Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 2006, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
M etro
Oc (ober II. 2006
Latin Contemporary
The famed choreography of |
Compañía De Danza I
See El Observador, page B6 1
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C a le n d a r
Jefferson Tailgate Party
T he Jefferson A lum ni A sso c ia­
tion kicks off a Hom ecom ing T ail­
g ate Party w ith o u td o o r g rills,
food and m usic on W ednesday,
O ct. 20. T he group is looking for
one ca r from each class to circle
the Jefferson cam pus. V olun-
te e rsc a n hook u p d u rin g alum ni
m eetings every T uesd ay at 6 :3 0
p.m . at Jefferson H igh S chool or
co n tact P hoebe T yeskey at 503-
490-0985 o r M aggie M ashia at
Non-Profit Career Fair
Portland State U niversity host
N on-Profit C areer Fair, Thursday,
Oct. 19,from 1 la.m .to3p.m . inthe
third floor ballroom at the Sm ith
M emorial Student Union at Port­
land State University. Bring re­
sum es and network with non­
profit recruiters. For more infor­
mation visit idealist.org/fairs.
Fighting Cancer with
Food for Life
Free nutrition and cooking classes
for cancer prevention and sur­
vival at 4 p m , each Sunday
through Nov. 19, at the C om m u­
nity Learning C enter 4212 NE
Prescott. 503-281-8596
Chinook Tribe Basket Weaver
The Chinook Tri be announces the
fund raiser ev en t "A S p ecial|
Evening with Pat C ourtney Gold,
Colum bia River Basket W eaver",!
on Saturday, O ct. 21, at 7 p.m. at 8
N.E. Killingsw orth St. For more
in form ation, contact In O ther
Words Bookstore at 5O3-232-6OO3. |
Volunteer for Crisis Line
W ant to make a difference in your|
com m unity? V olunteers and ad­
vocates are needed for the Port­
land W om en's Crisis Line. Thel
needs include on-call advocates
to respond in person or over the
phone, outreach and educational
efforts, and fundraising and ad ­
ministrative duties. Call 503-232-1
Artist Deborah Marble's watercolors come to life with
seemingly few lines and shapes, including her paintings
featuring a guitarist (left) and cowboy musicians (right).
A r t : Up Close and Personal
Self-directed tours with
‘Open Studios 2006’
4176 for more information.
Witness firsthand the artistic pro­
cess, from concept to creation, during
W'oinen in N A A C P meets from |
the annual Portland Open Studios, fea­
10:30a.m . to I p.m. the first Satur­
turing nearly KM) artists at work in their
day o f each month at the Ameri-I
Women in NAACP
own spaces making sculpture, paintings,
prints, drawings, pottery, jewelry, fab­
rics, glass and photographs.
Artists with studios west o f the
W illamette will open their spaces to
the public for self-guided tours on
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 14 and 15
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Artists east of
the W illamette will participate Satur­
day and Sunday, Oct. 21 and 22 from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
On the east side, west side and all
around town, the studios are every­
where, including your own neighbor­
hood. The artists will share the secret
of their art, from materials, tools and
techniques and the ideas that contrib­
ute to these creations.
There isn’t a better way to discover
all the neighborhoods that make Port­
land so vibrant, and since so many artists
are in their homes, you will get the added
on page HI
can Red Cross Building, 3131 N.
Vancouver. Forquestions.call 503-1
Home Buying Fair Focuses on Closing Gap
Home buying Classes
Portland C om m unity Land Trustl
helps first time and low -incom e
hom ebuyers purchase hom es at
below market price. Attend a free,
one-hourclass to learn more about
the program. Call 503-493-0293 or|
contact K elly@ pclt.org.
Two $2,500 grants
will be raffled
Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale I
Thursday, Nov. 2, kicks o ff this
enorm ous annual fundraiser that
will run thru Sunday Nov. 5, at the
Portland Expo Center, 2060 N.|
M arine Dr. No adm ission charge.
