October 4. 2006 Page A3 Inspirational Author to Speak The Fred Meyer Foundation and Multnomah County Library 2006 Teen Author Lecture present Jacqueline Woodson, award-winning author o f teen novels "Hush", "Locom otion" and "M iracle’ s Boys", at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16 at the Parkrose High School Auditorium. 12003 N.E. ShaverSt. Woodson has won theCorettaScott King. Newbery, Caldecott and National Book awards for outstanding literature for young readers. After her talk, she w ill autograph her books, which w ill also be available for purchase. Doors open at 6 :15 p.m. and tickets are $ 10 for adults. $5 for students through Oct. 15 at local libraries as well as Annie Bloom 's Books. Broadway Books. A Children's Place. Talking Drum Books and Twenty- Third Avenue Books. For more information, all 503-988-5402 or visit www.multcolib.org/teens. HIV Deaths Decline Infections increase for minorities; and people 50 and older o f several a n tiv ira l m edications that act to­ A M ultnom ah C ounty Health Department centages o f racial and ethnic m in orities, those study reveals a substantial decline in H IV / age 50 and over, and those w ith less than a high A ID S deaths since 1996. The disease death school education w ith H IV have increased rates dropped from its peak o f 30 per 100,000 significantly. in 1994 to 4 . 1 in 2004, an 86 percent drop. Jacqueline Woodson allow ing those w ith the disease to liv e longer, and w ith less illness. Researchers studied dem ographic charac­ teristics o f H IV disease and found the per­ Analysis o f the percentage o f local H IV "In 1994. H IV disease was the sixth lead­ deaths among racial and ethnic groups and ing cause o f death in M ultnom ah C ounty; by genders shows significant decline fo r all groups. 2004. it was no longer in the top 20. T his is an For example, 9.7 percent o f A fric a n A m e ri­ extraordinary decline, larger than fo r any other cans died before the anti re tro vira l therapy m ajor cause o f death in M ultnom ah C o u n ty ." (19X6-1995) w hile 3 percent died in the drug states Jon D uckart, M ultnom ah C ounty Health 'c o c k ta il' era (1996-2005) Departm ent Research Analyst. Border Fence Will Hurt Relations gether to low e r the H IV count in the body, The sign ifican t increase in the percentage The decline is attributed p rim a rily to the o f deaths to those ages 50 and o ld er indicates a v a ila b ility o f m edications dubbed h ig h ly ac­ that those w ith H IV disease are g ro w in g older tive a n ti-re tro v ira l therapy, a drug "c o c k ta il” and liv in g longer. j ( AP) - The Mexican government said that a border ' security fence that has been approved by the US Congress would "damage” relations between the two | countries. Mexican presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar also said that the barrier, intended to prevent illegal immigrants j entering the United States, would create a "climate of | tension" along the frontier. "The Mexican government expresses its strong rejec­ tion o f the construction o f the wall ... This decision damages the entire bilateral relationship, is contrary to the spirit o f cooperation that must prevail to guarantee the security o f the frontier," said Aguilar, spokesman for President Vicente Fox. The decision supports "a climate'of tension among the border communities and creates splits instead o f a con­ vergence between the two countries." he said. Speaking at a gala press dinner. President-elect Felipe Calderon, who assumes office December 1. said he be­ lieved that "neither decree nor physical barrier" w ill reduce migration across the border. The US Congress on Friday approved the construction o f a 7(X)-mile wall along the border, over which tens o f thousands o f mainly Latin American illegal immigrants pass each year. The barrier is opposed by advocates o f an easier National Guard soldiers extend a wall along immigration policy but backed by many in the United States who want a crackdown on the estimated 11 m illion the US border with Mexico in Arizona. (AP photo) illegal immigrants in the country. Ask a AIDS Shipment to Leave for Africa Medical supplies, toys gathered needed the most include good c o nd itio n clo th ­ ing, shoes, reading and math text books (grades 1-7), toys, blankets, co oking utensils, adult diapers, and unopened soap, lotions, tooth­ In m id -O c to b e r the P o rtla n d -M u ta re Sis- te rC ity A sso cia tio n , through its