Page A6 ìli cJJort lattò ©bseruer October 25. 2006 F ood The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments, and/or family recipes that you would like to share with us are addressed in email to: "This is a mouth tingling recipe with ricotta, feta, eggplant, tomato, pesto, pumpkin, Parmesan and mozzarella INGREDIENTS • • • • 2 I 5 I 9 ounces crumbled feta cheese 2/3 cup pesto 2 eggs, beaten Salt and pepper to taste 1(15 ounce) can tomato sauce cups peeled and diced pumpkin eggplant, sliced into 1/2 inch rounds tomatoes pint ricotta cheese Fresh pasta sheets (Lasagna noodles) I 1/3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese I cup grated Parmesan cheese Look for the circled prices in this ad and in store so you can SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life. DIRECTIONS 1. Use a 10" X 13" Deep baking dish, preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Place pumpkin on a baking sheet and roast in oven until browned and tender, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, grill eggplant on a charcoal grill or fry in a skillet, turning once, until charred and tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Halve tomatoes and place on baking sheet in oven for last 15 minutes of pumpkin time: cook until tender and wrinkly. 3. In a medium bowl, stir together ricotta, feta, pesto, eggs, salt and pepper until well mixed. Fold roasted pumpkin into ricotta mixture. 4. Spoon half of the tomato sauce into a 9x 13 baking dish. Lay two pasta sheets over the sauce. Arrange a single layer of eggplant slices over pasta and top with half the ricotta mixture. Cover with two more pasta sheets. Arrange the roasted tomatoes evenly over the sheets and spoon the remaining half the ricotta mixture over the tomatoes. Sprinkle with half the mozzarella. Top with remaining two sheets of pasta. Pour remaining tomato sauce overall and sprinkle with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan. Lean Ground Beef 80% Lean 20% Fat. 5-lbs. or more per pack­ age. SAVE up to $1.70 lb. Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken B ' Z11 I > J Locally grown, SAVE up to 90« lb. Here is an easy recipe for roasting fresh pumpkin seeds Assorted Loin Pork Chops C aptain's Choice Shrim p Rings B o n e-in . 3 2 -o z . W ith sauce. SAVE up to 8 0 t lb SA VE up to $ 5 0 0 e a . INGREDIENTS • 11/2 cups raw whole pumpkin seeds • 2 teaspoons butter, melted • 1 pinch salt Red Seedless Grapes DIRECTIONS Large Hass Avocados Club Price: $1.00 lb. SAVE up to $1.99 lb. 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. 2. Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butterand salt. 3. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes oruntil golden brown: stir occasionally. Fresh Express Salads 9 to 1 2 -o z . p ackag e Club Price. $1 0 0 ea S elected varieties. SAVE up Io 79« ea C lub P rice: $ 1 .0 0 ea. SAVE up to $1 9 9 ea Jack-O-Lantern Brownie -Uff,“ ' Ingredients: • Yellow and red food color • 3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks) butter or • I can(l6oz.)canned vanillafrost­ ing margarine, melted • 1-1/2 cups sugar • Garnishes: Hershey's mini kisses, T w izzlers Nibs Licorice Bits, • 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 3 eggs Twizzlers Pull-n-Peel, Heath En­ • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour glish Toffee Bits, assorted Bake Shoppe items • 1/2 cup Cocoa • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/4 teaspoon salt Buy 6 Bottles or more and your price per bottle: Kendall Jackson, Toasted Head or Chateau St Jean Lucerne Shredded or Chunk Cheese Safew ay SELECT Ice Cream 3 2 -o z 1.75-qt 7 5 0 -m l. bottle. Selected varieties. S elected varietals. SAVE up to $ 2 3 0 Selected varieties Club Price; $2 50 ea. SA VE up to $ 2 .9 8 on 2 Hershey's, Mars or Nestle Fun Size Directions: 1. Heat oven to 35()°F. Grease 12- 10 to 12.5-oz. Selected varieties. While Supplies Last inch round pizza pan. If using a disposable pan, place on baking sheet to bake. 2. Beat melted butter, sugar and van i I la w i t h spoon i n I arge bow I. Beat in eggs. Stir in dry ingredi­ ents; beat with spoon until well blended. Spread into pan. 3. Bake20to22m inutesoruntil,op springs back when touched lightly in center. Cool completely. Add yellow and red food color to frosting for desired shade of orange. Frost brownie; garnish to resemble ajack-o-lantcm. 12 to 16 servings. SAVE up to $1.61 BUY O N E, G ET O N E Tostilos T o rtilla Chips 9 to 13.5-oz. Selected varieties 2 Liter Go2 Cola 24-Pack Coors or Miller S afew ay varieties Plus d ep o sit In Oregon t2 - o z . can s or 3 0 -p a c k M ille r Lite. SAVE up to 70« S elected varieties Plus d ep o sit in O regon. SAVE up to $ 3 4 9 on 2 SAVE up to $ 5 5 4 SAFEWAY S COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! SUPER COUPONS! Otter valid Wednesday, October 25 thru Tuesday, October 31 Minimum $10 Purchase Fun Size i SAFEWAY S Snickers Candy 11.11-1» While I COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! Supplies Last Limit, With Minimum October 25 thru October 31 $10 purchase SAFEWAY s COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! October 25 thru October 31 SAFEWAY s COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! October 25 thru October 31 Regular price $1 88 without coupon. w th card and coupon Red Baron Thin Crust Pina Subscribe I 503-288-0033 j Or Pizzeria Style Pizza 19 to Î1 65 oz Seteaed O U U d L l 1UC ’ Fill Out & Send To: | |jortlanb OObseruer j Amr. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 | s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) J N ame : __ T elephone SURER COUPONS! this coupon must be presented at time of purchase One ohw per person One coupon per customer Valid 1ÛQV06 thru I M I /Ot COUPON CAWIOT Bf DOUBLED SUPER COUPONS with card and coupon Safeway Apple Juice Selected varieties Limn 1 with Minimum $10 Purchase SURER COUPONS? 000000089777 , - i : »______ S h o p at Hom e. W e Deliver. A ddress ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD. PER DAY. or email I J Items * pnces in ih» ad m jv jib b k at your local Safeway «orci. No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sala in mail quantum only Quantum ol some Utnu may 1» limittd and subtect Io availability Nix responsible for lypopapb Im onlv « al or pictorial rrron W r mervr the nytht (o correct all pnnted « ro n On Buy One, C d On« Free (" B O C O t offen, cunomei muu I purdia' purchase lb« fust iltm Io receive lb« recond n«m fere BOGO offen are not 1/2 pne« sales I f only a untie nem punhaied. ill« rejular pose applm Manufacturen soupons may be uaed on punhased ««mi only - not on fi«« nuns. C2006 Safeway Stores. Inc.