Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 08, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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    Novem ber 8. 2 0 0 6
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College Tour for Students of Color
High school and com m unity
col lege students of color, or from
under-represented populations,
will have an opportunity to ex ­
plore the potential o f college
when Oregon State University
hosts the Kaleidoscope of C ol­
leges and Cultures on Saturday,
Nov. 11.
Kaleidoscope is an opportu­
nity for students to get a glimpse
o f university life, and learn about
admission standards, costs, fi­
nancial aid and student housing.
Participating students can also
learn about O S U ’s academ ic
programs, social opportunities
and support services.
C am pus tours also will be
"O ne o f the highlights o f the
Kaleidoscope program is the
chance for prospective students
to meet with current OSU stu­
dents. as well as with faculty
and staff, to discuss their expe­
riences and learn more about
what life on campus is all about,"
said Marcus R. Langford, ori­
entation coordinator for O S U 's
Student Orientation and Reten­
tion (SOAR) program.
Pre-registration for the pro­
gram which begins at 9:30 a.m.is
required. Registration can be done
online at oregonstate.edu/soar.
Physical Therapist111 Growing Profession
from HI
with only two accredited schools in the
state there is a need for growth, according
to board director Jim Heider.
Those schools are Pacific University in
Forest Grove, which offers a three-year
accredited physical therapy degree.
Mt. Hood Community Col lege in Gresham
offers a tw o-year accredited assistance
At Therapeutic Associates clients are
mainly treated with manual, hands-on exer­
cises. Therapists use everyday props like
exercise balls, balance boards, free weights
and resistance tubing to aid strengthening
and recovery.
The clinic works with athletic programs
at Portland State University, Oregon State
U niversity and Portland high schools.
McHenry and staff also treat dancers with
Oregon Ballet Theatre.
"W hat they are doing is hard,” McHenry
said. "Their bodies are always in some state
o f dysfunction.”
But injury prevention and early identifi­
cation are key, he says. T hat’s the future of
the occupation - modifying athletic pro­
grams to keep athletes healthier before
they get hurt.
Physical therapist David McHenry
works with a patient at his
Northeast Portland clinic, which
offers an alternative to surgery and
medicine by working on simple jo in t
manipulation, massage and
strengthening exercises.
photo hv M ake
W ashington /T iik P ortland O bskkv ek
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Portland Community College offers instruction in
fire sciences which includes fire trucks used in
training at the PCC Cascade Campus in north
Portland Community
about Diversity, Access
Urban college
in its 45th year
Portland Community C ol­
lege is not only the largest
co m m u n ity co llege in O r­
egon, but it is the m ost ra ­
cially and ethnically di verse
institution o f higher e d u c a ­
tion in O regon.
M ore than 25 p ercen t o f
the college’senrollm ent fea­
ture stu d en ts o f c o lo r and
nearly 60 percent o f the d e ­
g ree -see k in g e n ro llee s are
first-generation college stu­
dents. Plus, there are 5,000
students enrol led in English
for S peakers o f O th er L an ­
guages program .
“ C o m m u n ity c o lle g e s
have histo rically served as
the gatew ay to h ig h e re d u -
cation and econom ic oppor-
tu nity fo r p eo p le from d i­
verse back g ro u n d s in clu d ­
ing im m ig ran ts, o ld e r s tu ­
d e n ts , p e o p le o f c o lo r,
w om en, and p eo p le w ith
d isa b ilitie s ,” said P reston
P u llia m s . P C C D is tr ic t
President. “ P C C is no e x ­
ception. O u r stu d e n ts are
very diverse. O u rc o m m u -
nity and o u r stu d e n ts will
only becom e m ore diverse
in the com ing y ears.”
The college turns 45 this
year. The college began o f­
fering classes in 1961 at the
o ld F a ilin g E le m e n ta ry
S chool in the R oss Island
area o f P ortland w ith a
dozen students earning di­
plom as the follow ing year.
The college is a local suc­
c e ss story, now serving
m ore than 88,200 full- and
part-time students in a multi­
cam p u s system , including
Sylvania in Southwest Port­
land. Rock C reek in N orth­
w est, the S outheast C enter
and the C ascad e C am pus
on N orth K illin g sw o rth
F o r the 2 006-07 year,
the co llege c o n tin u es to
open doors to its d iverse
co m m u n ity and help stu ­
d ents from all w alks o f life
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