Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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    October II. 2006
Page B2
r o je e t
H ope
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Iconic ‘Cleopatra Jones’ Star Dies
first black heroine
A ctress Tam ara Dobson - best-
reme inhered for her portrayal of the
kung fu-fighting, A fro-w earing,
fa sh io n -c o n sc io u s g o v ern m en t
super agent Cleopatra Jones — died
Oct. 2 o f com plications from pneu­
monia and m ultiple sclerosis in a
Baltimore rehabilitation facility. She
was 59 years old.
Born May I 4 , 1947, in Baltimore,
Md... Dobson was a form er beauti­
cian who earned a degree in fashion
illustration from the M aryland In­
stitute o f Art. She went on to work
as a professional model.
She launched her film career in
1972 with a small role in "Fuzz,"
playing Yul Brynner s girlfriend (the
film also starred Burt Reynolds and
Raquel W elch.) Her big break came
in 1973 when she was cast in the
title, pioneering role o f "Cleopatra
Jones," opposite Shelley Winters,
Bernie Casey and A ntonio Fargas.
The film introduced the first
black super heroine to the silver
screen; prior to D obson’s role, the
blaxploitation genre had been dis-
tinguished primarily by black males
doing battle with the w hite estab­
lishment. crooked cops, drug d eal­
ers and pimps.
Her character inspired the cre­
ation o f other tough, black female
leads in m ovies such as "Coffey."
United States and abroad, her ch ar­ inches tall, she was recognized by
acter was often likened to a female the G u in n e ss Book o f W o rld
version o f Jam es Bond, every bit Records as the tallest leading lady
the fierce fighter and fashion m a­ in film.
"She was not afraid to start a
ven as the iconic spy. Known for
her 3-foot-w ide hat brims, colorful trend. She designed a lot o f the
g a rb an d flo w in g fu r ro b e s . clothing that so many women em u­
lated. With the know ledge from her
degree and her natural creativity,
she helped develop elegant fash­
ions, especially for tall women,"
says D obson's brother Peter.
Ms. Dobson lived most o f her
adult life in New York where she
and tennis legend A rthur Ashe
becaine the first two African-Ameri­
cans to reside at the exclusive
Carnegie House C ondom inium s at
57th and 6th Streets. She was diag­
nosed with m ultiple sclerosis six
years ago.
"It was tough going through that
Tamara Dobson was known as the Kung Fu Queen o f the 1970s
debilitating disease, especially with
with her role as Cleopatra Jones.'
her athleticism and involvem ent in
"Foxy Brown," "Get Christie Love," C leopatra Jones' penchant for ex ­ karate." Peter Dobson said. "That
and "Black Belt Jones." C leopatra oticclothing and super-sized Afros was som ething she had to fight,
Jones was parodied in "A ustin inspired m id -1970s fashion trends, and that fight was horrendous...and
including the popular waist-length, being a proud individual, the fight
Powers in G oldm em her" in 2002.
was even harder for her."
In 1975, Dobson reprised her leather-trim m ed fur jackets.
At the peak o f her career, D ob­
"She was the perfect com bina­
super spy role in "Cleopatra Jones
and the C asino o f Gold." A federal son, w hoalsotrained in martial arts, tion o f pow er and kindness," he
agent fighting the drug trade in the cut a stunning figure. At 6 feet, 2 added.
she will perform at M ississippi Pizza at 9 p.m.
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The Blue Monk
in association
with KMHD
legendary jazz
composer, and
One o f Portland’s favorite soul bands. Soul
V accination, takes the Portland Arts M useum
stage, W ednesday, Oct. 1 1 ,5:30 p.m.. at 1219
S.W. Park Ave, mixing all the best 70’s sounds
from R&B to funk! Cost is $5 for m em bers and
$8 for non-m em bers.
Sunday Supper Tine
Celebrating our Customers!
,iveat Cannon’s Rib Express
Reggie Houston’s
Box of Chocolates
Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar
"ya never know what ya goin g it”
Sponsored by:
T r ip p in ’ th rou gh T ow n - T ake a trip through
time to find the hottest po­
etry, hip-hop and soul influ­
encing Portland on W ednes­
days at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31
N.W . First Ave.
