Committed to Cultural Diversity Jesus Depicted as a Black Man M etro 'Color o f the Cross' makes film history il!l JJo rtla n b (lf)bscruer See story, page B5 SECTION om m u n ity C a l e n d a r Multicultural Film Fest Z,, .... Jefferson H igh School, 5210 N. . ... . Kerby Ave., presents "A m erican C ow boys” , o ffe rin g rare footage o f tw o A frica n Am erican rodeo stars from the early 1900s, George Fletcher and Jackson Sundown The free com m unity showing be­ gins at 6 p.m. on M onday, Nov. 6 inR oom C -39. ‘Tangoing with 1 Tornadoes ’ Catlin Gabel Rummage Thursday, Nov. 2, kicks o f f the C atlin Cable Rummage Sale, an enormous annual fundraiser that w ill run thru Sunday N ov. 5, at the Portland Expo Center, 2060 N M arine Dr. No admission charge St. Charles Spaghetti The annual St. Charles Spaghetti and M eatball Fundraiser D inner takes place Sunday, N ov. 5, from noon to 6:30 p.m. at St. Charles Church,42nd and Emerson Street Take-out is available. A dults are $9, children $4. For inform ation cal!503-287-1615. Moving minds with the power of spoken words Black History Museum The B lack H istory Museum o f Oregon is seeking b rillia n t minds o f concerned individuals to help in re s tru c tu rin g the m useum foundation’ s comm ittee. For in ­ formation, cal I 503-284-0617. S. Renee Mitchell powerfully uses her words and voice to bring the issues of domestic violence to the community. Canine 101 Find out w hy your dog does that. "P ro b le m Pooch” class is fo r people w ho have ju st entered pet parenthood, o r are th in kin g o f adopting a new pet. Class w ill be heldat 1067N .E . C olum bia Blvd., Saturdays, Nov. 4 and N ov. 18 at 11 a .m .C all503-285-7722orvisit oregonhum Oregon Food Bank Portland's aw ard-w inning w rite r and spoken word artist S. Renee Mitchell has a gorgeously written choreoplay that will challenge your assumptions about relationships, bring tears to your eyes, erupt laughter from your belly and bring you to your feet in applause. “Tangoing With Tornadoes” will be performed on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10 to 11 at Self-Enhancem ent Inc. Doors open both nights at 6 p.m. and it's free on a first come, first seated basis. The performances, which tackle the issues of domestic violence in our com ­ munity, also feature local singing diva Julianne R. Johnson, African dancing sensation Habiba Addo, incredible pia­ nist Janice Scroggins and the directorial consultation of Darryl! Moch. There will also be free massages, free food and other surprises that will pamper, empower and indulge you just a little b it. To reserve a seat, email your RSVP to or call 503-249-1721, extension 259. The Oregon Food Bank seeks volunteers on Mondays from 1:3() p.m. to 4 :3 0 p.m., and Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to noon, to sort and repack perishable foods. C all 503-282- 0555, extension 272 o r v is it Oregon foodban k .org. Say Hey Reception Partners in D iversity welcomes new professionals o f co lo r w ith a quarterly reception, a llo w in g new professionals to netw ork w ith com m unity leaders. This is a great opportunity to build strong pro fessional bridges. The reception is Thursday, Nov. 9, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at S e lf Enhance ment, Inc.,3920N . K irb y Ave. For more inform ation, call 503-516 3505. Fighting Cancer with Food Free nutrition and cooking classes fo r cancer prevention and sur vival take place at 4 p.m. each Sunday through N ov. 19 at the Community Learning Center, 4 2 12 N.E. Prescott. Toregister, call 503 281-8596. Volunteer for Crisis Line W ant to make a d iffe re n c e in y o u r c o m m u n ity ? V o lu n te e rs and advocates are needed fo r the P ortland W o m e n 's C ris is Lin e . The needs in clude on -ca ll advocates to respond in person o r o ver the phone, outreach and e d u c a tio n a l e ffo rts , and fu n d ra isin g and a d m in is tra tiv e duties. C a ll 503-2 3 2 -4 1 7 6 fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n . Home buying Classes P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity L a n d T rust helps firs , tim e and lo w - incom e hom ebuyers purchase homes at below m arket price. A tte n d a free, on e -h o u r class to learn more about the program . C ontact K e lly @ p c lt.o rg o r ca ll 503-4934)293. City Planning Takes Local Stage Audience influences ‘One Day’ performance Have you ever been watching a rented movie or TV show, and suddenly found yourself yelling at the characters, trying to per­ suade them to make the choice you think they should make? In this situation, regardless of how vigorously you shake your fist at the screen or try to persuade the characters, they never listen. With Sojourn Theater's pro­ duction of "One Day," audience members can actually influence the characters, helping them de­ cide which way to turn and what decisions to make - the choose- your-own-adventure version of live performance theater. As part o f a year long project in collaboration with the c ity ’s VisionPDX planning program. Sojourn T heatre created the show about what our city looks like today, and the challenges it faces as it imagines the future it wants. The audience follows the sto­ ries of eight (fictional) Portlanders duringaday in the life of our city. Afterwards, the participants talk with the actors about theirchoices, and what you would do. Free performances of the origi­ nal production takes place this weekend, Nov. 3,4 ,5 at DaVinci Middle School auditorium, 2508 N.E. Everett St., and the week- endsofNov. 10,11,12at Marshall High School campus auditorium, 3905 S.E. 91st Ave., and Nov. photo by D av id P i . ec h i . 17,18, 19 at the Portland Com­ Rebecca Martinez and Jono Eiland challenge an audience to think about what they want to see for munity College, Cascade Cam ­ Portland in the future in ‘One Day.' a new theater performance that's part of the city's visionPDX pus, 705 N. Killingsworth. program. Film Focuses on Journey of African Refugees Documentary at Hollywood, PCC theaters attacks and m ilitia gunfire, to reach the Kakama refugee camp in Kenya. There they were chosen tocome to America, where they found themselves confronted w ith the abundance and alienation o f contem porary American suburbia. M ultnom ah C ounty L ib ra ry and the W orld A ffa irs C ouncil o f Oregon w ill host tw o free screenings o f ‘ Los, Boys o f Sudan,' a c ritic a lly acclaimed documentary that fo llo w s tw o Sudanese refugees on an extraordinary journey from A fric a to America. The docum entary was film ed in A frica , Houston and Kansas C ity. Lost Boys o f Sudan was broadcast nationally on PBS, won the Independent S pirit Award, and was n o m i­ nated fo r tw o national Em m y awards. The film screenings are part o f a national outreach cam ­ paign to raise local public awareness and support fo r refu­ The screenings w ill be Tuesday, Nov. 7 a, 6 :15 p.m. a, the H ollyw