Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 01, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    November I, 2006
Page A3
|Jn rth u ib (lObseruer
NAACP Leader Remembered
(A P )— Enolia P. M cM illan,
the first female president o f the
N A A C P and a highly regarded
figure in the c iv il rights move­
photo by I saiah
K oi il /T iii P orti . w d O kslrm
Reedway Place Apartm ents, 8 9 4 0 S.E. Reedway near the Lents Town Center urban renewal area,
brings affordable rental housing to the developing neighborhood.
ment, died Oct. 24 o f natural
causes. She was 102.
M c M illa n , an e d u c a to r
w hose ca re er spanned 42
years, became a teacher in 1927
and crusaded for equal pay for
b la c k teachers and b e tte r
schools for black students.
She helped to reactivate the
c ity chapter o f the National
Association fo r the Advance­
ment o f Colored People in 1935 Enolia P. M cM illan
and was active in the organiza­ andaclose friend o f the M c M illa n
tion for more than 50 years. fam ily, said she was a "p illa r o f
Kw eisi Mfum e. form er presi­ the c iv il rights movement."
dent and CEO o f the N A A C P
“ She was very much the ma­
tr ia r c h o f the N A A C P ,”
M fum e to ld The (B a ltim o re )
Sun. "She was a fig h te r who
was relentless in pursuing ju s ­
tic e ."
The eldest o f four children,
she was born Oct. 20, 1904, in
W illo w Grove, Pa., to John
Pettigen, who was bom a slave
in V irginia, and Elizabeth For­
tune P e ttig e n , a d o m e stic
w orker.
She wanted to be a doctor
— a pediatrician because she
liked children — but heeding
the realities o f a black woman's
opportunity in that day, she
decided to become a teacher,
said her eldest granddaughter.
T iffa n y Beth M cM illan .
Housing Gets Dose of Affordability
City sponsored
fo r PDC renewal areas have built
the East Bank Esplanade that
stretches along the W illam ette, and
high rises that sprout like mush­
rooms in pricey areas like South
W aterfront and the Pearl D istrict.
The latest resolution is intended
S arah Knit nt
T hi P ortland Oust r \ lr
The P ortlandCityC ouncil unani­
mously passed an ordinance to help
house fam ilies and individuals who
struggle just to make rent.
The ordinance w ill set aside 30
percent o f the Portland Develop-
mentCommission’ s Urban Renewal
D istrict dollars - earm arking that
money fo r the construction o f af­
fordable units in five o f the P D C s
11 designated areas fo r urban rede­
W hile at least one-third o f Port­
land households earn less than
$25.(M)() each year - forcing many
fam ilies and individuals to sleep in
vehicles and live in motels - funds
to provide homeownership oppor­
tunities fo r m in o rity, elderly and
disabled residents in these areas.
Michael Anderson o f the A ffo rd ­
able Housing N ow coalition, the
re s o lu tio n ’ s leading advocates,
said there isa projected $ 125.5 m il­
lion set aside fo r low-incom e and
affordable housing in the next five
years. He said it is distinguished as
the largest affordable housing com ­
m itm ent the c ity has made.
However, whether these funds
reach individuals and fam ilies w ith
the greatest needs is a crucial piece
o f the ordinance yet to be resolved.
PDC housing p o lic y and devel­
opment manager Leah Greenwood
C a n 't a ffo r d re n t?
said the agency's next step is to
establish incom e g u idelines to
reach people w ith incomes from
zero to 30 percent o f the Median
Fam ily Income (an individual earn­
ing less than $15,000 per year).
"Each district is pretty unique,"
Greenwood said. " W e 'll look at
demographics and housing stock
ofeach district, and w ork w ith com ­
m unity to see how we should target
those resources."
A p p ly f o r th e
H A P S ection 8
w a itin g lis t lo tte ry .
The PDC ai ms to set these guide-
lines by the end o f this year.
