October 4, 2006 ih C lassifieds 1 JJn rtla u h (!f)bseruer I B ids Tough Times in Life Shared Senior Dorm Advisor $13.75 per hour) con tin u ed front Metro ( $ 1 2 .2 9 - ° # fgo ^ WASHINGTON COUNTY APPRAISAL SUPERVISOR $4,928 - $5,989/ month Closes October 13, 2006 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES COORDINATOR I BILINGUAL (Spanish/English) $3,403 - $4.135 / month Open Continuous Responsible individual needed to provide student guidance in a 132 bed male and female dormitory serving young adults enrolled in a vocational/educational training program. Must have an Associate of Arts degree in Human Services field and two years experience working with youth. Prefer six months experience as • a residential advisor. Valid driver's license in the state of residence with an acceptable driving record. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) Submit resume and 846-4898 for information or see cover letter to: our website: www.co.washing- Springdale Job Corps ton.or.us. County application and Attn: Human Resources supplemental application forms 31224 E. Historic Columbia required. Women, minorities, and River Highway people with disabilities are Troutdale, OR 97060 encouraged to apply. Responses must be received no later than Friday, October 13, APPLY TO: 2006. Washington County Human Resources Division As an affirmative action employer, 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270 we are seeking qualified minority, Hillsboro, OR 97124 female, veteran, and disabled applicants; however, all qualified HUMAN RESOURCES applicants will be considered. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT/ Human Resources Division PROJECT ASSISTANT Salem, Oregon Luna Jim énez Sem inars & When you look at SAIF Associates, Inc. is a local Corporation’s human resources consulting firm dedicated to practices - our exceptional providing training and facilitation com pensation, benefit, and to assist individuals and training programs as well as our organizations address and caring em ployee relations elim inate the effects of program - it's no surprise that we institutional oppression. have one of the lowest turnover rates in the industry. All of our LJS seeks a part-time Project programs are aimed at attracting, Assistant to support Project retaining, and motivating high Managers with project through performing employees dedicated im plem entation to oroviding custom ers with m aterials preparation and superior service. administrative functions. Project Assistant will coordinate The HR Operations Supervisor is distribution of public information a key part of this system. The materials and meeting notices, person in this position e.g. develop m ailing lists, coordinates, directs, and coordinate printing and mailing, supervises essential operating etc., assist with com m ittee functions within the Human m aintenance and m eeting Resources (HR) Division. Areas of logistics, conduct research, and responsibility include human provide support to O ffice resources system s adm ini­ Manager. stration, reporting and projects, w w w .lunajim enez payroll, employee records, HR Visit reception, and general seminars.com/pla.htmlforfulljob description. administrative/clerical support. Closin¿Date: Friday;July 2 8 ,2 0 0 6 5 The position reports to the totai p.m. com pensation m anager and participates as a member of the Salary Range: $13.00 $17.00/hr total compensation team along to start, depending on with compensation and benefits qualifications staff. Send cover letter, writing sample SAIF is an excellent place to work & 1-page resume to LJS & as a human resources Associates, P.0. Box 12371, professional for many reasons. Portland, Oregon 97212 or email Among them are our innovative to human_resources@lunajimenez programs, our loyal employees, semlnars.com. Call (503) 281- and our unique charter - we are 5570 if you have questions. driven not by profit, but by a desire to help O regon's workers, employers, and economy. ODOT LAUNCHES SMALL Interested? If you are a human resources professional with experience adm inistering HR inform ation and autom ated payroll systems, we'd like to hear from you. Experience leading or supervising staff is a must. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, along with flexibility and the ability to come up with innovative solutions to personnel issues, will help you to be successful in this position. Please read the rest of the detailed job announcement on our website at www.saif.com. Then, to tell us about yourself and why you'd like to join our human resources team, please complete and subm it the electronic application accessible at the end of the job announcement. A simplified process will pre qualify firms to participate in the pilot program and have the opportunity to be selected as prime contractors for ODOT contracts valued at $75,000 or less openings. Seeking dep en dable, well-groomed, positive individuals. $ 8 .5 0 * starting wage Overtime/advancementpotentiai T o read O b o A d d y ’s sto ry in its e n tire ty , go to w w w .w h e n y o u w e re l5 .o rg .T o b e there for a yo u th , co n tact Big B rothers Big S isters at 5 0 3 -2 4 9 - 4859 o r P ow erh o u se M en to rin g at 503-234-8757, ex tension 24. Actor to Tell Story of Child Abuse con tin u ed fro m Metro Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drug te s t/ Background check Apply 12:00 1:00PM. Mon, Wed, Thurs & Frl; 3:00 4:00PM Tues. City Center Parking, 130 SW Stark, Portland. Business Contact Center Representative - Position(s) Open Seeking ambitious and career oriented business-to-business call center representatives to service existing accounts for national corporations. The ideal candidates must possess a strong aptitude for business-to-business outbound calling campaigns and have experience building relationships with customers for transactional & repeat business. Successful candidates must be able to effectively articulate business issues and must be able to identify solutions. Attributes of a Successful Candidate: • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Professional Telephone Skills • Excellent PC and keyboarding skills • Excellent attendance history • Team Player • Outgoing, courteous and friendly Call Center experience a plus. General knowledge of the IT Industry a plus. V ictor is also the featured lun­ cheon speaker at the YW CA-Clark C ounty’s 13lh Annual Benefit Lun­ cheon on Tuesday, Oct. 10, from 11:30 a.m .