Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 25, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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October 25. 2006
___ ‘ri" i.lnrttauò (©bseruer
O ur mission: to cham pion jazz as an
indigenous, culturally significant American
art form, by educating and entertaining a
local,•hational, and international audience.
T.I. Tops Hip
Hop Nominations
E n terta in ers Y o ung J e e z y (from left),
Ludacris, a n d J e rm a in e D u p ri.
“I was a jazz major in high school, in an all­
jazz band. No matter what I do, it features
my musical influences.” Wyclef Jean
•uncfay Supper Tine
Celebrating our Customers!
(A P ) — T .I. w ill have a ch an ce to show
why he calls h im self "The K ing."
T he A tlan ta-b ased rapper received eight
n om inations for the BET H ip-H op A w ards,
w hich will air n ationally on the cable c h a n ­
nel on W ednesday, Nov. 15. B usta R hym es
drew the seco n d -m o st n o m in atio n s, six;
C h a m illio n aire got five, w hile Y ung Joe
and Lupe F iasco got fo u r apiece.
Stephen Hill, executive vice president o f
en tertain m en t, m usic and talen t at BET,
ex p ressed en th u sia sm for the d ecision to
hold the ev en , in A tlanta.
"H ip -h o p is huge here." Hill said. "This
city has an en erg y that you can touch. T his
is the hom e plate for southern hip-hop and
m usic in g en eral."
Ensemble Breaks Jazz Norms
The C reative M u sic Guild p r e s e n ts The Claudia Q uintet, a N e w Y o rk-b a sed e n s e m b le
th a t re c o m b in e s a m yriad o f m u s ic s ty le s to revea l b re a th ta k in g n e w v is ta s for ja zz .
The g ro u p p e rfo rm s Thursday, Oct. 2 6 a t 8 p .m . a t th e Fez B allroom , 3 1 6 S .W . 1 1 th
A ve. T ick ets a re $ 1 5 a n d will b e a va ila b le a t th e door.
Liveal Cannon’s Rib Express
Halloween Costume
Contest and Dance
Party --T he Norman
Reggie Houston’s
Box of Chocolates
Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar
"ya never know what ya gain g it"
Sponsored by:
■ j k g ; '- "
Sylvester Band, will
take the stage at 9 p. in..
Saturday, Oct. 28 at
the M & M Lounge in
Gresham. For more in­
fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t
Norm an Sylvester at
4 2 4 4
S.E. 91 Ave. Free
fo o d , fe llo w sh ip
and ch ild ren 's ac­
tivities are av ail­
N o rm a n S y lv e s te r
Harvest Festival —
The annual Lents Harvest Festival
is Saturday. Oct. 28. from 2 p.m. to
6 p.m.at Pilgrim Lutheran Church,
1 M A R K E T 1
more informa­
tion call 503-223-
v is it
japan eseg ard en s.co m .
Human Rights on
Film - The N orth­
west Film Center
Presents Human Rights on Film,
continuing through Nov. 9. Nine
film s are featured that deepen
aw areness to the values o f dignity,
equality and justice as film m akers
tell universal stories o f hum an
struggle, sacrifice and triumph. For
title s an d sh o w tim e s , v is it
Center, 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m . w ith d in n e r by
M ondemaj C atering next door to
the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Jazz Quintet of Portland — The
PDX V Jazz Q uintet o f Portland re­
turns to the ‘Old C hurch’ dow n­
town. at 1 Ith & Clay Street, T ues­
day, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Enjoy the
rich jazz sounds for a suggested
donation o f $10
Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recre­
ation is hosting family friendly hip-
hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
Various lessons teach rhythm, tech­
nique, coordination, agility, com bi­
nations and team w ork through ur-
Dance C lasses --
‘Ragtim e’ Epic Story of
Struggle - Lakew ood Theatre
Co. presents "R agtim e: The
M u sical," an ep ic story o f
struggle, dignity, honor and
a c c e p ta n c e in s e g re g a te d
Am erica at the turn o f the 20th
century. The fictional lives o f
three very different American
Emerging Leaders: Sisters in families become dramatically in­
Action — Sisters in Action for Power tertw ined with real-life histori­
hold their annual celebration, Fri­ cal figures and events. Perfor­
day, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at King mances continue through Sun­ R a g tim e: The M u sica l
Elem entary. Amara Perez will pass day, Oct. 29 at Lakewood C en­
ban dance moves. For more infor­
the executive director’s torch to ter for the Arts, 368 S. State St. in
mation, cal 1360-696-8236.