A n d e rs o n sa id th e y have
partnered w ith other com m unity
groups to suggest guidelines for
the city. They recommend h a lf o f
the money be set aside to affect
fam il ies below 30 percent o f median
fam ily income, and another 15 to 20
If you w an t Section 8
rent help, act now!
The Housing Authority of Portland will open up a new Section 8
percent to be spent on homeowner­
ship fo r people and fam ilies w ith
incomes below 80 percent, decreas­
ing the gap fo r people o f color.
waiting list application process on Nov. 1, 2006. The process will
close on Nov. 17.
Those who submit a valid application during this period will enter
a lottery. The lottery will pick 3,000 households at random. Those
people will be placed on a waiting list to receive Section 8 rent help.
■ Starting Nov. 1, applications can be downloaded from
w w w .h a p d x .o rg
■ Applications also will be available starting Nov. 1 at Oregon
Department of Human Services offices and at tw o HAP locations.
Ask for HAP's "Application for Section 8 Waiting List Lottery."
■ For help filling out the form, or if you have questions, come to
one of our sign-up sessions during the week of Nov. 13.
■ For a list of DHS and HAP office locations, or for the times and
locations of the sign-up sessions, go to w w w .h a p d x .o rg or call
The African Children s Choir will present a free concert Sunday, Nov. 1 2 a t the Salvation Army
Moore Street Center, 5 3 2 5 N. Williams Ave.
the HAP W a itin g List H otline, (503) 802-8472
Moore Street Hosts Children’s Choir
M em bers o f the local co m m u ­
n ity are in vite d to enjoy a p e rfo r­
mance o f the in te rn a tio n a lly ac­
claim ed and G ram m y-nom inated
A fric a n C h ild re n 's C h o ir at the
S a lva tio n A rm y M o o r i Street
Center, 5325 N. W illia m s Ave. on
Sunday. N ov. 12 at 7 p.m . The
event is free and no ticke ts are
The group o f 26 A frica n c h il­
dren, ages 5 through 12, are se-
lectcd from those most needy in
A frica. They perf orm a wide variety
o f songs, drums and ethnic instru­
mentation as w ell as ch ild re n ’ s
songs, popular gospel tunes and
live ly spirituals.
British Twins Show Diversity
HAP is committed to providing safe, decent
and affordable housing to individuals and
families in Multnomah County who face
income or other life challenges.
Morvf ¡bird
O r d e r y o u r T h a n k s g iv in g
tu r k e y a n d s id e d is h e s .
1. C a ll o u r T u rk e y H o tlin e a t
5 0 3 .4 7 3 .8 6 9 5
2. O r d e r o n lin e a t w w w
n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t .c o m
3. C o m e in to o n e o f o u r s to re s
Twins Layton (right) and Kaydon Richardson (left) are officially
one in a m illion a fte r one was born black and the o th e r one
white. (AP photo)
Boys have
different genes
(A P ) — A pair o f British tw in
boys has been bom w ith different
skin color, a rare genetic occur­
rence according to experts.
In an interview with Britain's Sky
N ew s pro g ra m , m o th e r K e rry
Richardson said that the boys were
both born w hite but as they've
gotten older one o f the boys got
darker and the other lighter.
Today, she says, the tw ins at­
tract attention wherever they go.
Richardson is o f mixed race, with
Nigerian and English heritage, while
the father is white.
A genetics expert at O xford U n i­
versity says such births are rare, as
the genes that cause skin co lo r
norm ally m ix together. In this case,
he says, it appears the genes for
skin co lo r didn't com bine fo r some
reason and the boys may have in ­
herited different genetic codes from
their mother.
N I n t e r s t a t e A v e & P o r t la n d B lv d P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 7 7 7
C O N C O R D I A : N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1
a n d s ix o t h e r P o r t la n d á r e a lo c a t io n s
5 0 3 .2 8 8 .3 8 3 8
V is it u s o n lin e a t w w w . n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m .