October 4. 2006 1l?c :) J o r t la uh ffib server Page B 6 i P o r t l a n d O L s e rV e r A lii© R e v i e w Kews and reviews on new motor vehicles 2006 Toyota R AV4 SPRT SUV T o y o ta has proven again to K v ih i e \ e C arr W e e x p e c t T o y o ta 's re p u ta ­ understand the needs o f a fam ily tio n s f o n e li a h ili ty an d q u a lity ! w ith the R A V 4. T he sp acio u s T o y o ta o n c e a g a in e x c e e d s o u r interior provides plenty o f room e x p e c ta tio n s w ith th e R av 4 . w ith co m fo rtab le space for adults T h i s is a s h i n i n g s t a r f o r sitting in the front o r rear and an T o y o ta ! T h e re a r s p o ile r, fla re d optional third row seat available. fe n d e rs an d IS " 5 -sp o k e allo y T he M P3 play er input ja c k a l­ w h ee ls g iv e th is a very sp o rty lo w s e a sy a c c e ss w ith o u t the look. T h e R av4 has a tig h t tu r n ­ n e e d o f an a d a p te r . T h e ing ra d iu s, m a k in g it e a sy to u n d erflo o r storage bin is m uch sw ee p aro u n d on a q u ic k U- larger than in previous m odels. tu rn. It d o e s g re a t c lim b in g up T he add ed co n v en ien ce o f user in to th e m o u n ta in s ...e a ts up friendly levers in the rear carg o th o s e h ills ! T h is is a v e ry area, to flip-do w n the rear seat, sm o o th and q u ie t rid e w ith e x ­ are quite handy to use. T he dual ce lle n t h an d lin g and b rak es. T he zone clim ate is im portant to any V 6 e n g in e is an o p tio n a l c h o ic e co u p le that can n o t agree on that w ell w o rth th e price! T h e p ic k ­ th erm o stat setting. T h e R av4 is up p o w er is a m a z in g , w ith o u t loaded w ith safety features! T h is is the p e rfe c t fit, sp o rty lo sin g the ad d e d v alu e o f gas to d riv e , g o o d so u n d sy stem . e ffic ie n c y . b \ I S pecifica tion s: 2.4 Liter 4-CYL Engine; 4-Speed ECT Automatic Transmission; 2 3 City 28 Highway MPG; $ 2 3,275 .00 MSRP. an d a d e q u a te to w in g c a p a c ity fo r p u llin g a b o at, lo ts o f p o w er, fun to d riv e an d g o o d g as m ile- ag e. E x c e lle n t c o m p ro m ise for a n y o n e w h o w an ts the f le x ib il­ ity o f a fam ily w ag o n w ith o u t lo sin g an e n jo y a b le d riv in g e x ­ p e r ie n c e , d e s ire s d e c e n t g a s m ile a g e , an d d o e s n 't w an t the h u lk in g e x te rio r o f a m o n stro u s S U V . F o r th e p ric e ...th is is d e fi- n ite ly "best in c la ss" ! R eligion __________________ Farrakhan Transfers Leadership to Board $egisira o u ts id e rs , w ho r e m e m b e r bers o f the Nation, w hose militia is F arrakhan o nly for his m ost p ro ­ called the Fruit of Islam, also pro­ v o ca tiv e c o m m en ts, in c lu d in g vide security for housing projects, calling Judaism a "gutterreligion" with some form ing independent and say in g H itler w as "w ickedly security firms. M ichael Jackson used N ation bodyguards during g reat." "The Nation o f Islam has always his prosecution on child m olesta­ falter w ithout a dynam ic figure like by R achel Z oll been a sym bolically im portant or­ tion charges. the m inister in charge. AP R eligion W riter M ost o f the N ation's income ganization as a cultural symbol of "W hen Farrakhan dies, my pre­ M inister Louis Farrakhan. ailing d efian ce ag ain st the A m erican com es from m em ber donations and and in seclusion at his Michigan diction is the m ovem ent will split," s ta te ," sa id M e lis s a H a rris- sales o f the m ovement new spaper home, has ceded leadership o f the said Law rence M am iya, a Vassar Lacewell, professor o f politics and the Final Call, although its circula­ Nation o f Islam to an executive College professor and an expert on A fr ic a n - A m e r ic a n s tu d ie s at tion is not known, M am iya said. board while he recovers, saying the A frican-A m erican religion. "I don't M em bership is concentrated in Princeton University. "At the M il­ movement must prove that it "is think this m ovem ent can be gov­ lion Man M arch, most o f those M idw estern and N ortheastern cit­ more than the charism a, eloquence erned by a board. It runs o ff the people were not m em bers o f the ies including Detroit, where the charism atic energy o f one person." and personality" o f one person. Nation o f Islam. They were sup­ group has its roots, and Chicago, The 73-year-old Farrakhan wrote But those w ho have w atched the porters o f Farrakhan and his brand where Farrakhan keeps a hom e in Nation evolve over decades be­ in a Sept. 11 le tte rto followers that Minister Louis Farrakhan giving a charasmatic speech. the Kenwood neighborhood. The o f critique o f American politics." lieve that the organization— known he was anemic and 20 pounds lighter house is a well-know n landmark, Farrakhan has haltingly tried to "In this period o f testing, you Islam. as much for the dark suits and bow because o f com plications from an with its yellow stone exterior, round- move the Nation toward traditional W hile the Nation has obviously ties o f its followers as for its doc­ ulcer in the anal area. He had sur­ can prove to the world that the the-clock guards and M uslim cres­ Islam, w hich considers the A m eri­ Nation o f Islam is more than the survived, no one can say how suc­ trine o f black suprem acy — will gery in 2(XM) for prostate cancer. can m ovement heretical because of cents intfhe stained-glass windows. charism a, eloquence and personal­ cessful the revival has been. But the Nation has also been A longtime target o f federal sur­ its view o f Elijah M uham m ad as a ity o f Louis Farrakhan," he wrote. Leonard A Latin "You can prove that the Nation o f veillance, the m ovem ent is highly prophet — am ong oth er novel trying to expand overseas, with Next Level Acquisitions \ Direct Sales Islam ...»is more than the physical secretive and suspicious o f outsid­ teachings. O rthodox Islam teaches m osques in the Caribbean, in the presence of any individual, and that ers. At M osque Maryam in Chi- that there has been no prophet West African nation o f G hana, and in England and France, M amiya it will live long after I and we have said. gone." A nalysts agree, how ever, that Conrad Worri II, o f the Inner C it­ Priority Service Digital Cable the m ovem ent co n tin u es to see ies Studies program at N ortheast­ High Speed Internet, Phone its g rea test grow th in A m erican ern Illinois University, traveled with Call For Promotions priso n s. M any m em bers are o f­ Farrakhan to Cuba, where he was Lawrence Mamiya, a Vassar College professor Leonard A Latin fenders, ex -o ffe n d ers or relatives initially diagnosed this year. "It's 503.740.1448 serious, he needs to recover, but cago, the N ation's headquarters, after M uhammad in the seventh o f co n v icts. U pon release, e x -in ­ m ates w ho w ant to stay in the he's not on his deathbed," he said. security guards stand watch be­ century. He's also played down some of N ation may have to undergo boot The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who hind brass-plated doors. Even researchers who follow the the group's more controversial be­ cam p train in g , in clu d in g m ilitary spoke with Farrakhan by phone Sept. 24. saiil the minister had given group closely do not know for sure liefs. The Nation o f Islam teaches m arch in g , p u sh -u p s and running up oversight "because he w ants to how many mem bers or mosques it that w hites are descended from the laps, as a w ay to instill d iscipline, devote his time exclusively to physi­ has, how much money it takes in or devil and that blacks are the chosen M am iya said. 223 NE Russell St “ In the crim inal ju stic e system , cal restitution." whether it is shrinking or growing. people o f Allah. M amiya said lead­ Portland, Oregon Y et F a rra k h a n 's p o p u la rity ers no longer preach that message, A frican -A m erican s are o v errep ­ Still, it's clear from Farrakhan's letter that he is concerned about am ong m any blacks is clear. T he although it is still taught