October II. 2006 il’r IJurtlaiiù © bscrucr Page AS Negro Leagues Ambassador 'Buck’ O’Neil Remembered Train Service Portland, OR CAREER PATH TO LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER Earn up to $40,000 first year and up to $75,000 in future years Safely move trains in rail yards and over the road Climb ladders to board freight cars, operate track switches, inspect cars and use radio communications to control train movement Work is on an "on call" basis, 24 hours a day Travel Is required and employees may be away from home several days at a time Locomotive Foreman/Supervisor Baseball legend dead at 94 Portland, OR Working Foreman position Extensive knowledge of diesel locomotive operations with the ability to trouble shoot and repair mechanical, electrical, and air brake systems required (AP) — Friends and strangers alike gathered on Saturday at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City, Mo. to m ount the loss and celebrate the life o f John Jordan "B uck" O 'N eil, a dapper, gregarious man who cam e to em ­ body the sto ry o f th e N eg ro Leagues. O 'N eil died on Friday night from com plications o f congestive heart failure and recently diagnosed bone marrow cancer at Research M edi­ cal C enter in K ansasCity, said Bob Kendrick, marketing director for the museum. He was 94. Children and adults w andered through the museum, many dressed in the red and w hite Kansas City M onarchs jerseys and caps that O 'N eil made famous. M ore than usual paused in front o f a glass c a se th a t h eld O 'N e i l ’s firs t basem an's glove, a trophy induct­ ing him into the Florida Sports Hall o f Fame, and other trinkets. The W hite House released a statem ent from P resident Bush praisingO 'N eil as representing "the best o f Am erica's national pasti me. He devoted his long and full life to baseball, and refused to allow in­ justice and discrimination todim in- ish his love o f the gam e and his joyous, generous spirit. Laura and I extend our sym pathies to his fam- Diesel Mechanic Portland, OR Inspect, repair and maintain engine and mechanical components of diesel electric locomotives Four years diesel mechanic experience required Related experience (aircraft, power plant, marine, etc.) will be given full consideration. Assistant Signal Person Portland, OR Work with various railroad signals and crossing equipment Load/unload supplies and heavy equipment, dig _ trenches for cable, paint equipment, climb and work on poles, signal masts. Candidates must complete forma, training training and UNION PACIFIC North America s largest railroad is a high tech, Fortune 200 company in an expansion mode offering a competitive compensation and benefits package Apply online at www,uniqnpQcific.jobs (Select "View Positions/Apply Now") Buck O'Neil is pictured in 2005 with a statue o f himself at the Negro League Baseball Museum in Kansas City, Mo. ily and friends, and on behalf o f all A m ericans we give thanks for the life o f one o f the great am bassadors in baseball history.” O ’Neil will lie in state at the m useum 's Field o f Legends gal­ lery, w here w ell-w ishers can pay their respects. A private funeral and burial service are scheduled for Saturday and a separate memorial service open to the public will fol­ low. A celebration o f O ’N eil's 95th birthday will go on as scheduled Nov. 11 at Kansas C ity ’s Starlight Theatre. The guest list o f about 750 includes many baseball greats as well as other celebrities and politi­ cal leaders. His legacy is virtually unmatched, becoming "an overnight sensation at 82," as O 'N eil liked to say, when Ken Bums featured him in his epic documentary, “ Baseball." AT A R B O R BUILDING AMERICA An Equal Opportunity Employer LO DG E •• • We are a regular pharrruaaj! V W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s - in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re . Flu Shot Season Arrives Plenty o f flu vaccines are ex­ pected this falI and winter, although as much as 50 percent o f this year’s supply may not arrive in Oregon until N ovem ber and December, ac­ cording to public health depart­ ment officials. "S upplies are arriving in O r­ egon daily but we en courage p a­ tience and p ersistence in seeking v a c c in a tio n s th is y e a r," sa id L orraine D uncan, im m unization m anager in the O regon D ep art­ m ent o f H um an S ervices Public H ealth D ivision. D uncan said public health o f­ ficials are encouraging com m uni- ties, pro v id ers an d fam ilies to jo in tly organ ize vaccination c lin ­ ics through the hoi idays. She said it's nev er too late to get a flu shot d uring influen za season, w hich in O regon ty pically peaks in F eb ­ ruary. Influenza, a contagious virus- caused respiratory illness, annu­ ally kills an estimated 36,000people in the United States. Flu clinics are posted on the A m erican Lung A ssociation o f Oregon W ebsite at lungoregon.org and available by calling SafeNet toll free at I -8(X)-723-3638. Another resource is getafiushot.com . Dear Deanna! Ask Deanna\ I am happily single and really enjoy life. My family and friends keep annoying me and saying I should be in a relationship. I am tired o f them blind-siding me with dates, hook-ups and single men. I protect m yself when it com es to sex and work hard and make my own money. How do I tel I my family thanks, but no thanks? —Single and Loving It; Tampa, Fla. Dear Single: W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo r m a tio n . O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s r e q u e s te d . w W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . M eet your P h a rm a c is t Mel mdeHButler........ Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 . 4 6 7 4 8 4 8 w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m • M O N -F R I 9 a m -7 p m • S A T 9 a m -6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m -4 p m Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r reality based subjects! ever to som e, it’s not enough and is equivalent to putting a band-aid on a chim ney for a roof repair. If y o u ’re happy and having the time Dear Deanna! o f your life then you should tell My m other-in-law is causing ten­ your family to mind theirow n busi­ sion in my m arriage. S h e's sexy, ness. If y ou’re not displaying the youthful and has im plants but I'm signs o f a desperate woman in need not attracted to her. I am happy with o f a man, they should back off. my wife. My wife has self-esteem Y ou're independent in more ways issues because o f her weight and than one and your family should sees her mom as com petition. I of­ respect that. Let everyone know ten tell her that her m other is fake that y ou’re happy, not seeking a because o f the plastic surgery. G ur relationship at this time, but when m arriage is suffering because my you do, you'll ask for referrals. Until wife has it in her mind that I want her then, stay safe, make good deci­ mother. Is there anything I can do sions and keep it moving. in order to boost her self-esteem ? - Dear Deanna! I want to respond to the W rong G room in W ashington D.C. He was wrong because if he d idn't want to marry his girlfriend he should not have offered a proposal. He was even wrong to watch her family spend money when all he had to d o was open his mouth and stop ev­ erything. She should take him to court and sue him for the money spent as well as pain and suffering. —Stacy; On-Line Reader Dear Stacy: You seem to have all the answers and it sounds as if y ou’ve been through the ringer a few tim es with men. Your points are well taken although a bitextrem e. Many things in relationships can be handled with sim ple com m unication and no need to mess with the law unless there’s abuse. His offer to pay the money back doesn’, right the w rong. How- -James; Topeka, Kan Dear James: You have no business com m enting on your m other-in-law s implants nor calling her sexy. This makes it look as i f you' ve spent ti me look i ng at her and sizing her up. You wife has been observing your behavior and actions in the presence of her m other and it has made her inse­ cure. If your wife sees her mom as com petition, she needs to lose weight, improve her appearance and work on her own happiness. Your encouragem ent, coupled with her self-im provem ent is the solution to bringing the happiness back and saving your marriage. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email; askdeanna I @ yahoo.com or 264 .S'. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: S aving 75% on pr e sc r ipt io n drugs WILL PUT A SM ILE ON A N Y O N E’S FACE. I h is is T am ie M ays. S h e v o lu n te e r s in h e r c o m m u n ity a n d has 15 b e a u tif u l g r a n d c h i l d r e n . S h e a lso has extrem ely high p re s c rip tio n d r u g costs. Fam ie sp e n t tim e re se a rc h in g M e d ic a re ’s new p re s c rip tio n d ru g p lan s a n d is now saving 75% o n h e r m e d ic a tio n s. T here are m illio n s o f A m e ric a n s like h e r w ho c o u ld B enefit sig n ifican tly fro m sig n in g up fo r M edicare F’art I), a n d they d o n ’t even realize it — especially th o se w ho a re over 65 w ith lim ite d in c o m e s. You c o u ld also be elig ib le fo r extra h e lp paying fo r p re s c rip tio n d ru g s o r m e d ic a tio n s. T o fin d o u t if you qualify fo r extra h e lp , please call 1 - 8 0 0 772 -1213. A4RP Oregon la k e th e tim e to f in d o u t if y o u c a n save b e f o r e e n r o l l m e n t e n d s D e c e m b e r 31.