-1:30 p.m . at Hilton V ancouver. Tickets to the YWCA luncheon are $34. For reservations, call Krista Liles, 3 6 0-906-4301 or visitw w w .yw caclarkcounty.org. Despite his traumatic beginning. Rivers somehow alw ays had what it took to defy his own odds. He went from a troubled kid to a profes­ sional football play erfo rth e Miami D olphins to a movie star. Some of his tw o dozen movie roles included Eddie M uqihy's suave sidekick in "The Distinguished G entlem an," and A ntonio Banderas' ill-fated brother in The Mask o f Zorro.” Now, Rivers uses hiscom m and- ing presence and inspiring life story to educate audiences all over the country about the forms o f dom es­ tic violence that continue to go unchecked in our hom es and neigh­ borhoods.. “ In order to break the cycle, we have to break the silence," says Rivers, a national spokesm an for the W ashington. D.C- based N et­ work to End D om estic Violence, w hich represents shelters and ad­ vo cacy g ro u p s th ro u g h o u t the United States. "That is why I co n ­ tinue to tell my story.” E arlie r this year, both R ivers and S. R enee M itchell, aw a rd ­ w inning co lu m n ist for the O reg o ­ nian. w ere honored in New York C ity as tw o o f the 2 1 L eaders of the 21st C en tu ry , sp o n so red by W o m en ’s eN ew s. a global new s m agazine. "W e are fortunate to have such a high-profile role model willing to com e to our com m unity and bring greater attention to this pervasive social problem o f dom estic vio­ lence," says M itchell, also a do­ mestic violence survivor. "H is life story holds a pow erful and inspir- Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against I. Employment Discrimination: Race. Age, Sex, and Disability • Sex crim es • Drug crim es • All m isdem eanors and felonies FINALLY AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE Mil )\\ I >1 1. 2. 3. 4. Are your monthly prem ium s too high? Are you self-em ployed or own your own business? Are you w ithout health insurance now? Would you like to have control o f your health insurance plan? IFY()U ANSWERED. "V KS" I <) ANY (TFTHESE QUESTIONS, PI .EASE CALI. MEAT: www.krislong.mw-ins.com Association membership Is required. MWAXX)263exp.6/O7 Visit the ODOT Procurement Office www.oregongov\OOOT\contracting.shtml or call (503) 986 2710 yr. Jft ° ari* D e p a r tm e n t o oi f T r a n s p o rta tio n Mid-W est National Life Insurance Company o f Tennessee A Health Markets Company Keeping the promise of affordable coverage Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAI.UN A KA WASHINGTON! FROM YOUR FAMILY WE LOVE YOU! never too soon to think about refinancing. Il a Yon may have more options then you think. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Need more Information? www.oregon.gov\0D0T 1-877-484-2823 Exclusions and limitations apply. Administrative office: N. Richland Hills. TX. Plan availability varies by state. |#M W 25906. M W -25907 or state variation) Call 503-288-0033 Access the RFQ http://orpm.oregon.gov or call (503) 731 3254 nr Kris Long Licensed Insurance Agent Advertise with diversity in 'ri” IJ o rth u ih (DhscrUfr Beginning Oct. 2. a Request for Qualifications to participate in the pilot program will be posted on ORPIN, the Oregon Procurement Information Network web site. * 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations This position offers a competitive salary com m ensurate with background and experience. Please send application and resume to: HRManager@ emarksolutions.com or fax to 503-207-4001. We are an equal opportunity employer. i r 2. Criminal Accusations: (3 6 0)608-2823 • Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance • Employer Matched 401K Plan • Public Transportation Subsidies • Daily Bonuses for performance • $200.00 Quarterly Attendance Bonuses • Bonuses for referring qualified new employees ing m essage about how a com m u­ nity like ours can nurture abused men, w omen and children to shed their anger and sham e, and find hope.” Eor m ore in fo rm atio n about R iver's free book signing, call 503- 4 9 0 -8 7 7 5 or c o n ta c t thdvalingnxtsvillageU' NackemaiLcixii. T o read more about Rivers o r order his book, visit his w eb site at wwvv.victorrivers.com SONA JOINER CALLNOW Benefits: Oregon AFFORDABLE JJ LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call 3 6 0 -8 2 3 -1 4 4 1 t=J 1 -8 8 8 -8 4 9 -0 5 8 8 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 98684 HOMELOAN SOI IU I e m art ¡ n (« hom e loansi »uree. com FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR ^ôcare Portland 503.28 4.9582 O r e g o n C ity 5 0 3.65 6.2116 S e r v in g P o r tla n d M e t r o a r e a where •/ (N , N E . S E , S W & N W ) 2004 BPi All R«)hti R«M>rv»d DIANETICS 1» a trademark and vtrvx» mark owned by Beltgrou» T« bnology i enter and is used with rt» p etm lw o n For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 - 3 1 5 4 3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227