in some resen ted and this tends to breed a lot o f rese n tm e n t," said Jim m y hundreds o f th o u san d s o f black m osques. who will succeed him. Jo n e s, a relig io n p ro fe sso r at For many blacks, the Nation is He has firsthand experience with men he drew Io the 1995 M illion Open M-F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm M an h attan v ille C o lleg e w ho has known mainly for its local busi­ a messy transition at the top. He Man M arch in W ashington are w orked as a M uslim jail chaplain nesses and for social service pro­ had to rebuild the Nation in the late only one exam ple. He is p opular for 25 years. "A n ideology that gram s. including health projects w ith hip-hop artists, w ho praise 1970s. after W. D. M oham m ed, the is e s s e n ti a ll y a ra e e d - b a s e d such as H IV/AIDS aw areness and the N ation in th eir m usic, and a son o f the late Nation leader Elijah Muhammad, broke away and moved trusted m ed iato r in gang conflict. prostate cancer screening, and an id eology is very p o p u lar in that his follow ers tow ard m ainstream T his support is bafflin g to many extensive prison ministry. M em ­ co n tex t." Nation ponders future without dynamic figure Comcast. When Farrakhan dies, my prediction is the movement will split. - ro je e H ope i (503)287-4914 FURNITURE SALE 50% -70% All The Time Help Support The Youth Crusader for Education Reform B a ra a in 3511 N E M L K J r B lv d Portland O R 97212 503-282-6061 On the comer of MLK & Freemont 'J&¿! • Free Incoming Calls Spr rt r •N O CREDIT CHECKS Everyone Qualifies • We Buy Used Phones & Electronics • Pay Your Bills • Prepaid Cell Phones with unlimited Nights & Weekends dsn 1 •Prepaid Home Phone Visit Us Today And Get A Free Cell Phone! • Best Deals on New & Used Phones • Comcast and Dish Network Available Q w est T * • M o b ile ' B arg ain ÌS11 N E M LK Jr Bled Portland O P 97212 503-292.4091 On the comet otMLK t freetnont C havous is a noted attorney, au­ thor and national schixil reform leader. A sa former m em berof the Council o f the District ofC olum hia and C hair of the C o u n cil's Com m ittee on Educa­ tio n , L ib ra rie s and R e c re a tio n . C havous was at the forefront o f pro­ moting change within the District public school system. His efforts led to over 5( HI million new dollars being made available to educate children in DC. A dm ission is free; for details and reservations call or em ail Cascade Policy Institute at 5O3-242-O9OO or info@ cascadepolicy.org. I • Exotic European tetra [ Phones1 ' * F T W 0 li • Long Distance Cards Kevin Chavous E m m anuel T em p le C hurch p re­ s e n ts an e v e n in g w ith K ev in C havous. w ho will d iscu ss ch arter schools and the reform o f A m eri­ can public education, from 7 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. W ednesday, O ct. I I at Em m anuel Tem ple C hurch, 1033 N. S um ner St. The Hottest Deals In Town III! In Loving Memory Margaret ‘Maggie’ Crolley Funeral services were held Tues­ day, ( k t . 3, 2006. in Life C hange Christian C enter in Portland for Margaret Ann "M aggie" "Nana" Crolley, w hodied Sept. 28 at age 71. Margaret Ann Daniels was bom May 5 , 1935. in I k K alb,Texas.and moved Io Portland in 1944. She graduated from Roosevelt High Schixil and was a print shop super­ visor for Portland Public Schools. In 1954. she married Jam es Crolley. Survivors include her husband; daughter, M arla Strong; sisters, Audrey Sims, Linda W alton and Evelyn Harris; brother. Charles Daniels; and four grandchildren. A rrangem ents by Ross Holly­ wood Chapel. Soldier Passes Lee Andrew Williams Lee A ndre w W i 11 i ams, a hero i n hisow n right, died Saturday, Sept. 30,2006. Services will be held Friday, Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. at Philadelphia C om m unity M issionary Baptist Church. 238 N.E. M ason. Public viewing is scheduled Thursday, Oct. 5 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. W illiam s was born March 4. miss you, Lee" - your 4