Page B2 ' ri H :|J iî rt lattò © bseruer Your Care Our First Priority November 15, 2006 HEALTH Dr. Marceline Failla Ch iroprai tic Physii ian We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Bhd.) 1 NcNabb Launches Clothing Line A utom obile accident injuries C h ro n ic headache and jo in t pain W orkers C om p en satio n injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 FINALLY AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. Are your monthly premiums too high? Are you sell-employed or own your own business? Are you without health insurance now? Would you like to have control of your health insurance plan' II 'YOUANSWERKD, “YES” TO ANYOE THESE Ql US IK )NS, PI .EASE CAIJ. MEAT: Beyonce at Fashion Awards (360)608-2823 or 1-877-484-2823 K ris L on g L icensed Insurance A gent Exclusions and limitations apply. Administrative office: N. Richland Hills. TX. Plan availability varies by state. (#M W -25906, MW 2 5 907 or state variation) Association membership is required. M id -W es t National L ife Insurance C om pany o f Tennessee MW/(XX)263 exp.6/07 A Health-Markets Company Keeping the promise o f affordable coverage B eyonce Knowles arrives at the L 'Oreal Legends Gala to b en efit the Ovarian Cancer R esearch Fund in New York. S h e w as ju s t one o f the b e a u tie s that atte n d e d the Nov. 8 fashion awards gala. (AP) - Donovan McNabb is more likely to be compared to Joe Mon­ tana, John Elway and Dan Marino than Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani or Gianni Versace. The live-time Pro Bowl quarter­ back took a break from tossing passes for the Philadelphia Eagles to launch his own line of casual men's clothing under the Reebok label. He hosted a fashion show Nov. 7 to introduce his "Super Five" apparel. "This is very near and dear to me," McNabb said. "I took a lot of pride in the design, the comfort level and the look." While models strutted down a makeshift runway inside the RBK Concept Store on South Street, McNabbdescri bed the clothes they wore with intimate detail. He seemed to know as much about materials and textures as he does cover-2 defenses. The "Super Five" line ranges D onovan M cNabb from T-shirts and fleeces to knit sweaters and vests. And, sizes go up to5X L. "I've always wanted clothing that was casual and comfortable, but had a more refined look and feel," McNabb said. McNabb grew up in Chicago in the 1980s and admired M iehael Jor­ dan. He said he treasured his first pairofNike Air Jordan sneakers like "they were gold." Stay Healthy During Cold/Flu Season Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 Paperback $8.00 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours 2004 BPI. All Rights Reserved DIANE TICS is d tradem ark and service m ark ow ned by Religious Technology Center and is used w ith its pernussioit Get plenty of rest, drink fluids bi H li . ane ' W aiibeh , N ational C ollege ol N atural M edicine As winter is approaching, we must learn tools to keep us healthy and well. Naturopathic medicine can help battle the bugs this winter. The first aspect of prevention is living a moderate lifestyle: eat well, rest well, drink well, and live in joy. Sounds easy, right? If you feel yourself beginning to get sick, you can try any of the following things to avoid or shorten the illness. Get rest as soon as possible. My Health. M y Medicare. '*1•f.Td Get the Most Out of Your Medicare. Get the Flu Shot. Your body is giving a signal to slow down. Relax and take it easy. What is your body telling you? Listen to the answer! Drink plenty o f fluids. You should drink half your weight in ounces of filtered water and/or herbal teas. Eat very lightly. Yourappetiteis normally reduced when you are sick. Let your body rest from di­ gesting complex food so it will be better able to fight the infection. Clear your mind. Try journaling or deep breathing exercises to help clear your mind of any anxiety, worry, or lists of things to do. Give yourself a home hydro­ therapy treatm ent. Salt W ater Gargle: Put Vitsp of salt into warm water. Gargle the salt water 2-3 times a day. Warming Socks: This treat­ ment increases white blood cell count, will clear mucus from the head, open the nasal passages, and provide a restful night sleep. Thor­ oughly warm the feet in a shower, tub or footbath. Soak a pair o f cot­ ton socks with cold water, wring them completely and place them on your pre-warmed feet. Place a heavy pair of wool socks over the wet cotton socks and go to bed. It really works! Take immune enhancing supple­ ments like Vitamin C: Take I (XX)mg every 3-4 hours with food. Cut back on dosage if stools become loose. Zinc: Take 30-50 mg once daily with food (tablet or lozenge). Dis­ continue when well. Take immunity enhancing herbs. Astragalus, Echinacea purpurea (Purple Cone Flower), Glycyrrhiza glabra (L ico rice), L igusticum (Osha), and Berberis (Oregon Grape Rtxit) are al I known for their power­ ful immune boosting properties. These can be taken as teas, tinc­ tures, or capsules. Consult your physician with any questions on products, dosages, or if your symp­ toms worsen. Remember these preventions tips and enjoy a healthful holiday season Emergency Services Chair Hired at OHSU Oregon Health & Sci­ named Teacher of the en ce U n iv e rsity has Year four times. named Dr. O. John Ma He earned his medical chairman of emergency d e g re e from G eorge services for OHSU and Washington University Doembecher Children’s School o f Medicine in Hospital. 1990. After completing Ma comes to OHSU his residency in emer­ from the University of gency medicine at the Missouri/Truman Medi­ Medical College of Wis­ cal Center in Kansas City, Dr. O. John Ma consin, he joined the Mo., where he served as emergency medicine fac­ professor and chairman of em er­ ulty of the University of North Caro­ gency medicine, as well as research lina-Chapel Hill. While at UNC, he director forthe Depart mentof Emer­ served as the medical director for gency Medicine and where he was Carolina Free Tobacco Quit Line Flu Shots are Covered for People with Medicare. For m ore inform ation visit w w w .m or call 1-800-MEDICARE The Great American Smokeout on Thursday, Nov. 16, is an oppor­ tunity to remind smokers that the Oregon Tobaeeo Quit Line prov ides free assistance. "Most smokers want to quit," said Dr. Mel Kohn, state epidemi­ ologist for the Oregon Department of Human Services Public Health Division. "The Smokeout is an op­ portunity for Oregonians who want to give up tobacco to join others \ (T T Y 1-877-486-2048) Here when you need ual across the state and the nation who are trying to kick the habit." Kohn said that using the quit line increases the potential for suc­ cess. Callers are able to talk toexpe- rieneed cessation special ists smok­ ing and how to quit smoking. The Oregon Tobacco Quit Line toll-free number is 1-8(X)-QUIT NOW ( I-800-784-8669). Cessation specialists are available from5a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week. B A.D. Will\tms Shop 503 282 2920 Cell 503-308-4488 I 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 8:30 am • 6:00 pm Tues.-Sat.