(Tliv November 8. 2006 |Jn rth u tb (Ohseroev PageA7 Focus Kanye Crashes Music Awards Stage When favorite video is not nominated (A P )--R a p star Kanye W est was nam ed Best Hip Hop artist, but still cam e o ff as a sore loser at the MTV E u ro p e M u sic A w a rd s in C openhagen. Denmark. W est apparently was so disap­ pointed at not w inning for Best V ideo that he crashed the stage Thursday in Copenhagen when the aw ard was being presented to Jus­ tice and Simian for "W e A re Your Friends." In a tirade riddled with exple­ tives, W est said he should have won the prize for his video "Touch The Sky," because it "cost a million dollars, Pamela A nderson w as in it. I was jum ping across canyons." "If I don’t win, the aw ards show loses credibility," W est said. The rapper grabbed the Best Hip Hop award earlier in the night in a star-studded event hosted by Justin Timberlake in the Danish capital. West has a particular affinity for the "Touch T he Sky" video. In an interview w ith The A ssociated Press in August, he expressed his displeasure that the clip, an elabo­ rate Evel Knievel spoof, didn't get nom inated for an MTV Video M u­ sic Award. "It didn't get any nominations, but it’s one o f the most memorable videos o f the year for me," he told AP. It'salso n o t the first time he's had a meltdow n at an aw ards show. At the 2004 Am erican Music Awards, West bitterly com plained backstage that he was robbed when he didn't win a trophy. Kanye West (left) takes the stage at the MTV Europe Music Awards as the Best Video award is presented to Justice and Simian for 'We Are Your Friends.' In a tirade riddled with expletives. West said he should have won the prize for his video 'Touch The Sky.' (AP photo) 2808 N.E Martin Luther King Jr. Portland. Or. 97212 Phone (503)493-8127 • Fax (503) 528-8298 Following Lunch Menu C ajun S h rim p shrim p sauteed with butler, wine, garlic a n d tomato C alam ari served with aioli and cocktail sauce Crab & A rtich o ke Dip with feta, parmesan, parsley and tortilla chips ( rah ( akes served with a remoulade on a b ed o f m ixed greens O nion K ings served with ranch dressing Q uesadilla served with shredded lettuce, tom ato and onions in a Legend’s Footsteps S A I A D S A S tH PS H o u se S a la d served with m ixed greens, tomato, onion, cucum bers and carrots C lam C how der served with oyster crackers C aesar S a la d served with romaine, croutons, a n d Parm esan Cheese C h e f S a la d Turkey, Ham, Cheddar A Swiss, Tomato, Egg. Hacon and choice o f dressing C obb S a la d chicken, bacon, tomato, avoc., blue cheese crumbles, olives, anv dressing G reek S alad Kalam ata olives, onions, tomato, fe ta cheese with a vinaigrette S h rim p D a d e bay shrimp, black olives, tomato, egg, a n d choice o f dressing Taco S a la d served in a tortilla bow l with m ixed greens, tomato, onions, olives, clieddar cheese, sour cream, guacam ole, tortilla chips a n d p ico de gallo John Lee Hooker Jr. celebrates in Vancouver Bluesman John Lee Hooker Jr. will buildon his legendary father’s legacy but strike out in his own bold direction when he performs selections from his latest recording, “Cold As lee,” live at Vancouver’s Cascade lounge, 15000S.E. Mill Plain BIvd., Saturday, Nov. I I at 10 p.m. For more information or tickets call 360-254-0749. Hooker, whose father was an architect of modern American blues in the 1940s and ‘50s with hits like “Boogie Chillen.” "I'm in the Mood" and "Crawlin’ Kingsnake," has evolved into a formidable blues figure in his own right - as evidenced by a Grammy nomination and a Handy Award for his 2004 release, “ Blues with a Vengeance.” Armed with a clever and topical sense of songcraft, a compelling vocal attack and a solid backup crew, Hooker infuses “Cold As 7.95 6.95 7.95 7.50 5.95 5.95 Blues scion John Lee Hooker Jr. cel­ ebrates his latest recording ‘Cold As Ice' live Saturday at Vancouver’s Cascade lounge, 15000 S.E. Mill Plain Blvd. Ice” with the best elements of the old school and recasts them for newer, younger, 21st century audiences. The results are traditional and edgy at the same time. Denzel’s Book Gives Credit to Mentors Celebrates people behind people Tim esevery morning. H ealsofound tS S O K IN O P IR IO H A L S IO A I I S a m entor i n a barber at a shop where he earned money sw eeping. He said he hopes the book will inspire adults to "find them selves in it and reach out" to