October 25. 2006 c,!e ^Jíirtíanb (0hseruer Diversity Commission Forming R eligion continued Mississippi Pastor Thanked by Congregation Looks back one year after displacement by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver It’s been one year since Rev. Byron A. Bolton and his family made a new home in Oregon. Now his Portland congregation will thank him during an apprecia­ tion service Sunday, Nov 5. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast the Boltons were uprooted along with their former home and all of its surroundings from H attiesburg, M iss. They landed in Portland, a place as for­ eign to the Mississippi family as another country. Bolton and his wife Marvia were invited to Portland, along with their two daughters and a three-year-old granddaughter, by the Greater Faith Baptist Ghureh, 9 3 1 N. Skidmore St. Shortly after receiving a phone call from the deacon of Greater Faith, he questioned the validity of mov­ ing his family so far. “ But then again, to come to a congregation of 30 people, how could 1 survive?” he asked himself. “ But God directed my path here.” Culture shock, greater expenses and a total absence of their large family have made foradifficult path, but the minister said his faith is now stronger than ever. “For my daughters to adapt is mind w recking,” he said. “They are still w orking through this, because our phone bill is still trem endously high.” Bolton has made strides since becoming pastor of the established but fledgling church that hasgrown from 30 members to nearly 100 in the year since he arrived. He has found success in grow ­ ing congregations before, as in Page B5 from Metro It will also serve as an early warning system for tensions in the com m unity, offer programs to help neighborhoods resolve conflicts and reach ou, to mem ­ bers of under-represented com ­ munities. The m ayor’s office has spo­ ken with dozens o f community leaders to discuss the need for such a com m ission. It found people wanting a standing, in- depen d en t agency that could shine a spotlight on problems and advise the City Council on poli­ cies critical to diverse com m uni­ ties, including such areas as m i­ nority hom eownership, urban re­ newal, racial profiling, and com ­ munity policing. O ther Northwest communities w ith similar commissions include Seattle. Salem. Eugene. Medford. W ashington C ounty, Jackson County, King County, Thurston County and Kitsap County. Hera when you need usl A .D . Williams Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-300-4488 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Tues.-Sat. Church of the Good Shepherd Sisterhood o f Women Holiday Bazaar November 4th l0am-7pm & November 5th lpm-6pm LOCATION: photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Rev. Byron Bolton and his wife Marvia left the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast one year ago to pastor the congregation o f north Portland's Greater Faith Baptist Church. M ississippi where he expanded with the church, and his daugh­ the youth program six times over. ters stay occupied as students at But Portland has presented its R o o se v e lt H igh S c h o o l, but own set o f opportunities, namely homesick feelings stir within them in the num ber of people addicted often. to drugs and alcohol. “It’s hard to return to Portland,” Along with an innum erable Bolton said of his trips back to num ber o f people he’s ministered Mississippi to deal with his na­ to at M iracles Club, a recovery tional ministry. “Every time I talk center for A frican A m ericans, about it, to at least smell the differ­ Bolton personally recalls the six ent trees and smell the different individuals he has m inistered to flow ers.. .it brings it all back.” at G reater Faith who chose to Greater Faith invites the public turn from drugs. to participate in the Nov. 5 appre­ Bolton and his wife keep busy ciation service for Bolton, at 4 p.m. at Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. The Bolton Brothers Gospel of Hattiesburg. Miss, will perform dur­ ing the gala event, joined by other performers, ministers and evange­ lists. A Brother-to-Brother Crusade will precede the service, happening Wednesday, Nov. I through Fri­ day, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. at Greater Faith Baptist Church. For more information about these events or others, call 503-710-2IMX) or503-247-2992. 4855 N E 87th (corner o f NE Goinn and 87th) Three featured items and attractions: (1) Fried Chicken and fish dinners. (2) B eautiful homemade crochet quilts and sewed garments. (3) A w id e very o f ethnic g ift item s- figurin es, candles/holders, vases and seasonal gifts o f all sorts. (4) Homemade baked holiday pastries-cakes. pies, cookies, brow n­ ies and fudge. Call fo r more inform ation at 503-317-0622 ‘Love One Another’ Memorial Girls Club ‘Love One A nother,” a candlelight m em o­ rial vigil for Jam esC hasse Jr., the m entally ill man who died in police custody after a con­ frontation in downtown Portland, will he held Friday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. at the First C ongrega­ tional Church 1126 S .W. Park Ave. Chasse is being rem em bered as a peaceful man who wished no harm on anyone. People attending the vigil are asked to honor the fam ily's wishes for a respectful event. M es­ sages to be com m unicated apart from memo- ries o f Jam es should be focused on simple, positive phrases such as "Justice,” ''Love,'' and "Rem em ber Jam es Chasse, Jr." The event is being co-coordinated by m em bers o f the C hasse family, the Parkrose Community United Church of Christ, Portland C opw ateh, a grassroots group prom oting p o lic e a c c o u n ta b ility th ro u g h c itiz e n action. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n c a ll P o rtla n d Copwateh at 503-236-3065. Fashion Show The Community Girls Club will host a fundraiser and fashion show, titled I'm All I Can Be, on Saturday. Oet. 28 at 6 p.m. at Calvary Christian Community Center, 126 N.E. Alberta St. The evening will feature a show by the club, plus local acts The Light, I st Infantry and other artists. A cover charge of $7 includes refreshments. Greater Faith Baptist Church present» Our Pastor’s 1 * Year Appreciation featuring “The Bolton Brothers Of Hattiesburg, MS” H om ecom ing Parade Fun Jefferson students wrap up a tailgate party and assem bly with a Home­ com ing Parade last Friday. The Demos played a strong gam e that evening under new coach Anthony Stoudamire, defeating M adison 49-6. The Demos will play at M arshall this Friday, Oct. 27. P hoto by I saiah Bot h J T he P ortland O bserver 4 rm m rour nw i un m November 1-5, 2 0 0 6 “ Brother-to-Brother Crusade” . 7:00 pm, Wed-Fri. November 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, at Greater Faith Baptist Church. “ First Lady's Day Banquet", 11:00 am, Saturday, November 4th, at Van couver Ave Baptist Church. Ticket price $20.00 per person. “ Fight Against Drugs Gospel Concert featuring The Bolton Brothers of Hattiesburg, MS". 6:00 pm, Saturday, November 4th, at Vancou­ ver Ave Baptist Church. “ Pastor Bolton Appreciation Service". 4:00 pm. Sunday, November 5th, at Vancouver Ave Baptist Church. For More Information, call: 503-710-2000 or 503-247-2992 m ™ « H i tulli * r Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Home buying Classes at PCLT P ortlan d C o m m u n ity Land Trust helps first time and low- incom e hom ebuyers purchase hom es at below market price. Attend a free, one-hour class to learn more about the program. C ontact Kelly@ pclt.org or call 503-493-0293. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. KELLER WILLIAMS l'mtiRi