Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 08, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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'riu ^Jnrthtuh (Ob serin* r
^Jortlanb (Ohsmier
November 8, 2006
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M ark W ashington AT he P ortland O bserver
Nurse Practitioner MariahTaylor (right) locked out and terminated from the community health clinic
she founded 26 years ago.
Clinic Founder Sets Record Straight
bv S arah B lount
T he P or i land O bserver
underinsured children, founded the
clinic 26 years ago but was locked
A messy and ongoing dispute out by her board o f directors after
between the North Portland C om ­ a dispute late last year. T aylor said
munity Health Clinic and its founder the board w anted to limit what pa­
Mari ah Taylor spilled onto the street tients she helps and what low-cos,
last week.
or free m edicines she offered.
T aylor and some o f her former
A fter m onths o f arbitration, the
patients rallied in protest to her clin ic 's new m anagem ent offered
term ination in front o f the elin ie’s T aylor severance pay. But her em ­
new offices on North Killingsworth ploym ent was term inated after she
rejected the offer.
The veteran nurse, w ho has been
In a press release issued last
re v e re d fo r se rv in g p o o r and week, T aylor described the dispute
as a personal nightm are.
"This is the ending o fa vision for
the com m unity to have access to
health care for the poor and unin­
sured," she wrote.
T a y lo rw a sa p io n e e rin th e Port­
land com m unity when in 1980 she
founded the state’s first African
A merican w om an-ow ned and op­
erated clinic o f its kind. It was often
referred to as the “clinic o f last
resort" and Taylor received national
recognition on the Oprah W infrey
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Streets Flood in Heavy Rain
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M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
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State Treasurer Randall Edwards. Plan Administrator
Not FDIC insured nor guaranteed and may lose value. ‘Subject to recapture under certain circumstances.
Heavy rain and falling leaves creates many new rivers on Portland streets. The forecast calls
for more o f the same for most o f the remaining week. City crews are working to clear roads of
standing water, and say residents can help keep roads open by clearing leaves and debris
from curbs. Drivers are asked to be especially cautious of pedestrians due to the rain and
darkness. Call 503-823-1700 to report a hazard or help in clearing a catch basin.
Family Adds to Reward Fund
The family o f Loretha Williams is ago.
offering up to $10,(XX), in addition
30-year-old Wi 11 iams was found
to the $ I ( ),( X X (offered by C ri me Stop­ m urdered in her hom e at 1305 N.E.
pers. for inform ation leading to an Junior St. on Sept. 27,1988, having
arrest in W illiam s' m urder 18years died from multiple stab wounds.
A nyone with know ledge about
this death can call Crim e Stoppers
at 503-823-H ELP (4357) or contact
Luke Wi 11 iams a, 5 0 3 -9 4 6 -5 0 19 or
Stanley W illiams at 503-252-6674.
The Oregon College Savings Plan5“ is administered by Oregon State Treasurer Randall Edwards and distributed by
OppenheimerFunds Distributor. Inc. Non-residents of Oregon should consider whether their state offers a 529 plan with tax
advantages and should consult a tax advisor. Carefully consider Plan investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses. Plan
documents contain this and other info. Investors should read these documents carefully before investing. ©Copyright 2006
OppenheimerFunds Distributor. Inc. All rights reserved.
Sheriff Guisto Apologizes for Remarks
M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty S h e riff
Bem ieG uistoapologizedafter com ­
paring the co unty’s jails to A rkan­
sas and using language som e con­
sidered racist by his declaration.
“We be jailers.”
called for him to resign.
G uisto made the rem ark along
An apology statem ent from the
with a reference to running a “jailin ’ sheriff said his use o f bad gram m ar
sy stem -j-a-i-l-i-n , no ‘g ’. . . ” in a was an attem pt to articulate that
new s conference last w eek follow ­ “we have an inappropriate jail sys­
ing a report by the district attorney tem for an enlightened county.”
that found fault in county jail m an­
Other African American leaders,
agem ent and spending.
including neighborhood activist
Skipper O sborne, form er presi­ W illie Brown and Bruce Broussard,
dent o f the Portland NAAC’P, called a Republican running forC ongress,
G u is to 's sta te m en ts racist and did not find the com m ents racist.
Portland Development Commission
Fall 2006
kJe are a reyu fa r pharmacy!
V W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s - in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s ,
h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s ,
a n ti d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re .
E conomic D evelopment S tudy
November 10, 2006 @ 10 am - 12 pm
Major-Mixed Use Developers
Community Leadership & Large Employers
T he B oulevard “ V irtvai ,” W alking T our
W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts
w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a r e in fo r m a tio n .
t r O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t
in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s
re q u e s te d .
| r W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g .
M e e t y o u r P h a r m a c is t
M e lin d a B u tle r
Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E
N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 8 4 8
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t .c o m • M O N - F R I 9 a m - 7 p m • S A T 9 a m - 6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m - 4 p m
Collaborative Forum
Henry V Events
636ONEM LKJR. Blvd
Linda Johnson, Facilitator
R&U Development League, LLC.
RSVP: 503-789-7074 / 503-810-4354
PDC 503-823-1176 K. Johnson