Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 08, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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\ih ci use w ith d iv e rs ity i n ffl’e J J o r tla tlh ( D h s m i e r
Call 5 O 3 - 2 8 8 - O O 3 S H E 1 U H B server.com
S n o w d e n on A lb e r ta - B J .
Snowden, a uniquely talented
singer, songw riter and per­
form er who has attracted at­
tention and a following all
over the world perform s Fri­
day. N ov. I ( ) at 8 p. m. at "The
Know,"2(I26N.E. Alberta St.
s r
1 ÎJJnrtlanô (.Observer
■ M l I
to celebrate sodas for minors and designated
th e h o lid a y drivers.
D iv a
season with perfor­
L i n d a
mances scheduled at Kaul F e s tiv a l o f T r e e s " - T h e 24th
H o r n b u e k le -- Legend­ Auditorium on Friday and Satur­ annual P ro v id en ce F estiv al o f
ary soul d iv a L inda day Dee. 15-16 at 8 p.m. and Sun­ T rees, the w eekend o f N ov. 30
through D ee. 2 at the O regon
H o rn b u ek le plays at day, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m.
o n v en tio n C en ter, will feature
Jimmy Mak’s, 222N.W.
T im e to Ja m --Jam Night. Portland' s o v er 50 e la b o ra te ly d e c o ra te d
10th A ve on Saturday. Nov. 11 at 8
p.m.: at Gemini BarandG rill,456N . ever-popular com edy and variety trees, live en tertain m en t, crafts,
State St. in Lake O sw ego on Satur­ show is at Christian Performing Arts and a photo w ith S anta, g in g e r­
Center, 8 1 3 1 N. Denver Ave. Shows bread d isp lay s, and a T eddy B ear
day, Nov. 18 at 9:30 p.m.; and
Pioneer C ourthouse Square,
dow ntow n for the Tree Light­
ing C erem ony on Friday. Nov.
2 4 at5 :3 0 p .m .
Pottie training
State certified
Story time
Toys Games Fun
E m e rg in g I .e a d e rs : Sisters in
And much more!
A c tio n — Sisters
in Action for
Power hold their annual cel­
ebration. Friday, Nov. 17 at 6:30
p.m. at King Elementary. Amara
Perez will pass the executive
d ire c to r 's torch to T eren ie
Faison. There will be food, raffle
F a m o u s N a tu r e P h o to g ra p h s — prizes and lots o f fun.
Fam ed w orks by p h otographer
A f r ic a n C h ild r e n ’s C h o ir —
A nsel A dam s, in c lu d in g 'T h e
African C hildren's Choir
Tetons and the Snake R iver,’ and
a free concert S un­
many other o f the most beautiful
at the Salvation Army
national sites, is on display this fall
Center. 5325 N. W ill­
and w inter at the W orld Forestry
iams Ave.
Center D iscover M useum.
Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center
Ages 2 mos-12 years
Educational learning
For more information
please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -3 1 5 4
3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227
P o w e r o f Spoken W o rd s -
Sunday Supper fin e
Celebrating our Customers!
Livcat C a n n o n ’s R ib E x p re s s
Reggie Houston’s
Box of Chocolates
J a z z Q u in te t o f P o rtla n d
F ilm a n d
V id e o F e s tiv a l-
- Award-winning writerand
spoken word artist S. Renee
M itchell w ill ch allen g e
your assu m p tio n s about
relationships, bring tears
to your eyes, and let laugh­
ter erupt from your belly
during p erfo rm an ces o f
“T an going W ith T o rn a­
does" Friday and Saturday,
Nov. I (FI I at Self-Enhance­
ment Inc. D oors open both
nights at 6 p.m. and it's free
on a first com e, first seated
-- T h e
-T h e Northwest
Film and Video
Festival will fea­
ture short and
feature films, be­
ginning Friday,
Nov. 10. at C in­
em a 2 1 , f o l­
lo w ed by th e
O pening Night
P a rty at th e
L a u ra R u sso
Gallery. The fes­
tival continues through Nov. 17, at
the NW F ilm C enter's Whitsell A u­
ditorium. Closing night will be held
at the Clinton Street Theater. A d­
mission $7 General. Visitnwfilm.org
I’DX V Jazz Quintet o f Portland re­
turns to the ‘Old C hurch' dow n­
Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar
town. at 11 th & Clay Street. T ues­
Nov. 14 at 7:3() p.m. Enjoy the ’ O n e D a y ’ E n v is io n s P o rtla n d —
“ya never know what ya gain g it”
rich jazz sounds for a suggested Rebecca Martinez, Jono Eiland and
other mem bers o f Sojourn Theater
donation o f $10.
challenge an audience to think
A r s e n ic a n d O ld F a c e - - "Ar­ about what they want to see for
senic and O ld lace" is presented Portland in the future in ‘One D ay,’
Nov. 8 -1 1 and Nov. 17 - 18 nt Aloha a theater perform ance th at's part of
High School. For inform ation, call the city 's visionPDX program. Free
m a r k e t ]
the school ticket line at 5 0 3-249- perform ances are Nov. 10,11,12 at
Marshall High School cam pus au­
ditorium , 3905 S.E. 91st Ave., and
Nov. 17.18,19 at the Portland C om ­
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
munity College, C ascade Campus.
