Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 01, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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A n E vening of 88
-featuring Portland's own
Biodiesel Buys Cleaner Air
Jeff Rouse o f Carson Oil Co (left) and TrIMet's Fred Hansen and Sue Van Bocklin announce the
switch to a biodiesel blend fuel for all buses in the TriMet fleet, making the transportation agency
the #1 biodiesel user in Oregon. Combined with ultra-low sulfur diesel, TriMet expects to reduce
particulate air pollution emissions up to 3 0 percent in buses.
Crisis Training for Police Wanted
Mcwmark Ihcatrc |
M ayor Tom Potter is asking the a mentally ill man whodied in police unanticipated revenues that has
City Counci I to al locate $25O,(X M) to custody after a confrontation with resulted from Portland’s im proving
begin im m ediately providing Port­ police officers, downtow n.
economy. The Council will vote on
land Police Bureau patrol officers
"Increasingly, our public safety how to allocate those funds on
with 40 hours o f Crisis Intervention officers are the first responders for Nov. 29.
people on the street with mental
The $25O,( XX) isex peeled to cover
The training will help officers health issues," said M ayor Potter. the training o f about 180 officers
deal with people suffering from a "Any additional training we can through the end o f this fiscal year.
mental illness. Mental health advo­ provide them is worth the invest­ Potter will ask for an additional
cates have cal led for increased train­ ment for our com m unity."
$25O,(XX) in the 2(X)7-2OO8 budget to
ing for all officers in theafterm ath of
The money would com e from a provide C IT training to all sworn
the recent death o f Jam es Chasse, pool o f more than $18 million in officers.
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e ig h tY o ig h t
N t)
llo w
’ ;.
GOP Fails to Grow Black Support
Poll finds much
(AP) - So much for the Republi­
can charm offensive toward m inori­
ties. Black voters are far less likely
to approve o f the way President
Bush is doing his jo b than voters
generally and they are more likely
to feel that the country is on the
wrong track, disheartening news
fora Republican Party that has been
trying to curry favor with m inority
voters in recent years.
E ighty-nine percent o f likely
A frican A m erican voters d isap ­
prove o f Bush, com pared with 61
percent o f all likely voters.
In what could be a particularly
bad sign for Republicans in next
w eek's m idterm elections, black
voters also are more likely to say
that the Iraq w ar was a m istake and
that recent disclosures o f scandal
and corruption in C ongress will be
very im portant to their vote, ac­
cording to an A ssociated Press-
AOL Black Voices poll conducted
Oct. 23 through M onday.
While black voters say Republi­
cans have done a poor jo b o f repre­
senting their interests, they also
have misgivings about the D em o­
cratic Party. Almost half o f black
voters said the Dem ocratic Party
Protection Sized To Fit
Republican gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann (center) cam­
paigns Friday in Philadelphia. (AP Photo)
takes their vote for granted; about
a third said the party has done a
poor jo b o f representing their inter­
About a fourth o f blacks said
they weren't confident their votes
would be counted accurately.
Bush's draw on the black vote
inched up to a still-anem ic 11 per­
cent in 2004. But since then the
party has taken a hit because of
w idespread d issatisfaction with
how the Bush adm inistration re­
sponded to Hurricane Katrina last
Only 38 percent o f blacks are
confident the federal governm ent
would help them in a major disaster,
according to the AP-AOL poll.
And while the Republican Party
has strongly pushed the candida­
cies o f black Republicans in the
com ing elections, the survey offers
little hope that black G O P candi­
dates hold special appeal for m inor­
ity voters. M ore than eight in 10
black likely voters say the race o f
the candidate makes no difference
to them.
"It ju st depends on their plat­
form," said Kassandra W illiamson-
Moore, a black D em ocrat from In­
dianapolis. "You can't ju st vote
strictly by race."
One thing you want your family to always feel is protected. We understand. At American Family
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Portland Development Commission
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Advocate Honored
civic leader and entrepreneur w
is an advocate for A sian-A m erit
issues, was am ong a handful
Filipino-A m ericans nominated
the prestigious 2(X)6 President
Awards for Filipino Individualsa
O rg a n iz a tio n s
O verseas.
“ Ba-
naag" (Beacon)
award isgiven to
Filipino and for­
eign individuals
or associations
honored for ad ­
Jaime Lim
v a n c in g
th e
cause o f Filipinocommunities ov
seas or for supporting specific si
tors or com m unities in the Phil
Lim has served countless lei
ership positions in various Io
business and civic groups.