MINORITY, WOMEN, DISADVANTAGED OR EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. be viewed th e fo llo w in g plan ce n te rs: Oregon A ssociation o f M inority Entrepreneurs, Daily Journal o f Com m erce Plan Center, Oregon C ontractors Plan Center. • 2006/2007 Salary Range $42,469 $71,150 subject to negotiations PHONE: (5 0 3 ) 5 5 9 -2 0 0 9 BID-FAX: (5 0 3 ) 6 2 3 -7 0 3 0 4 1 5 PERRY DALE RD. DALLAS, OR 9 7 3 3 8 C C B # 1 4 7 3 8 9 Email: staylorconstruction@ m PlanW ell. All co n ta c t should be m ade w ith Ford G raphics Bid S e rv ic e s d e p a rtm e n t at 5 0 3 -2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 , e -m a il: p la n w e llp d x @ fo rd g ra p h lc s .c o m . RFP d o cu m e n ts m ay also I ’ lm n e 5 0 3 - 2 9 5 - 1 9 3 9 l a x 5 ( 1 3 - 2 9 5 - 1116.5 AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT WILLEMETTE PRINT & BLUEPRINT. Interested firm s are not to c o n ta c t M e tro or the Oregon Zoo to obtain the Request fo r Proposals (RFP). RFP instructions, drawings a n d a p la n h o ld e r s lis t c a n b e v ie w e d o n -lin e a t w w w .fo rd g ra p h lc s .c o m . The RFP may be ordered online through V enue 97211 ranks PCC is currently accepting applications lor the follow ing full-tim e faculty positions tor academic year 2007/2008. BID DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2 0 0 6 @ 3 :0 0 P.M. BID DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE AT MAIN OFFICE: 4 1 5 PERRY DALE RD., DALLAS, OR. A m a n d a to ry pre-proposal conference fo r prospective A rchitects w ill be co n d u cte d in th e Oregon Zoo R esource Room, 4 0 0 1 SW Canyon Road, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 2 1 -2 7 9 9 , a t 1 0 :0 0 a.m . on Thursday, N ovem ber 16, 2 0 0 6 . Enter Gate A (Employee Parking) and go to M a in te n a n ce & C onstruction Resource Room. S ub­ co n su lta n ts are encouraged to a tte n d . A site visit is planned fo llo w in g th e m eeting. \E 3 3 rd P o r llm iil. O K $25.00 Each Area $35.00 $1.50 Each t=3 HOMELOAN S O C I« I a m a m m a m a m a m a a m a m m a a m a m a m am ■ Subscribe I 503-288-(X)33 Fill Out, Clip Out & Send To: ‘Elf* IJurtlanb (Dbseruer Attn: Subscriptions PO Box 3137 Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N AME:_____________________ A ddress :___________ ___________________ T elephone :____________________________ o r e m a il subscriptions@ Additional Services • AREAS ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AU TO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING S O FA ----------------------- $69.00 LOVESEAT ------------ $49.00 SECTIONAL ------------ $99.00 CHAIR OR RECLINER $35.00 THROW PILLOWS — - $5.00 COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR _______ $135.00_____ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949