Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 08, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 8. 2006
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Page B3
Support Builds for Community Transitional School
Site prepared on
NE Killingsworth
Sehool. O ur Future” to pay for
construction o f a perm anent sehool
on two acres o f vacant land in the
Cully N eighborhood at 6507 N.E.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Founda­ Killingsworth St.
tion has granted $300,(XM) to help the
Pre-eonstruetion work for the new
Community Transitional Sehool build 9,(XX)square-foot,one-story building
its first permanent school for Portland’s is nearly complete. Construction is
homeless children.
scheduled to begin in spring at the
The not-for-profit sehool educates 2.35-acre site.
Kindergarten through Kth-gradechil­
The sehool is temporari ly housed at
dren whose families are homeless or Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church in
living in transition. It is the only pro­ southeast Portland, where it moved at
gram of its kind in Oregon hut has the end of July after its eviction from
-C heryl Biekle,
been disrupted by six different loca­ St. Stephen's Catholic Church in the
tions since it began at the Portland Hawthorne neighborhood.
school principal and lead teacher. "We
YWCA in 1990.
"In my 16 years with the school. are often the only stable forceinthese
E arlier this year, the sc h o o l’s I've become well aware of the impact kids’ lives. Moving the sehool every
board o f directors launched a $3 of moving the school from year to year is incredibly stressful both to
mi Ilion capital campaign called "Our year,” said Cheryl Biekle, transitional students and the staff.
In my 16 years
with the school,
I ’ve become well
aware o f the
impact o f moving
the school from
year to year
>TOB\ Is x iM I B o i i r / l ’lH I’ u k ii A M tO s s i k\h.K
Land is prepared for construction o f the Community Transitional
School at 6507 N.E. Killingsworth St. in the Cully Neighborhood.
The transitional sehixrl’s new build­
ing cam paign’s first major com m it­
ment was a $300,(XX) grant from the
J.C. Kellogg Foundation o f New Jer­
sey. San Francisco-based Jamba Juice
has committed $ 1(X).(XM) to build a
track and playground on the grounds
o f the new sehool.
F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , visit
transitional sehixrl.org.
Black Entrepreneurs Annual Dinner From Law Degree to
‘Tis the season for
Government Relations
food, networking
B lack E n tre p re n e u rs o f C lark
C o u n ty , a free m o n th ly b u sin ess
round table and netw orking group,
w orks toexpand em pow erm ent and
close opportunity gaps through ad ­
v o c a c y , c o n ta c ts , f e llo w s h ip ,
m en to rsh ip and the ex c h an g e o f
e x p e rtise and ideas. A ll are w e l­
com e regardless o f race, residence
o rv en tu re.
N ot to be o u td o n e d u rin g the
holiday season, the group will host
its an nual free d in n e r and d essert
po tlu ck c e le b ra tio n from 5 :3 0 to
7 :3 0 p.m . T u e sd a y , N ov. 21, at
L egal
N otices
Clark Public U tilities-E leetricC en­
ter c o m m u n ity ro o m , 1200 Fort
V a n c o u v e r W ay, n e a r E ast M ill
Plain B oulevard in V ancouver.
A m id d e lic io u s p each c o b b le r,
spicy e n tré e s and o th e r d e lig h ts,
the org an izatio n will honor v o lu n ­
teers from its m entorship program ,
w hich w orks to help entrepreneurs,
e x e c u tiv e s and o th e r g o -g e tte rs
learn, g row and su c ce e d . A lso,
participants can share lessons from
the past y e a r and o ffe r tips for
Ifa tte n d in g , R S V P a n d indicate Shareefah Abdullah
planned dessert, side dish o rentrées s h a re e fa h @ h o to v a tio n s.c o m by
to call S hareefah A bdullah at 360- M o n d ay , N ov. 20, to e n su re a d ­
6 0 4 - 8 5 8 3 o r e m a i l h e r at eq u ate seatin g and food.
Need to publish a court document
or notice? Need an a ffidavit of
p u b lic a tio n
q u ic k ly
your notice for a free price quote!
Fax: 503-288 0015
The Portland Observer
Haynes serves
business alliance
she will work closely with elected
officials at all levels of government
to address the interests and con­
cerns of the business community in
The Portland Business Alliance the Portland metropolitan area."
has nam ed M arion
A law yer, Haynes
Haynes as its new Gov­
joined the alliance in No­
ernment Relations Di­
vember 2(M)4 as a policy
analyst, reviewing and
She will serve as the
developing public-policy
business group’s chief
proposals. She has de­
lobbyist, responsible for
veloped expertise in the
maintaining relationships
areas of land use, trans­
with all local govern­
portation and economic
ments in the Portland
Haynes worked with
"Marion has been an
Sehnitzer Investm ent
Marion Haynes
effective representative
Corp, while earning her
for the Portland business commu­ law degree from Lewis & Clark
nity and a valuable asset to the alli­ Law School. She is a member of the
ance,” said Sandra McDonough, the Oregon State Bar and will continue
alliance's president and chief ex­ in her role as Associate General
ecutive officer. “In this new position Counsel for the alliance.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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