Contact: Kathy Linder
705 N. Killingsworth.
Sponsored by :
Phone: 503 -2 88-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
‘A S eason f o r P e a c e ’ - The Port­
land Gay M en's holiday concert
“Goodwill to All" assem bles music
from various cultures and traditions
e-mail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com
•n ie
poetic choreoptdy perfprmeA
fry three, women
cofor who Adre to tett
the stories
women everywhere.
USPS 959-680
Established 1 9 7 0
4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King. Jr.
Blvd.. Portland, OR 97211
Eorroit-iN-CHiKt. Pi ibijsher :
Charles H. Washington
lo -
■ S H I S I
S ri
Arts and crafts
November 8. 2006
E d iid k :
M ichael Leighton
Pi niK K iia t iu s s : M ark Washington
continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m . w ith d in n e r by
M ondemaj Catering next door to
the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
H ip -h o p
D ance
C la s s e s
H ospital w here ch ild ren u nder 12
receive a free bear. For m ore in ­
form ation, call 503-215-6070
T rip p ln ’ th ro u g h T ow n - Take a
trip through tim e to find the hottest
poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­
ing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $ 7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave.
Vancouver-Clark Parksand Recre­
ation is hosting family friendly hip-
hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
Various lessons teach rhythm, tech­
nique, coordination, agility, com bi­ Belly D ance C lasses — Caravan
nations and teamwork through ur­ S tudios o ffers classes in belly
ban dance moves. For more infor­ dance, African dance and more.
Visit w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
mation, cal 1360-696-8236.
H u m an R ights on Film - The
Northwest Film C enter Presents
Human Rights on Film, continuing
through Nov. 9. Nine films are fea­
tured that deepen aw areness to the
values o f dignity, equality and ju s ­
tice as filmmakers tell universal sto­
ries o f human struggle, sacrifice
and triumph. For titles and show'
times, visit nw film .org.
'One D a y ’
A u tu m n L eaves a t th e Ja p a n e se
G a rd e n — The Japanese G arden at
W ashington Park presents autumn
le a v e s b o n sa i p re s e n ta tio n s
through Nov. 15. T heexhibit is free
with the $8 adm ission to the gar­
dens. For more information cal 1503-
2 2 3 -1 3 2 1
v isit
japanesegardens.com .
H oliday Ale Festival - The 11th
Annual Holiday Ale Festival will
begin on Thursday, Nov. 30, and
continue through Sunday, Dee. 3,
at Pioneer Courthouse Square, 701
S.W. Sixth Ave. Com plim entary
O M S I P re s en ts: B la c k H o le s — A
fl ig h t s i m ulator transform s real sci -
entific data about black holes into
stunning visualizations in O M S I's
new p lan etariu m show “ B lack
holes: The O ther Side o f Infinity."
For more information, call 503-797-
4000 or v isitom si.edu.
Live Music Every Night
• Kick o ff your week with livejazzevery Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue
M onk(334l SE Belmont).
• Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mic night each M onday at the
Back-to-Back Café (614 East Burnside).
• The Thorn City Improv, featuring m em bersofO ldom inion.Q uivah.
The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C o n an 's (3862 S.E.
Haw thorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m.
• Celebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd
Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
• Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Room
(2032 SW 5th Ave) with the Black Notes, performing
each Thursday.
M e l Brown
Cumivf D irector : Paul Neufeldt
O rn u
Mss.v.m: Kathy Linder
R eporter :
H a b ib a
Sarah M ount
The Portland Observerwelcom es free lance
• C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, playing jazz at S alty’s every
Friday and Saturday, and Jim my M ak's on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
• Live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W.
submissions. Manuscriplsund photographs
should be cle a rly labeled and w ill be
relum ed i f accompanied by a self addressed
envelope A ll created design d isplay ads
Urban League Voting
Portland Chapter
become the sole property o f the newspaper
and cannot be used in other publications or
personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent
o f the general manager, unless the client has
purchased the co m po sitio n o f such ad. ©
1996 T H E P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R .
W ritten by S. Renee M itchell
M usic by Janice Scroggins
D o o r s o p e n a t 6 p .m .
Wr ”
, oOOfi *
1 *
— v /Y H )
3 9 2 0 N . K e r b y A v e n u e , P o rtla n d
S a vr
x N E W d a te l
ksvp io guarantee
Admission is FREE. Suitable for teenagers.
M « O f o r y o u O- fr ie n d s
IN FO : N O ’ 44.1721 X 259 or cm..it ( h riv iv lls - velfenhancemeM nrg
B rought
to you by
series of financial development workshops.
The Portland O bserver-O regon's Oldest
M u ltic u ltu ra l Publication- is a member o f
the N ational Newspaper A s s o c ia tio n -
Founded in IKX5. and The National A d ve r­
tising Representative Amalgamated Pub­
lishers. Inc. New Y ork. N Y . and The West
Know Your Money
Coast Black Publishers Association» Serv­
ing Portland and Vancouver.
P ostmaster : S e n d ad d ress ch ang es
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P o rtlan d . OR 9 7 2 0 8
T h e C e n te r f o r S e lf E n h a n c e m e n t In c .
Urban League Young Professionals, in conjuction with Portland
Community College, invites you to join us as we present one in a
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. Credit: the good, the bad, the ugly
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November 16th,
Portland Community
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