O c to b e r 4 . 2 0 0 6 PageA Ô F ood The mission of the ‘Food Section' is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments, and/or family recipes that you would li ke to share w ith us are addressed in email to: www.foods(g>portlandobserver.com Apple-Pear Crisp Makes 16 (3/4-cup) servings Ingredients Directions • N o n stick c o o k in g spray 1. Preheat oven to 375 degree F. C oat tw o 1-1/2- o r 2 -yu a rl baking • 3/4 c up all-purpose Hour dishes o r a 3-quart rectangular baking dish w ith nonstick c o o k in g • • I cu p ro lle d oats 1/2 cup packed bro w n sugar o r brow n sugar substitute e q uivale nt to spray. 1/2 cup b ro w n sugar 2. For top p in g , in a m edium b o w l, s tir together 1/2 cu p o f the flo u r, the oats, bro w n sugar, and cinnam on. S tir in butter: set aside. • 1-1/2 teaspoons ground cinnam on • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, m elted • 4 green c o o k in g apples (such as G rann y S m ith ) 3. Core and chop apples; place in a very large b o w l. S tir in lim e ju ic e . S tir in re m a in in g 1/4 cup Hour. F old in pears. • 2 red c o o k in g apples ( such as ( ¡ala. Rom e Beauty, o r F u ji) 4. Place apple-pear m ix tu re in the b a kin g dish(es). T o p w ith oat • 3 tablespoons lim e ju ic e lo pp ing . Bake, uncovered, fo r 30 m inutes. S p rin kle w ith pecans: bake • 2 m edium red o r asian pears, pitted, and chopped fo r 10 to 15 m inutes m ore o r u n til apples are tender. • 1/3 cup chopped pecans 5. C o o l s lig h tly . Serve w a rm . I f desired, top w ith dessert top pin g. • Frozen lig h t w hipped dessert top pin g, thaw ed (o p tio n a l) M akes 16 (3 /4 -c u p ) servings. Potato and Cheese Stuffed Chili Peppers Lg?!* for the circled prices in this ad and in store so you can... Prep: 40 m in. B ake: 25 m in. Ingredients • Ingredients for life 3 large fresh A n a h e im o r poblano peppers o r 3 sm all sweet peppers • 1-1/2 cups chopped sweet potatoes o r potatoes R A N C H E R 'S A I W ; ' # • 1 to 3 tablespoons m ilk • 1/3 cup fin e ly chopped green onions • 2 teaspoons c h ili pow der • I clo v e g a rlic , m inced • 1/2 cu p shredded asadero, queso quesadilla. C hihuahua, o r M o n te re y Jack cheese Mi GIA»’’ 3BS* Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak 1. C ut the peppers in h a lf lengthw ise. Rem ove seeds and m em branes. In a saucepan 2. M e a n w h ile , in covered m edium saucepan coo k potatoes in b o ilin g lig h tly salted bag for $7.96 ea SAVE up to $3.03 SAVE up to $4.50 lb. Serve wi’h Got4r«WF» C oc UUIS m k IIH N o n s tic k c o o k in g spray cook peppers in b o ilin g w a te r about 5 m inutes o r u n til crisp-tender. D ra in w e ll. Sold in 4-lb resealable frozen 1I — n 1 lieaten egg w h ite • Directions Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Bone-in. • w a te r fo r 15 to 20 m inutes o r u n til tender; dra in . M ash potatoes, ad ding m ilk . 1 tablespoon at a tim e, u n til potato m ixtu re is flu ffy . S tir in green onions, c h ili pow der, and (L g a rlic. S tir in 1/4 cup o f the shredded cheese and the egg w h ite. 3. Spoon potato m ix tu re in to peppers. C oat a 3-quart rectangular ba kin g dish w ith i i w c o o k in g spray. Place stuffe d peppers close together in b a kin g dish. 4. Bake, covered, in a 350 degree F oven fo r 25 lo 30 m inutes o r u n til heated through. Butcher $ Cut Hickory Captain s Choice Cooked Shrimp Smoked Thick Sliced Bacon Sold in a 7 54b package SAVE up lo $10 00 ea Fresh Asparagus BUY 0Nl.cn ONE SAVE up to $3.00 lb. 21 to 25-ct Tail-on Frozen/thawed SAVE up ID S3 00 111 5-lb Bag Russel Potatoes or 3-lb . Bag Yellow Onions SAVE up loSI 99 on 2 I* FREE Ä Mb buyonlgctoke S p rin kle tops w ith re m a in in g shredded cheese. M akes 6 side-dish servings. Make-Ahead Tip: Prepare and stuff the peppers. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Hake as directed, allowing a few extra minutes to heal through. Easy Shrimp Etoufee Fresh Express Salad Blends 5 to12-oz. package Selected varieties SAVE up lo S3 29 on 2 Low Carb Cajun D e lic io u s s h r im p d is h w it h a C a ju n f l a i r . T h i s is a ls o g r e a t w it h f i r m c ra b m e a t o r fis h . General Mills Cereal Nabisco Snack Crackers or Chips Ahoy! Cookies 11.2 to15-oz. Selected varieties Must Duy in quantities ol 4 to save $100 a box Club Price St 50 ea SAVE up,ottl Mon4 7 to 16-02 Selected varieties Club Puce S2 00 ea SAVE >0 ti S2 31 on 2 Bu» 6 Bottles «r näriini tur pnce At' bolt!« Santa Margherita CLUI PRICE SAVE UP 10 S3 00 SUPER COUPONS! SAFEW AY $ 16“ CLUB PRICE COUPON 750-ml bottle Selected varietals Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $9 79 ONE WEEK ONLY! SA FE W A Y % COUPON SAFEW AY V October 4 thru Tuesday. October 10. 2006 ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WEEK ONLY! October 4 thru October 10 October 4 thru October 10 md cflupor> T illa m o o k B u tte r | Bum ble Bee Solid W h ite Tuna I '■•P-to ■ auM ■ I With MWtWt) $10 PwdMM 1 6 or SeWt » 4 »»»ties t .»• ■ ■ .«•• • 1 W rtF tnwwmpe $10 »urdw» SUPFB COUPONS' COUPONS» 15 r ip RON I cup butter DIRECTIONS: • 2 large w h ile onions, chopped • • 6 stalks celery, chopped onions, celery and g a rlic fo r about 45 3 cloves g a rlic , pressed m inutes o r u n til they are cooked dow n. • 4 tablespoons a ll-pu rpo se Hour • • 5 p o u n d s fre s h s h rim p , p e e le d , brow n. S tir in chopped shrim p and cook fo r 20 m inutes. • I cup chopped fresh m ushroom s • • 3 tablespoons paprika room s. S tir in paprika and season w ith salt, • salt to taste pepper and red pepper Hakes. C o o k fo r 30 • ground black pepper lo taste m inutes. Should be a th ic k and have a • crushed red pepper to taste g ra v y -lik e consistency. Fried Cabbage This is a long time family favor­ ite at our house. /I nice side- dish with pork. 67« INGREDIENTS: 4 0 to 1,1« Wetted v««*t*s limit* • W-n trrwwri $10 NrrfUM COUPONS' < |fid /" * « : IU U IT I pound bacon, sliced in to >4" pieces • 2 m edium gloves g a rlic, chopped • I large o n io n, th in ly sliced • C o m bin e salt and pepper to taste A • per gallon of gasoline Pufc fPKl »I» « sinflp tepespc’ inn iW » «o» 4»«4tl» A1J LIMITS ARE. PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. item pun based, the regular price applies Manufacturers vnupot-v mav he used on pun based items only not on free items f F ry the bacon in a D u tch oven o r large heavy s k ille t, do not d ra in o f f grease Item« * pnen m ihn «1 err available at your local Satewav M n No u k t to dealen. renauranh or intfitutiom Sales m retail quantities only Quantities of some items may be limited and subject to availability. Not responsible for rypopaph ical or ptctonal error» We reserve the right io vo m it all printed errors On Buy One Get One Free f BOGOO offers, customer must purthase the first item to receive the second item free. B O (X ) offers are not 1 2 price sales. If only a single i I m edium head cabbage, chopped • DIRECTIONS: Earn IvPff Ilm« pot) «p»«s4 $M Pt yotff tpfowfy «I P our in 2 to 3 cups o f w a te r and m ush­ MMMMB 000000089739 000000089654 S tir in (lo u r and coo k b rie fly , do not devcined and chopped Rice or P asta Roni n «C-i / In a large s k ille t, m elt bu tte r and saute • COUPON October 4 thru October 10 with INGREDIENTS: • Minimum $10 PurchiM Required ONE WEEK ONLY! 99 < I Original recipe yield: 20 servings. I’repT im e: 30 M in utes Cook Time: I flo u r 40 M in utes Ready In: 2 H ours 25 M in utes Servings: 20 Safeway Stores, Inc. Prep Time: 10 M in u te s Cook Time: 30 M in utes Ready In: 40 M inutes Servings: 6 • A d d on io n and g a rlic • S tir in the cabbage: coo k over low heat u n til tender. Season w ith the salt and pepper to taste. 4