Page B4 i,!‘ |Jo rtla n ò (©bseruer October 25. 2006 C lassifieds / B ids SU B-BIDS R EQ U ESTED REQUESTED Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. and Kiewit Pacific Co. a Joint Venture (SWI/KPC) ODOT PROJECT: OR 99E: MLK/Grand O-Xing UPRR 0 2 1 1 5 & 0 8 9 0 5 Viaducts Section Key No. 0 9 3 5 0 TriM et P ortla n d Mall P roject Bids Due; Friday, November 10th, 2006 to) 2:00pm Non-Mandatory Pre-bid meeting Thursday. October 26th. 2006 at 10am House of Louie Restaurant and Lounge 331 NW Davis St Portland, OR 97209 Bid Proposal Submittal Due to ODOT on: October 27,2006 ftacy and Witbeck / JKiewit Pacific, Inc., 7/ Sealed bids win bo 403 SE Caruthers. Portland. OR 97214 C ity o f P o rt I a n d B ureau o f Purchases 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 Kiewit Pacific Co. Derek Stark, Engineer Email: PO Box 1769, Vancouver, WA 98668 (360) 693-1478 • (360) 693-5582 FAX ’ accepted by Stacv and Witbeck Inc at Plans, specifications, and bid documents will be available Thursday, October 26, 2006 at Stacy and Witbeck office at 403 SE Caruthers. Portland, OR 97214 Plans also available at OAME and HDC Housing Development Center ® Kiewit A JO INT VENTURE Bids are requested for the following categories of work Drilling. Pipe Video, Furnish & Install Reinforcing Steel. Misc. Metals. Structural Steel, Concrete/Asphalt Crushing, Fencing, Pavement Markings. Underground Duct Bank & Conduits, Substation Building Arch. Wrap, and Asphalt Grinding/Paving For contracting opportunities with the C ity o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: Retirement Living W e are an Equal O pportunity Employer and requ est bids for all subcontractors Sm ith T o w er and suppliers Including Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Sm all Business Enterprises. W ork Includes: 515 W ashington Street Vancouver, Washington Concrete W ork, Piling Supply & Installatio n, C lear & Grub, Coring, D em olition o f Existing B ridges, D eto ur B ridge W ork, Tem porary S horing fo r th e Support 360.695.3474 o f E xcavation, E le c tric a l, E x c a v a tio n /B a c k fill, Fencing, Furnish P re -c a s t Products, Furnish R einforced, C oncrete Pipe, Traffic Detours, L a n d s c a p in g / Irrigation, M in o r C oncrete, M isc. M e ta ls , Painting, Bridge S pecialty R a ilin g / SWI/KIPC reserves the right to waive any irregularities and informalities, to reject any or all bids submitted, to re-advertise, and/or to make subcontract awards in the best interest of the Owner/TriMet Proposers will be required to address the utilization of DBE's and Workforce Apprenticeship and Training in their proposal The DBE Goal is 16% and the Workforce Apprenticeship goal is 20% Barrier both C oncrete an d M e ta l, R einforced S teel, Signs, C ertified Industrial • Federal Rent Subsidies Available W ill assist in o b ta in in g bonding, lines o f c re d it or in suran ce. SWI/KPC is an equal opportunity employer and encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minorities, Women and Disabled Veterans to submit bids • No Buy-In or Application Fees •Affordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR Oregon State University ALS Mouse Lab Improvements Corvallis, Oregon Project Engineer: Steve Wood 503-231-5300 Project DBE Coordination: Faye Burch 503-241-1600 Project Manager: Bill Bruce C C B # 97081 10112679 • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments H yg ienist S ervices, S torm W a te r P o llu tio n P revention P lan n in g , S trip in g , S tru c tu ra l C o n crete, T raffic C on trol, Trucking. • Ideal urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! B id Due: Tuesday, O ctob er 2 4 , 2 0 0 6 - 1 : 0 0 p .m . CLARK COLLEGE Greenberry Construction LLC Phone: 5 4 1 . 2 3 0 . 0 4 5 6 (c e ll) • 5 4 1 . 7 5 2 . 0 3 8 1 x 3 0 2 (o ffic e ) SUB BIDS REQUESTED H u m b o ld t G ardens, P re-C on struction Phase Portland, Oregon INCLUDING: Hazardous Material Abatement, Housing Demolition, Infrastructure Demolition, and Housing Deconstruction. Bid Date: October 31, 2006 by 2:00pm Two P re-bid m eetings have been scheduled: D ate Time Location Phase October 5, 2006 9 a.m. Walsh Construction -Forster Conference Demolition & Abatement October 6, 2006 9 a.m. Walsh Construction -Forster Conference Select Bid- Demolition M a n d a to ry F A X 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 4 7 2 • F A X 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 8 5 4 • C C B # 1 6 6 6 1 2 C on tac t: M ik e Anderson We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged. minority, women, emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses. Scope: Minor demolition, Steel stud framing, Drywall, Acoustic celling, Painting, Fire sprinklers, HVAC, Electrical Specifications, plans, drawings and requirements for subcontractors or material suppliers will be available October 16 and can be viewed at G reenberry C o n stru ction 's office in Corvallis, at Oregon Contractors Plan Center in Clackamas, at The Willamette Valley Bid Center in Tangent, Salem Contractors Exchange in Salem and Eugene Builders Exchange in Eugene. Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements byOUS. WALSH Construction Co./OR 2905 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201 503-222-4375 Fax: 503-274-7676 Contact: Larry Robertson Plans Available on October 4th at: Walsh Construction Co./Oregon, African-American Contractors Federation, DJC Plan Center, Housing Development Center, McGraw Hills Const./Dodge, OAME, Oregon Contractor Plan Center. PARKING FACILITY Operator Im m e d ia t e fu ll and p a r t-tim e o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le , w e ll-g ro o m e d , p o s itiv e in d iv id u a ls . $ 8 .5 0 + s ta rtln g w a g e O v e rtim e /a d v a n c e m e n t p o te n tia l D r u g t e s t/ B ack g ro u n d ch e c k A pply 1 2 : 0 0 - l: 0 0 P M , M o n , W ed, Thurs & Fri; 3 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 P M Tues. Earn Extra Money O