A fric a A ID S brushes and toothpaste. I he medical supplies donated b y O H S U w ill Response p ro gram and the g en erosity o f provide eight health centers, an infectious O regon H ealth Sciences U n iv e rs ity , w ill disease hospital and several rural c lin ic s in ship a 3 0 -fo o t co n ta in e r c a rry in g m uch- Mutare w ith basic supplies like gloves, needles needed m edical e quipm ent, toys, school sup­ and medical equipm ent, as w e ll as 17 hospital plies and o th e r d on atio ns to M uta re, Z im b a ­ beds. 23 laptop computers and tw o refrigera­ bwe. tors w ith a generator. Dayna K irk , executive director o f A fric a K irk also connected w ith schools in Z im b a ­ A ID S Response, just returned from a trip to bwe looking to build international links through M utare where she met w ith the m ayor anil pen pal programs, lin k in g youth in the Portland health care o ffic ia 497752 area through letters to the people liv in g in b- ute the donations. M utare. The organization w ill accept additional do­ Local residents can also send donations to nations on Sunday, Oct. 8 from 10 am to 2 pm A fric a A ID S Response at PO Box 11740, at th eir offices on 1600 S.E. A nkeny. Items Portland. OR 97211. wedding plans are in fu ll swing. Her mother has called caterers, ordered dresses, and printed in ­ vitations. It's getting out o f hand and I'm nervous and scared. How do I end this now? --W rong Groom; Washington. D.C. Dear Wrong: Dear Deanna! I ended my relationship w ith my boyfriend because I thought I wanted someone more aetive, ex­ citing and could give me th rills. I now realize I had everything I needed in the man I was w ith. My ex-boyfriend has a good job. mak­ ing a lot o f money and he's dating someone else. I want him back and it hurts me looking at this woman livin g the life I was sup­ posed to have. How do I approach him and let him know that I want another chance? --Anonymous; Charleston. S.C. Dear Worried: You need to put the brakes on this ordeal imm ediately. Many people are going to be hurt but you should prevent financial loss, pain and embarrassment while you can. Be a man and tell your g irlfrie nd the truth and o ffe r to reimburse everyone for money they've spent. Once you've done this, you need to end the relation­ ship. I f you choose not to be committed, d o n 't play any more games. You need to close the deal on a good note and keep it m ov­ ing. Dear Deanna! I'm having huge arguments with my g irlfrie nd because she can't seem to get enough o f her friends. We have a social life that's active considering our jobs and lifestyle. A ll o f a sudden she wants to go out three nights a week and she's hanging out on work nights. The only time I see her is when she’ s on the phone making more plans or leaving the house. How do I ask hertochoose me or herfriends and her new party life? - W alt; Phoenix, Ariz. You d id n 't miss the water until the well ran dry and now you have to look at the life you missed out on. You got what you de­ Dear Walt: served because you were selfish There's a possibility your prob­ and only thought about yourself lems are more about the relation­ and your agenda. It appears he's ship than about her friends. You happy in his new relationship. should offer to join her when she You can call him on the phone or goes out and i f she says no. then talk to him direct. However, you be prepared to have a conversa­ must remember that you left him tion. Be direct and ask her why for another man. If he rejects j ou. she has the need to be so active, or hurts your feelings, get over it w hat can you do to improve your because the pendulum o f karma social life and be w illin g to make personal changes. However, i f her just swung back. honesty hurts your feelings don't Dear Deanna! take it personal but use the feed­ I ni in a dilemma and don't know back to improve your situation. how to get out o f it. I go, caught up in my relationship and asked Ask Deanna is written hy Deanna my girlfriend to marry me. I realize M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: now this is Ihe wrong decision askileanna I (P yahoo.com or 264 and this is not the woman I want S. LaCienexa lilvtl. Suite !2HJ to spend my life w ith. W e've Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Wehsite: dated for a few years and now her www.askileanna.com Get the convenience of a Line of Credit with the security of a fixed rate. 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