Women in Community Service
V o lu n te er m en to rs are being
sought by W om en in Community
Service tow ork with incarcerated!
women at the Coffee Creek C or­
rectional Facility. M entors pro­
vide support and encouragem ent
for w om en transitioning from
prison back into the com m unity.
V olunteers must be females, age
24 and up. For more inform ation,
call 503-570-6614.
WellBeing Sunday Brunch
Individuals living with H IV/AIDS|
With the homeownership rate for
African Americans in Portland lag­
ging below the state and national av­
erage for non-minority populations, a
local group will buildon its progress to
make this year’s African American
Homebuyer Fair even more relevant
for attendees.
Volunteer organizers with the Afri­
A m erican
A lliance for
Homeownership hope those who at­
tend the free fair will continue to take
steps toward homeownership long
after the fair, scheduled Saturday,
•/community service
Volunteer hom eowners will be
paired with potential buyers to provide
peer mentoring and support through
the home buying process. Several hun­
dred people attended last year's fair,
including those who have now gradu­
ated from the organization’s Coaching
Project and realized a dream o f
Fair organizers are asking all ven­
dors. volunteers and classroom instruc­
tors to sign a Cixle of Conduct to
ensure fair participants get reliable
'nformsition from trustworthy profes-
s onals.
For more questions or information,
visit www.aaah.org or call 503-595-
Gospel Music Extravaganza Coming
Workshops and concert set for Maranatha Church
are invited to W ellB eing’s Sun­
day Brunch, open every Sunday
The Portland Vancouver Chapter of
from 3 p.m. to6 p.m. with free home Gospel Music Workshop of America is
cooked meals served at 4 p.m. in
celebrating its I I th year anniversary with
the historic Mt. Olivet building,
a series of workshops and concert at
1734N.E. First Ave.
Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 2:30
valuable information; and
p.m. in the Legacy Emanuel
attend free workshops.
Hospital Atrium, 501 N. Gra­
Fair attendees can take
ham. Parking is free.
classes about program s
“Homeownership is the
a v a ilab le
single largest generator of
homebuyers and how to ac­
personal wealth, so we want
cess them, the importance
to m ake sure A frican
of managing personal fi­
Americans in Oregon who
nances and the benefits of
are in a good position to
owning vs. renting a home.
become homeowners have
There also will be children’s
every opportunity to do so,”
activities including arts and
AAAH chairman Bernie Bernie Foster
crafts, free food provided
Foster said.
by NW Natural and great
This is the 7th annual AAAH fair. raffle prizes. Dozens of vendors will
Since its start, more than 2,500 people showcase the most recent loan products
have attended past fairs to meet housing and programs available in the housing
professionals and ask questions; collect market.
Maranatha Church of God in northeast
Portland. The greater local community is
invited to participate in all of the activities.
Featured Gospel music clinicians will
include internationally known composer
and director Steven Roberts with special
guests Dorothy Love-Thornton and the
Sacramento Metropolitan Chapter Choir.
Roberts is the recipient of numerous
awards and honors and he has been in­
strumental on countless recordings. He
has composed over 3(M) songs and worked
w ith such a rtists as V anessa Bell
Armstrong, D.J. Rogers, Daryl Coley, the
James Cleveland Chorus and more.
Dorothy Love-Thornton is the chapter
representative of the Sacramento Metro­
politan Choir of the Gospel Music Work­
shop. founded by the late Rev. James
The workshops at Maranatha church
will take over three consecutive days,
beginning Thursday. Oct 19, concluding
with a free community concert on Satur­
day, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. All events will be
held 6 p.m. nightly.
Workshop registration is $20 for adults;
$15 for a group of 10 or more. To
register or for more information, call Pat
Howard at 503-288-8342. Pearl Tho­
mas at 503-880-3749 or Dorothy Davis
at 503-407-7222.
Composer and director Steven
Roberts, a recipient o f numer­
ous awards and honors, has
been instrumental in count­
less recordings