B elly D an ce C la sses - C ara­
van Studios offers classes in
belly dance, African dance
m o re .
V is it
w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
O M S I P resen ts: B lack H o les-- A Hight sim u­
T im e to .Iain - Jam Night. Portland's ever-
lator transform s real scientific data about black
holes into stunning visualizations in O M S I's
new planetarium show "Black holes: The Other
S ide o f Infinity ."F or more information,call 503-
797-4(XX)or visitom si.edu.
popular com edy and variety show is at C hris­
tian Perform ing Arts Center. 8131 N. D enver
Ave. Shows continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m. with dinnerhy M ondemaj Catering
next door to the show at 6:30 and
N o rm a n S y lv ester B and —
W e lc o m e back N o rm an
Sylvester, who is recover­
ing from the hip replacement
he received over the sum ­
m er, at D o m e n ic ’s in
M ilwaukieon Friday, Oct. 13
and on Saturday, Oct. 14 a,
the W onder Ballroom on
North Russell. For more in­
formation, call the Boogie
Cat Hotline, 503-281-5989.
H ip -h o p
L ive M u sic E very N ight -- Kick off your week
with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue
M onk, 3 3 4 1 SE Belmont). Participate in a mixed-
media open mic night each M onday at the Back
to Back Café (614 East Burnside). The Thorn
Ci ty I mpro v, featuri ng members o f Oldominion.
Q uivah, The Chosen and The Black Notes,
perform at C o n an 's (3862 S.E. H aw thorne)ev-
ery Tuesday at 10 p.m. Celebrate Hump Day at
The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on
W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch toward the
weekend at the Candiel ight Room (2032 SW 5th
Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each
Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown,
w ho plays jazz at S alty 'so n the Colum bia every
Friday and Saturday, and Jim my M ak's on
T uesday s and Thursdays. Round o ff your week
with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at
M ontego Bay. ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson).
C all to A rtists — Local artists are encouraged
to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland
Open Studios Artist. Each year. 96 artists are
chosen from the m etro area to open their stu-
I M A R K E T|
S p ook y H au n ted M A iZ E —T he M aiZ E atth e
S au v ie Island pum pkin patch o ffers lau g h ter
by day and spooky fun by m o o n lig h t in
O ctober. H aunted ev en in g s O ct. 1 3 -1 4 ,2 0 -
2 1, 2 7 -2 8 an d H allo w e en N ig h t! V isit
p o rtlan d rn aze.co m or call 503-621-71 10 for
m ore in fo rm atio n . R egular A dm ission: $6
ad u lts: $4 kids 6-12 (5 and u n d er free).
R a d ic a l G ir l - W ednesday O et. 18, 7 :30
p.m .. Alix D obkin, folk singer, political activ ­
ist, ed u cato r. and w riter will he read in g from
her m em oirs at the In O ther W ords. W o m en ’s
B o o k s a n d R e s o u r c e s o n N o r th e a s t
K illingsw orth S treet. T hat sam e ev en in g .
Lakewood Theatre Company
the Musical
direi led hy dreg Tanihlyn
Sept. 15 - Oct. 29 2006
or order online at:
'r'” jilnrtlatìi) (Observer
( all 503-288-003$
‘A S e a s o n fo r P e a c e ’ — T he P o rtlan d G ay
M e n 's C h o ru s kicks o ff th e ir 27th season
w ith the them e o f "A S eason for P eace" w ith
a "c ab a re t so ire e " on S atu rd ay , O ct. 21 at 8
p.m . in K aul A u d ito riu m at Reed C o lleg e.
T he holiday co n c ert "G o o d w ill to A ll" a s­
sem b les m usic from various cu ltu res and
trad itio n s to c e le b ra te the ho lid ay season
w ith p erfo rm an ces scheduled at Kaul A u d i­
to riu m on Friday and S atu rd ay Dec. 15-16 at
8 p.m . and S u n d ay , D ec. 17 at 2 p.m .