Terenie Faison. There will be food, Lake O sw ego. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-635-3901 or on line at ‘A Season for Peace’ — The Port­
www.lakew ood-center.org
land G ay M en’s holiday concert
“G oodw ill to AII" assem bles music
Trippin’ through Town -- Take a
from various cultures and traditions
trip through tim e to find the hottest
toeelebratethe holiday season with
poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­
perform ances scheduled at Kaul
ing Portland on W ednesdays at the
A uditorium on Friday and Satur­
Ohm. $ 7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave.
day Dec. 15-16 at 8 p.m. and Sun­
Belly Dance Classes - Caravan day, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m.
S tudios o ffers classes in belly
dance, African dance and more.
Visit w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
Holiday Ale Festival -- The 11 th
Holiday Ale Festival will
raffle prizes and lots o f fun.
begin on Thursday, Nov. 30. and
OMSI P re sen ts: B lack Holes — A Musical Story Times for Kids — continue through Sunday, Dec. 3, at
flight sim ulator transform s real sci­ T h e O re g o n S y m p h o n y a n d PioneerCourthouse Square, 701 S.W.
entific data about black holes into M ultnomah County Libraries team Sixth Ave. Com plimentary sodas for
stunning visualizations in O M SI’s up to launch the fifth season o f minors and designated drivers.
new p lan etariu m show “ Black musical events. Sym phony m usi­
holes: The O ther Side o f Infinity.” cians will be perform ing m usic-re­ The Jingle Ball — The ZI (X)’ s Jingle
For more information, call 503-797- lated stories on Saturdays, starting Ball is bringing som e o f the biggest
pop and R&B perform ers to the
4000 or visit om si.edu.
Nov.4 at 11 :(X ) a.m. The free story
Rose G arden, Friday, Dec. 8 at 7
times w i 11 be followed by the oppor­
A u tu m n L eaves at th e Ja p a n e se
p.m. Slated perform ers: Pussycat
tunity for kids to play the musical
G a rd e n - The Japanese Garden at
Dolls, Nelly Furtado, Jo-Jo.Chlngy,
instrum ents them selves.
W ashington Park presents autumn
and E-40. Tickets priced at $28.50
le a v e s b o n sa i p r e s e n ta tio n s Tlmeto Jam -Jam Night, Portland’s and $37.50. are currently on sale,
through Nov. 15.T heexhibit isfree ever-popular com edy and variety and available by calling 877-789-
with the $8 adm ission to the gar- show is at Christian Performing Arts ROSE(7673)
B lack H o les a t 0 M S I
Live Music Every Night
• Kick o ff your week with live jazz every Sunday at
9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont).
• Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mic night each
M onday a, the B ack-to-B ack C afé (614 East
• The Thom City Improv, featuring m em bers of
O ldom inion. Q uivah. The Chosen and The Black
Notes, perform at C o n an 's (3862 S.E. Hawthorne)
every Tuesday at 10 p.m.
• Celebrate H um p Day at The Red Sea (3 8 1 S.W. 3rd
Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
• Inch toward the w eekend at the Candlelight Room
(2032 SW 5th Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing
each Thursday.
• Celebrate Friday with Mel Brown, w ho plays jazz at
S alty 's on the Colum bia every Friday and Saturday,
and Jimmy M ak’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
• Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fridays
and Saturdays at M ontego Bay. ( 1239 S.W . Jefferson ).
Citywide event: Let Justice
Rev. Dr. Bob Edgar,
General Secretary o f the National Council o f Churches,
-rr.. o • *
Atehxf»removió com
For InformwfKWt n*q«rrimq Dioup Tieftet %»<•« Gait 9A6 MA'CRATCH
to call for people o f faith to address the great moral issues o f
poverty, warfare, racism, and environmental degradation.
Augustana Lutheran Church
2710NE 14th (corner o f NE 15th & Knott)
Wednesday, November 1,7:00 p.m.
A lso present will be com m unity leaders, jazz/gospel greats
Lutheran Church
Serving Portland and
the World to the Glory
o f God since 1906
Marilyn Keller, Shirley Nanette, Ron Steen, Kevin Dietz, Brian
Ward; resident organist Glenn l.udtke; Native A merican flutist
Isaac Trimble. Admission free; freewill offering received. At 8 : 15
pm. a book signing o f Dr. E dgar's new book. “The A w akening o f
the M iddle C hurch" will take place.