a child (AP) - Denzel who may need a sim i­ W ashington says lar guiding hand. his path to becom ­ "W e all have the ing an A cadem y potential to help out A w a rd -w in n in g an d in s p ire y o u n g actor w as paved people and to make an by people like an im p re s s io n upon E n g lish te a c h e r th e m ," W a sh in g to n and a barber he said. knew as a child. W ashington, w ho W a sh in g to n 's Denzel Washington is making no money n ew b o o k , "A from the book, said 60 percent o f car for Best A ctor in 2002 for Hand T o G uide Me," gathers to­ the proceeds will go to the Boys "Training Day " and for Best S u p ­ gether essays by more than 70 en­ and (iirls Clubs, with a quarter o f p orting A ctor in I9 8 9 's "G lory," tertainm ent. sports, business and that going to his childhood club in next ap p ears in "D eja V u," a sci­ political leaders who tell the stories M ount Vernon. en ce fiction th riller that o p en s o f their own childhood mentors. W ashington, w ho w on the O s- N ov. 22. "It's a celebration o f the people behind the people — those who don't get the recognition who influ­ ence the B i II Cl i n tons or the J i mmy Carters or t he George Stein bren ners o f the world," W ashington said Thursday in a phone interview from New York, where he is prom oting the book. Both form er presidents and the New York Yankeesow nerarejoined in the book by celebrities from rocker Fine Mediterranean Cuisine • The BestShawanna Jo h n M e lle n c a m p to a c tr e s s W hoopi G oldberg to A tlanta Fal­ The Best Falafel in Town • The Best Hummus cons quarterback M ichael Vick. The book is a fundraiser for the Phone: Atlanta-based Boys and Girls Clubs Fax: 503-274-2888 o f America. In W ashington's own story, he 433 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 w rites that he took inspiration as a ch ild fro m a co u n se lo ratth ec lu b — Mon-Fri 10am-9pm then ju st the Boys Club — in his Saturday Late 12pm-3am hom etow n of M ount Vernon. N.Y., a high school English teacher who had students read the New York Hush Hush Café 503-274-1888 We do Catering S A N D W K I D S A ll sandw iches served with F rench fries'*’ H L T Hacon, lettuce, tom ato a n d m ayo on sourdough F rench D ip thin sliced prim e rib served au ju s H a lf Sa n d w ich & S o u p choice o f turkey, ham o r roast beef, lettuce, tom ato and mavo served with clam chow der P rim e R ib Sandw ich served open face, au ju s, on toasted sourdough R eu b en C orned beef with ¡000 island dressing, Sw iss cheese a n d sauerkraut tu r k e y Club, turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, H avarti cheese, bacon a n d m avo on Toasted Sourdough 3.95 3,95 7.50 7.75 7.75 7.95 7.95 8.25 6.95 jC fi 6.95 7.95 7.25 725 H I R G f.R S ■ l/Z burgers served with F rench fr ie s * H BQ H acon C heeseburger with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, m ayo B u ffa lo C h icken H urger tossed in a spicy sauce, with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, mavo C lassic C heeseburger lettuce, tomato, onion, m ayo Patty M elt seasoned burger with red onion, Sw iss cheese, 1000 island dressing Spice H urger Cajun spice, stuffed with blue cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, m avo onion 7.95 7.75 7.50 7.50 7.95 I t , \ ( II I \ I RT.ES A ll entrees served with soup or salad 8oz N ew York Steak cooked to perfection a n d served with onion rings C h icken A lfred o with fettu ccin e pasta, A lfredo sauce, garlic, p a rsley parm esan cheese H alibut F ish & C hips breaded a n d deep fr ie d served with fries, cole slaw A tartar sauce 12.95 8.95 10.95 E I D ’S A ll NJ O ne o f th e fo llo w in g , p lu s a Soda pop o r ju ic e * Fish & Chips - C hicken Strips - Spice Mac - C heeseburger - G rilled C h e ese - Q uesadilla 4.95 l)J 011 Thursday, Friday & Saturday — Sunday is free Karaoke Pool A n I ívening o r 88 -featuring Portland's mm J -q r j l l t i ■ e.d.mondaine X- Ik #■ Ncwmark IHcuttc | hjjswbkxk I vw N o v e m b e r 11th | 7 :0 0 p m ' ,) -A fu n d ra is in g event fo r the 88 Keys A fte r School P rogram - xL T ic k e ts : $16 - $18 I ickcts available through Ticketm aster or the PCPA Box O ffice 3 >,4 4® Sponsored By: Absolute Aufo, Labor Ready, Bred Meyers, Mr. form al, F r f/rYvrr/ñw I he 88 Kt \ h I nundatton | u’ww.SHkcx sftHindafion.org I or mort’ info. 30.3 490 4344 ( w o edtru »rühmet tun t eightYCight PEPSI