Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 25, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    H ie
O ctober 25, 2006
1 ^Jnrtlanb (Ohseruer
The Ghost Catcher
Halloween Carnival
L a d y b u g T h e a te r p re s e n ts " T h e G h o st
C a tc h e r,” a H allow een tradition featuring
e v e ry o n e ’s favorite Boo Hoo G host. A ppro­
priate for ages three and up with good theater
m anners. Show s start at 10:30 a.m . on O ct. 25
and 26 at the SM ILE S tation, 821O S .E . 13th
St. For m ore inform ation, call 503-232-2346
o r go to lad y b u g th eater.o rg .
Kids can wear their costumes for a fun night of
carnival games on W ednesday, Oct. 25 at 6:30
p in . the Hillsdale Com munity Center 653 N.W.
Culpepper. Bring two cans o f food and get four
carnival tickets for free. For information, call
503-823-3181 orgotoportlandonline.com /parks.
Night of the Living Dead
Northw est C h ildren's T heater’s Teen Stage
presents this adaptation o f the classic George
Rom ero horror film “The Night o f the Living
Dead." Ages 12 and up. Shows start at 10:30
p.m. on Oct. 27 and 28 at the Northwest Neigh­
borhood Cultural Center, 1819 N.W. Everett St.
For more information, call 503-222-4480 or go to
nw cts.org.
Page A5
Come see us at AAAH's
7th Annual African American
Home Buying Fair
Monster Mash
Join in for a carnival o f howling Halloween fun
On Saturday. Oct. 28 at the Matt Dishman
Com m unity Center. Highlights include games,
crafts tattoos, face painting storytelling, adive in
movie and swimming sw amp. (Children48 inches
and under must be accom panied by an adult in
the water.) Each child donating two cans of food
receives eight gam e tickets. Children must be
accom panied by an adult.
Saturday, O ctober 28
. 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Call 503.823.3400
w w w .pdc.us/hom epurchase
Scream at the Beach
Corn Maize
This highly rated haunted house helps raise
funds for the Red C ross. E ncounter salty
seam en and m eet D avey Jones, get goose
bum ps in the sw am py hom e o f the C urse o f
the V oodoo W om an, and run as fast as you
can through a bigger version o f last y e a r's
m ost p opular haunt. N ightm ares II. Scream at
the Beach is located next door to ToysR Us.
A dm ission is $8 for single attractions and $23
for all five attractions. For schedules, visit the
w ebsite scream atth eb e ach .co m .
Sauvie Island's Corn Maize and Haunted Maize
takes place at 16525 N.W. Gilliham Rd. For
information go to portlandm aize.com .
FrightTown returns to the Underground of the
Rose Garden for bone chilling adventure with
new haunts and horrors through Tuesday Oct.
31. from 7 p.m. to K) p.m. (Fri. & Sat. 7 p.m. to
11 p.m.). Adm ission is $20 for all three haunted
a ttra c tio n s . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n v isit
R oseQ uarter.com
Your Partner for Home Purchase, Repair & Renovation
Alberta’s Racial Lines
Sabin Com mu nt iy
Development pro­
motes the diversity
o f its Northeast
Portland neighbor­
hood at its Alberta
Street offices.
photo by S ean
O ’C onnor /
T in P ori land O bserver
from Front
businesses and organizations of different ethnicities,
many of which he found do not communicate with
each other. He stresses the importance of discussion
among everyone with a stake in the neighborhood,
and offers a few practical suggestions to preserve and
enhance racial diversity along Alberta, including
hiring a racially diverse staff from the neighborhood,
offering products and prices that attract a range of
residents and advertising in diverse venues.
Another less obvious suggestion concerns dogs
in gentrifying neighborhoods - Sullivan found some
respondents are uncomfortable or intimidated around
dogs, whether tied to poles on sidewalks outside of
businesses or on adjacent patios. A dog's presence,
even if well behaved, is unwelcoming to those pass­
ing by who are forced to make contact.
This is Sullivan's second study, following a focus
on gentrification among Alberta neighborhood resi­
dents. After a month spent talking to a random selec­
tion of about 185 neighbors, he found many partici­
pants liked some of the changes, but were uneasy
about others. He was surprised to find only a quarter
of those surveyed expressed significant concern
about the dramatic rise in housing costs and decreas­
ing racial diversity.
“I thought more people of color would say they
don't like the changes because this is an area that has
had a large concentration of minorities and cultural
institutions,'' Sullivan said about his first study.
Sullivan notes that Alberta will likely evolve rap­
idly over the next five years, especially concerning
racial diversity, and that business and organizations
can play an important role in influencing these
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