D u n c e C la s s e s --
and S unday. O ct. 14-15, the 23rd annual
S alm on F estival ce leb rates the return o f the
fall C hinook salm on to the Sandy R iver and
in sp ires us to value clean w ater. T he festival
o ffers; an in teractiv e ex h ib it, nature w alks,
en g ag in g ac tiv itie s for ch ild ren , arts and
crafts, d em o n stratio n s, m usic, sto ry tellin g ,
horse-draw n w agon rides, a salm on b a rb e ­
cue, and food co u rt. The O xbow R egional
Park is 8 m iles ea st o f G resham . For m ore
i n f o r m a ti o n , v is i t m e t r o - r e g i o n .o r g /
sal m onfestival.
Tickets: 5(13-635-3901
v b c iiis e with diversity in
‘W itc h e s, M id w iv e s a n d N u r se s'- B ook R e­
view — L earn about the history o f w o m e n ’s
re p ro d u c tiv e h e a lth c a re in th e U .S . on
W ed n esd ay , O ct. 25 at 6 :3 0 p.m . d u rin g an
autum n b u ffet, w ith vegetarian op tio n at 6
p.m . at the B read and R oses C en ter, 819 N.
K illin g sw o rth St. For m ore in fo rm atio n , cal
Radical W om en at 503-240-4462.
S a lm o n F e stiv a l at O x b o w P a rk — S aturday
Thurs. - Sul. ul 8:00 PM.
Sundays til 7:00 PM
Sun 2:00 I'M matinees Oet. 15,
Oet. 22 and Oet. 29
bia S y m phony O rch estra o p en s its 25th a n ­
niv ersary season on F riday, O ct. 13 at 8 p.m .
at the First U nited M ethodist C h u rch . 1838
S.W . Je fferso n St. For m ore in fo rm atio n ,
contact 503-234-4077.
V ancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­
reation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes for ages 5
to 18. V arious lessons teach
rhythm, technique, coordination,
agility, com binations and team ­
work through urban dance moves.
For more inform ation, call 360-
Norman Sylvester
Portland Lesbian & Gay Film Festival takes
place through Sunday, ( k t. 15 at Cinema 21.616
N.W. 21 Ave. For schedules, visit: plgff.org.
October 20th & 21st, ‘06
The Blue Monk
3341 SE Belmont, Portland/OR
$25.00— doors open at 8:30pm/shows at 9:00pm
Tickets on sale at all Tickets West Outlets
For Inform ation call: 503.491.7271 o r 503.595.0575
dios and becom e part o f an exciting regional art
event. V isitportlandopenstudios.com for more
H u m an R igh ts o n F ilm —The Northwest Film
C e n te r P re s e n ts H u m an
Rights on Film, continuing
through Nov. 9. Nine films are
featured that deepen aw are­
ness to the values o f dignity,
equality and justice as film ­
makers tell universal stories
of human struggle, sacrifice
and triumph. For titles and
show times, visit nw film .org.
Portland lA -sbianandG ay Film Festival --The
R ashied A li !
O r c h e s tr a O p e n s S e a so n — Portland C o lu m ­
performances at IAtkewood Center for the Arts
J68 .S’. State Street, Lake Oswego
‘ R a g tim e ’ E p ic S to r y o f S tr u g g le — L ake-
w ood T h eatre C o. p resen ts "R ag tim e: T he
M u sical," an ep ic story o f stru g g le, d ig n ity ,
honor and accep tan ce in segregated A m erica
at Ihe turn o f the 20th cen tu ry . T he fictio n al
lives o f three very d ifferen t A m erican fam i­
lies becom e d ram a tic ally in tertw in ed w ith
real-life historical figures and events. P erfo r­
m ances co n tin u e through O et. 29 at L ake-
w ood C e n ter for the A rts. 368 S. S tate St. in
l.ake O sw ego. For m ore inform ation, call 503-
635-3901 o r on line at w w w .lak ew o o d -
c e n te r.o rg
H o lid a y A le F e stiv a l - T he I Ith A nnual
H oliday Ale Festival will begin on T hursday,
N ov. 30, and c o n tin u e through S unday, Dec.
3, at P ioneer C o u rth o u se Square, 701 S.W .
S ixth A ve. C o m p lim en tary sodas for m inors
and d esig n ated driv ers.