N ovem ber I. 2 0 0 6 F ood I om ake life easier for meal preparations, the "Food Section’ will present an assortm ent o f hearty, healthy and user-triendly w inter and holiday recipes. For recipe requests or suggestions contact: SharonS@ portlandobserver.com Subject: Food Section ............... Slow Cooker Hickory BBQ Pork Sandwiches 1 boneless pork shoulder (2 lb.) 1 env. Onion soup mix 2 small onions, sliced I eup Hickory Sm oke Barbecue Sauce 8 sandwich buns split 8 cheese slices (optional) Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 6 hr 10 min M akes: 8 servings, 1 sandw ich each This is a really hearty hot sandwich that doesn't take a lot o f attention while cooking. 1. P L A C E meat in slow cooker. Top with soup mix. onions ami barbecue sauce; cover with lid. 2. C O O K 4 to 6 hours on HIGH (or 8 to 10 hours on LOW ). Remove meat from slow cooker; cut into small pieces or shred with fork. Return meat to slow cooker. Mix with sauce 3. S P O O N meat mixture evenly onto bottom halves o f buns; top with Singles. C over with tops o f buns. 5 Spices That Fight Disease Add a little healthy flavor to your life Every cook knows that spices add zero- calories, but big flavor. At last, research­ ers are unearthing the science behind their healing powers (lingerT he benefits: Whetheryou have motion or morning sickness or just an ordinary upset tummy, ginger can bring you some relief. Plus, ginger eases mi­ graine and arthritis pain. How to spice it up: I oss one third of a teaspoon of fresh or powdered ginger into stir-fries or cookie batter, sip ginger beer or tea. or try spicy candied ginger. Cinnam on The benefits: Con­ suming about one-quarter to one teaspoon a day of this crowd­ pleasing spice can reduce glucose (blood sugar) and lower levels of i triglycerides (a type of fat), LDL (or "bad") cholesterol, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a recent study. Cinnamon also has anti­ bacterial properties, killing bacte- ria that can cause food poisoning and neutralizing germs that lead to bad breath and cavities. How to spice it up: Ground cinnamon can be mixed into applesauce or pie filling, hot cider, muffin batter, or oatmeal. Or swirl acinna- mon stick in your tea. Black Pepper The benefits: Pipeline— a pungent substance in black pepper — increases enzyme activity and blood flow, which aid in the body’s absorption of nutrients and enhance digestion How to spice it up: Grind pepper on just about any dish, or toss a few pinches in dressings and marinades. lu rm e ric The benefits: Curcumin, turmeric's bright yellow pigment, may re­ duce your Alzheimer's risk by limiting the buildup of destructive proteins in the brain that is characteristic of the disease. It may also put the brakes on gastric and colon cancerby slowing theeffects of harmful Gl bacteria and smoothing digestive system function. How to spice it up: Add yellow mustard (which contains some curcumin) to sandwiches. Curry powder blends, which include turmeric, pack a more pow­ erful curcumin punch; use in meat and seafood dishes, to season fries, or mix into ketchup. SAFEWAY O Ingredients fo r life. RANCHERS fft&levve Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak Pork Loin Center Cut Chops Boneless. Bone-in. A SAVE up to $1.00 lb. SAVE up to $4.50 lb. Red C hili Pepper FlakesThe benefits: Capsaicin, the main phytochemical in red peppers, works as an anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant, thus preventing clot­ ting and hardening of the arteries. It also helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing your risk of a heart attack. Studies indicate it may even neutralize carcinogens and help boost your immune system. How to spice it up: Sprinkle these flakes on pizza or into tomato sauces, veggies, or fruit salads. If you're buying fresh or dried whole