_ October II. 2006 Œl’1 |Jnrtlanò ©bsertier Page B3 Focus The sketch comedy troupe turned theater company, The Tragedies, presents the horror Le Grand Guignol' through the month of October at ‘The Little Church' on Northeast 23rd and Sumner just off Alberta Street. •Tour Rosa Parks Elementary School •Shop at Big City Produce Classic French Horror All Month The Tragedies, a local theater com pany, presents “ Le Grand Guignol,” a faithful take on the in­ famous, original French Theatre of Horror, with realistic special effects in the in tim a te se ttin g o f a deconsecrated church in Portland's popular Alberta District. Le Grand Guignol's formula for Bring this ad and save $5 on a purchase of $25 or more! (Offer expires December 31, 2006.) the horrific, theerotic. and the comic 28. Doorsopen at 7:30p.m. with the insists that the stage wi II be haunted show starting at 8 p.m. by sexy women, roaring with physi­ Tickets for preview night, Thurs­ cal comedy, and dripping with day, Oct 12. are $ 10. Tickets for the gala opening Friday the 13th is $20 blood! Performances are scheduled at and all other performances are $ 15. "The Little Church" at Northeast Tickets are available online at 23rd Avenue and Sumner Street on thetragedies.com or by calling 503- Oct. 12.13. 14.19.2(1,21,26,27and 367-21(K). Discover all New Columbia has to offe r • WorkSource Portland Metro North's employment center and computer lab • History exhibit and public art 3 Leg Torso at Mississippi Studios • Trenton Terrace senior housing • Model apartments and homes Saturday, October 21 10 am - 2 pm Portland's enchant­ ing chaps o f world chamber music, ‘3 Leg Torso' will perform at Missis­ sippi Studios, 3939 N. Missis­ sippi Ave., on Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. Admis­ sion is $15. along N. Trenton Street, between University Park Ludacris CD Soars to #1 R ap p er L u d acris scored his third No. Ion the U .S. pop album c h a rts W ed n esd ay , while Janet Jackson's new release opened with her lowest numbers in almost a decade. Bill­ board reported. L udacris' "Release Ludacris Therapy" (Def Jam Isold 309,000copies in the weekending O ct. I, acco rd in g to N ielsen SoundScan data cited by the trade publication. In 2003, "Chicken 'N Beer" debuted at No. I with429,500 copies, w hile "Red Light District" topped the tally a year later with 322,OOOcopies. Janet Jackson's "20 Y.O." (Virgin (entered at No. 2 with 296,(XX) copies, her smallest debut sales week since "The V elvet Rope" started at No. I with 2O2,(XX) in 1997. Her most recent release, 2(X)4's "Damita Jo," bowed at No. 2 with 381.(XX) copies. In 2(X)I. "All For You" opened at No. I with605.(XX). Sara Harwin 's paintings are based on fabric patterns from around the globe, with each miniature of patterns borrowed from nature or sacred geometry. Up Close and Personal continued from Metro treat o f seeing their gardens, which are also fu ll o f art. 95 art studios throughout met­ ropolitan Portland w ill partici­ pate, and a $15 tour guide, in­ cluding two adult tickets (kids are free), a map, pictures o f the artists' work and complete con­ tact inform ation can be pur­ chased at A rt Media stores. New Seasons Markets, Powell's Books and other listed outlets fo u n d on the w e b site at www.portlandopenstudios.com. For more inform ation, and to fin d out how to w in an art bike, v is it the website or call 503-284-3131. (SolumbtA Com m unity Center and McCoy Park -House. For inform ation/directions, call 5 0 3 .8 0 2 .8 5 0 8