November 15. 1 'P art lattò (Observer Page B3 HEALTH B Generic Pain Reliever Recalled Pills may contain metal fragments (A P ) — C heck y o u r m edicine cabinet: M illions o f bottles o f the w idely used pain reliever acetam i­ nophen — som e sold as long as th ree y ears ago — are being re ­ ca lled b ecause they m ay contain m etal fragm ents. The recall affects 11 million bottles containing varying quanti­ ties o f 5(X)-milligram acetaminophen caplets m ade by the Perrigo Co. The pills w ere sold under store brands by W al-Mart, CVS, Safeway and more than 120 other m ajor re­ tailers, the Food and Drug Admin- Cl/S and other generic brands of acetaminophen are being recalled because some of the pain-reliving pills were discovered to be contaminated with metal fragments. The recall does not affect Tylenol. (AP photo) istration said. At least tw o chains — C V SC orp.and SuperValu Inc.— started pulling the pills from store shelves Thursday. There were no imm ediate reports o f injuries o r illness. The contam i­ nated pills included metal fragments ranging in size from "m icrodots” to portions o f wire one-third o f an inch long, the FDA said. The FDA could not describe further the type o f metal. P errigo d isco v ered the m etal bits during quality-control checks d one after the com pany d isc o v ­ ered its eq u ip m en t w as w earing dow n prem atu rely , the FDA said. A gency o ffic ia ls d eclin ed to say w h eth er the m etal found in the p ills caused the d am age o r re­ su lted from it. C onsum ers who take any o f the contam inated pills could have mi­ nor stomach discom fort or possible cuts to the mouth and throat, the FDA said, adding that the risk of serious injury was remote. A cetam inophen is best known as the drug in products sold under the Tylenol brand. But it is avail­ able in typically less expensive generic versions. ‘Hair Stress’ Relief A uthor Sheila Y. G ooding has published “T he Best, T ruthful, Helpful,& Different HairCare Bk Ever W ritten on Planet Earth.” Al­ though this fxxik focuses on hair care exclusively for the African Am erican audience, it is still a fun book to read regardless o f race. The author felt an obligation to write this book since she believes that there is entirely loo much "hair stress" circulating unnecessarily within the black com munity. In this witty and engaging bixtk, Sheila also gives her very frank opinions and assessm ents. BEST, t r it h h i „ HELPFUL DIFFERENT H A IR C A R E HOOK EVER WRITTEN ON PLANET EARTH “ ''In'* .^\ócare wher& % Study Dispels Common Myths About Sex Some views not supported by evidence H ygiene and Tropical M edicines and her colleagues analyzed data from 59 countries. “We did have som e o f our pre­ co n c ep tio n s d a s h e d ,” W ellin g s said, explaining they had expected (AP) — In the first com prehen­ to find the m ost prom iscuous be­ sive global study o f sexual behav­ havior in regions like A frica with ior, British researchers found that the highest rates o f sexually trans­ people aren’t losing their virginity m itted diseases. That was not the at e v e r y o u n g er ag es, m arried case, as multiple partners were more people have the m ost sex, and there com m only reported in industrial­ is no firm link between prom iscuity ized countries w here the incidence and sexually transm itted diseases. o f such diseases was relatively low. T he study was published as part “T h ere's a m isperception that o f a series on sexual and reproduc­ th e re 's a great deal o f prom iscuity tive health by the British medical in Africa, which is one o f the poten­ journal The Lancet. Professor Kaye tial reasons for H IV /A ID S spread­ W ellings o f the London School o f ing so rapidly," said Dr. Paul van Look, d irecto r o f R eproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization. "But that view is not supported by the evidence." W ellings says that implies pro­ miscuity may be less important than factors such as poverty anil educa­ tio n — especially in the encourage­ ment o f condom use — in the trans­ mission o f sexually transm itteddis- eases. The survey found that single men and women in Africa were fairly sexually inactive: only two-thirds of them reported recent sexual ac­ tivity, com pared with three-quar­ ters o f their counterparts in devel­ oped countries. The study also found that con- We live in the communities we serve trary to popular belief, sexual activ­ ity is not starting earlier. Nearly everywhere, men and women have their first sexual experiences in their late teen s— from 15 to 19yearsold — with generally younger ages for w omen than for men, especially in developing countries. Still, there were considerable variations across countries. Men and w omen in In­ donesia waited until they were 24*/i and 18Vi respectively. There has been a gradual shift to delay marriage, even in developing countries. “A single woman is more able to negotiate safe sex in certain circum ­ stances than a married w om an," says van Look. Zj 0 £ Breakfast Lunch Pottie training Snacks State certified Stoiytime Toys Games Fun Arts and crafts And much more! Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center Ages 2 mos-12 years Educational learning S For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (503) 282-3154 3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227 At Regence, we’re working with members and doctors to make it easier for you to navigate the health care system. It means less red-tape, less confusion, and more accessible, affordable care. It’s why we re a local, not-for-profit company. Together we can change the system. Learn more at or call (503) 225-5336 'i’W Regence negence BlueCross Bli «Shield of Oregon is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association