O cto b er 25. 2 0 0 6 ib ^Jortlanò (Observe Page A3 C h a n g e s C o m in g to K a iser E m e r g ic e n te r State of Black Health Address The A frica n Am erican Health C o a litio n hosted a Health D is ­ tends to cost more money. He would not give word re­ "This campus is always in some garding community input, only form o f redesign, but I don't think saying that Kaiser strives to be as w e '\e taken a deep dive like this in transparent as possible. quite some tim e." he said. "Everyone is waiting for the Brokaw said the campus w ill not partners to at least whittle their outsource their urgent care, as it choices dow n." he said. continued parities C onference this past weekend, addressing health d is ­ parities among A frica n A m e ri­ Dr. Joy Degruy-Leary addresses the African American Health Coalition, drawing a line between the effects o f slavery and modern racial health disparities. cans, w ho die at higher rates than w hite Am ericans from the leading causes o f death. K e y n o te speaker D r. Joy D eg ru y-Le ary discussed Post CM T ra u m a tic S lave S yn dro m e , connecting the p sychological effects from slavery to current Christopher 0. Wright A frica n A m erican health issues. photo The conference was fo llo w e d m M vhk W vsiiisg ios T hk P o r ii . ani > O kskrvkr by free health services durin g from Front for Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Position 28 the annual W ellness V illa g e at the Blazers Boys and G irls C lub on N ortheast M a rtin L u th e r K in g Jr. Boulevard. Komen Tour Coming to PCC This year more than 210,000 women and 1,600 men w ill be diagnosed w ith breast cancer in the United States. Early detec­ tion w ill be one o f the most c riti­ cal factors in the survival o f newly diagnosed patients. Now, help is on the way. On Tuesday, Oct. 31, the "O n the Way to the Cure, Komen on the G o," pi nk trai ler wi 11 be on the Portland C o m m u n ity C ollege Cascade C am pus, 705 N. K illin g sw o rth St., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to educate students and the co m m un ity about how to detect and deal w ith breast can cer. The stop is made possible by Rev. Renee W a rd ’ s Chrysalis M in is trie s and the Susan G. Eliminate Racism Training Offered Y W C A C la rk C ou nty w ill be conducting a embedded in many aspects o f A m erican soci­ free training title d "E lim in a tin g Racism: T ools fo rC u ltu ra l Awareness and Personal A c tio n " ety. In d iv id u a l, group and in s titu tio n a l racism on Thursday, N ov. 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 The central thrust o f this w orkshop w ill be p.m.. in the agency's co m m un ity room at 3609 challenging participants to make concrete com ­ M ain St., Vancouver. w ill be addressed. m itm ents tow ard overcom ing racism at all C o m m u n ity members can reserve a spot by levels and in o u r co m m un ity. contacting Judy K insey at 360-906-9103. As T his tra in in g has been made possible by a the title suggests, this train in g w ill focus on grant fro m H ew lett Packard V ancouver and how to w o rk in d iv id u a lly and c o lle c tiv e ly to ­ the support o f about tw o dozen Y W C A s ta ff w ard e lim in a tin g the racism that rem ains m embers and volunteers. Halloween Party at SEI ' Self Enhancement, Inc. w ill host This safe and fun option fo r a free Harvest Party on Tuesday, Halloween features pirate theme. Oct. 3 1 from 5:30 p.m. to7:3(l p.m. A ll children through middle school at SEI, 3920 N. K erby Ave. age are w elcome. Ask on their belt. I'm viewed as the old maid in the family but my children are stress free because I don't let them date. When is the right age to begin dating? — Anonymous; San Dear Anonymous: An advice column known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! M y sister has been a single parent tor the past 12 years. Tin worried because she's now dating but not managing her household. My niece and nephew have turned into rude, smart mouthed children and in need o f discipline. I've had arguments because I think my sister is choos­ ing a man over her responsibilities. There is no food in the house, her bills are late and the children still haven't met her boyfriend. Am I wrong to get in the middle o f this? —Cecilia; Tampa. Fla. Dear Cecilia: It's okay to provide support to your sister and her kids but focus on their health and welfare first and your sisters relationship second. These kids didn't become misbe­ haved overnight and now that a man's in the picture, your sister's lifestyle is more noticeable. Unless there'seommitment on the horizon, there's no urgency for the kids to meet thei r mom’ s boyfriend. You' re respectfully doing the right thing with gtMxl intentions and can pro­ vide solutions. Dear Deanna! I disagree with teen dating and feel kids shouldn't have dates until they finish high school. A ll o f the young teens in our family are dating and they are all a mess. The girls are going through stress, crying and wearing a lot o f make-up. The boys want to be thugs and are going through many girls for the notches 1 W om en's Resource Center is co­ sponsoring the event. For more inform ation, visit komen.org/go or contact Rev. Ward at 503- 548-7537. Vs With a good foundation teens can successfully have friends o f the opposite sex. Regardless o f the word dating or relationship, the younger generation needs to learn bonding and social skills as they interact with each other. Juniors and seniors do well with dating because their life skills are becom­ ing sharp and defined. There is no set age, but you need to loosen your strings because when your kids get out there, they may get wild and cause you heartbreak. Respect for 1 Endorsed by: Black Panther Reunion •M ayor Tom Potter •County Commissioner Serena Cruz Walsh •Former State Rep. Jo Ann Bowman •Former City Commissioner Mike Lindberg The 40"’ anniversary o f the Black Panther Party w ill be celebrated during a public gathering at Reflec­ tions Coffeehouse/Talking Drum Bookstore, 446 N.E. Killingsworth St., on Thursday. Oct. 26 from 6 p. m. to 8 p.m. The free event w ill feature an open forum, guest speakers, film clips and local party members. Dignity^ FDR JUDGB www.wrightforjudge.com Paid for and authorized by The Wright is Right for Judge Committee RL mone in a g Bernardino, Calif. Real People, Real Advice Komen Foundation, The PCC Cascade Campus Dear Deanna! I gave my bankcard to my son’ s mother for an emergency with an amount o f money she can withdraw and then give my card back. In­ stead o f obeying, she emptied my account and refused my phone calls for 2 weeks. Now she's mad be­ cause she tried to sue for child support and the dollar amount is less than what I ' ve been giving her. I can’ t trust her and plan to help with my son, but it's not my fault she ll get less money now. Should I feel guilty about this?—A/../. Clark; Charlotte, N.C. (m ; a il« ml in III I ! L ilt G e t th e c o n v e n ie n c e o f a Line o f C re d it w ith th e s e c u rity o f a fix e d ra te . Dear MJ. You’ ve played by the rules and there's nothing more you can do but be the best father you can. The child’ s mother got what she de­ served because she stole money from you which goes against God's commandments thus. Thou Shalt Not Steal. Karma has a way o f swinging back and trying to becute with child support is a game that doesn't need to be played. Con­ sider this a lesson learned and if your child needs money or any­ thing else, do it yourself. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I @ yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128.1 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: HHH, askdeanna. com E q u ilin e H o m e E q u ity Line o f C re d it w ith F ix e d R ate O p tio n fe a tu re s LG • N o c lo s in g c o s ts • N o p o in ts • N o fees • L o w R ates w ith Five S ta r S e rvice G u a ra n te e d How many stars does y o u r bank have? FT] bank Five Star Service Guaranteed (* * ♦ ) u sb a n k.c o m I 8 8 8 -4 4 4 -B A N K (2 2 6 5 ) ext. 4 1 0 0