peppers, select brightly colored ones; the duller their hue, the less potent they'll be. West African Soup B oneless Skinless Chicken Breast Halibut Steaks Froren/thawed SAVE up to $4 DO lb Butcher's Cut. Grade A SAVE up to $1 50 lb Fresh Asparagus Del Monte Gold Pineapples SAVE up to $2.00 lb BUTONI, GETONE SAVE up to $2 00 ea 5 to 12-oz package Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 29 on 2 Every time you spend $50 Exten« - Fresh Express Salad Blends a t y o u r S a fe w a y s to re w i t h per gallon of gasoline Thru y o u r S a fe w a y C lu b C a rd in a single transaction See store for details SAFEW AY $ GASOLINE / ms soup is native to West Africa (Nigeria) ft is a great soup for those who I ike to try something different every once in a while. This is a unique way to use pumpkin seeds. Any combination o f crab, shrimp and smoked fish can be used in place o f the shrimp. Drained, smoked oysters and chicken can he used in place o f the beef. O riginal recipe yield: 6 to 8 servings PR EPTIM E: 15 Min C O O K T IM E : I Hr2()Min READY IN I H r35 Min D IR E C T IO N S IN G R E D IE N T S • 3/4 cup pum pkin seeds • I 1/2 pounds cubed beef stew meat • 1/2 eup peanut oil • 2 large tomatoes, chopped • I small onion, chopped • 2 habanera peppers,seeded and minced • 18 ounces tomato sauce • 3 tablespoons tomato paste • 1 1/2 cups w ater • 2 pounds fresh shrimp, peeled and de- veined • I pound fresh spinach, washed and chop|M'd 1. Place pumpkin seeds in a blender and blend for 30 to 40 seconds or until m ixture are a powdery paste. Set aside. 2 . W ash beef and cut into bite-size cubes. Season with salt. In large pot, heat oil over m edium-high heat for4 to 5 minutes. Add beef and sauté for 3 to 5 minutes or unt il brown but not cooked through. 3. Place tomatoes, onions, and pep­ per in a blender and blend for about 30 seconds or until smooth. Add tomato mixture to meat, reduce heat to me­ dium-low, and cover. Ck for 40 to 50 minutes or until meat is tender. 4. Add tom ato sauce, water, and shrim p and sim m er for 10 minutes, 5. Add spinach and ground pum p­ kin seeds and continue to sim m er 10 minutes more. Jum bo C ooked Shrim p 21 to 25-ct T a il-o ir Frozen/thaw ed. SAVE up to S3.00 lb. Colossal Raw Shrimp Kellogg s Cereal 18 to 25-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to $5 71 on 2 13 to 15-ct. Shelt-on. F rozen/thaw ed. SAVE up to $ 3.0 0 lb. Keebler Mix N' Match Sale 8 1 to 16-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 Super Colossal Sea Scallops Under 10-ct. Frozen/thawed. SAVE up to $4,00 lb. Gatorade or Propel 32-oz Gatorade or Propel. Selected varieties Club Price: St 25 ea SAVE up to $4 25 on 5 700-ml Safeway Butter Top Bread IB-Pack Budweiser Miller or Coors 22 5-oz Homestyle While or Wheal SAVE up le SI 99 on 2 12-oz. bottles Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up Io S4 00 van Duzer or Freí B ro the r^ 750 ml Se I ec t r u Instantly B U Y O N F .G E T O N t D reyer's Grand Ice C ream Capri Sun Drinks or Kool-Aid Jammers 1 75 qt Selected varieties SAVE up to S5 99 on 2 To Place Your Classified Advertisement 10/6.75-oz pouches Selected varieties Club Price $2 00 ea SAVE up la St 00 on 4 Contact: Kathy Linder Shop at Home We Deliver. Phone: 503 288 0033 safew ay.com Fax: 503 288 0015 * im pot animator? tot pa Sita» CMC»* A l l LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY e mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com BUY ONF, GET ONE Itemi t pnces m thn id ire m iliN e 11 emit Ioni Site« m l or pu torui enon. Wc mene the npht lo tonen oll item purchned. the repii» pnce ippliei Minuhciuien' s to deilm. rntiuranh nr institutmns Sil« in m ill qwntiti« onk Quantinr n Buy One, Get One f a t ("BOGO’ I otfrrv lurtomer mu«t pun k a* me tint r u*d on pun ktted it«m onlv nor on hrr irrms ('200* Satrwir Storrs. Irx