Œliv Page B2 October 4. 2006 l’|J o r tla n h © b se ru e r The Blue Monk in association with KMHD 89.1 FM presents legendary jazz drummer, composer, and bandleader. R ashied A li ! MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING $25.00 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL STAIRS (with other service) $35.00 $1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / BOAT/ RV CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA-------------------------------------- $6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT -------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $35 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------ $ 5 .0 0 COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT & CHAIR I I (A P) -T h e K in g o fC o o l, Miles D a v is, w as p o sth u m o u sly in ­ d u c te d in to H o lly w o o d 's R o c k W a lk on T h u rs d a y . T h e ev en t w as atten d ed by m usicians and m em bers o f the D avis fam ily, in c lu d in g h is so n , E rin , an d d au g h ter, C h ery l. W hile living icons have had th e ir h an d p rin ts im m o rtalized on the sid ew alk g allery o u tsid e the G u ita r C e n ter on S unset B o u le­ v ard , a bro n ze bust o f D avis will be put on d isp lay o u tsid e the store instead. D avis died in 1991 at age 65. D avis first picked up the tru m ­ pet at age 13 and m ade his reco rd ­ ing deb u t in 1947. He w as re ­ now ned for m orphing his cool ja z z into fusion and ex perim ental so u n d s that later gave w ay to ja zz funk and hip -h o p g rooves. His m any m any leg en d ary album s in c lu d e " R o u n d A b o u t M id ­ night," "B irth o f the C ool" and "K ind o f Blue." R ecently, a D V D , a m ovie, a S m ithsonian m useum ex h ib it and ‘Delirium’ has Urban Beat Cirque d u S o le il p r e s e n ts ‘D eliriu m ,' its first-ever live a re n a e v e n t, c o m in g to P o rtla n d 's R o s e G arden A rena o n Oct. 1 9 - 2 0 . Driven b y an urban tribal b e a t a n d aw e-inspiring visu a ls, m u sic ia n s, sin g e rs a n d d a n c e rs tra n sfo rm th e a re n a in to fe s tiv e fren zy o f m u sic , d a n c e , th ea tre, a n d m u ltim ed ia . $135.00 I , I I CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 Sunday Supper T in e this fall called "E volution o f the G r o o v e " f e a tu r in g g u i ta r is t S antana and rapper N as. T h e R o c k W a lk w as e s ta b ­ lished in 1985 to honor m usicians w ho have m ade a s ig n ific an tco n - trib u tio n to the history o f m usic. H um an K ighlsonFilm --TheN orth­ M a s t e r / at 8 p.m . west Film C enter Presents Human P r i n c i p a l and S u n d ay s Rights on Film, Oet. 5 through Nov. C o a c h at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. R o b e rt 9. N ine lì I ms are featured that deepen A insley at this m onth's through O ct. 15. Special aw areness to the values o f dignity, Brown Bag series as he takes a look W ednesday m atinees are at 11 a.m. equality and justice as film m akers inside the season-opening produc­ Sept 27 and Oct. 4th. Call the box tell universal stories o f human tion o f "Faust.” Also, hear the sweet office at 503 -2 4 1 -1278 for tickets or struggle, sacrifiée and triumph. For music o f this season’s artist pro­ visit w w w .artistsrep.org. title s an d sh o w tim e s , v isit gram and learn what it takes for a N orm an Sylvester Band - W el­ studio artist to prepare for a role. nwtilm.org. com e back N orm an Sylvester who The free lunchtim e presentation is recovering from hip replacem ent takes place from noon to I p.m. he receiv ed o v e r the sum m er. Friday, Oct. 6 at the M ultnomah S ylvester's O ctober gigs are 9:30 County Central Library. 801 S.W. p.m. Friday, Oct. 6 at Candlelight in I Oth Ave. Port land: 9:30 p.m. Suturday,O ct.7 Portland Columbia Symphony ( )r- at Gemini Pubin Lake Oswego; 9:30 ehestra -- Portland Columbia Sym ­ p.m. Friday.Oct. 13 at D om enic's in phony O rchestra kicks o ff its 25th M ilwaukie; Saturday, Oct. 14 at season Friday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. at W ondei Ballroom in Portland, time the First United M ethodist Church, to be announced. For more infor­ 1838 S.W . Jefferson St. Tickets are mation on the Boogie Cat Hotline. available at the door at the tim e o f 503-281-5989. the perform ance and through the Portland I c h ia it and Gay Film Fes- orchestra office by calling 503-234- 4077. O ldom inion, Quivali. I'he Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C onan’s (3862 S.E .H aw thom ejev- ery Tuesday at 10 p.m. Celebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S .W . 3rd A ve) after w ork on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch tow ard the weekend at the C andle­ light Room (2032 S W 5th A v e) with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, who plays jazz at Salty's on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday, and Jim m y M ak’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferso n ). •R eeferM ad ness!'atIF C C -The com edy ‘R eeferM adness!' a politi­ cal satire about governm ent m isin­ formation and greed, loosely based on the 1936 propaganda anti-m ari­ juana film, at Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Perform ances run Thursdays through Sunday. Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling the Stum ptow n Stages Box Office at 5 0 3 -3 8 1 -8 6 8 6 o r o n lin e at stum ptow nstages.com . Celebrating our Customers! Liveat Cannon’s Rib Express Featuring Reggie Houston’s Box of Chocolates rim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy K im G uitar “ yr/ never know what ya gain git" OMSI Presents: Black H oles - A Hight sim ulatortransform s real sci­ entific data about black holes into stunning visualizations in O M SI’s new p lan etariu m show “ Black holes: The O ther Side o f Infinity.” For more information.call 503-797- 4000 or visit om si.edu. Portland ( )pcra Brown Bag - Meet the Portland O p era's new Chorus Sponsored by: Ragtime' Epic Story of S tru g g le — Lakewood Theatre Co. presents "Ragtim e: The M usi­ cal,” an epic story of s tr u g g le , d ig n ity , honor and acceptance in segregated America at the turn o f the 20th century. The fictional lives o f three very d if­ ferent A merican fam i­ lies becom e dram ati­ cally intertw ined with real-life historical fig­ ures and events. Perform ances co n ­ tinue through Oct. 29 at Lakewood C enter for the Arts. 368 S. State St. in Lake O sw ego. For mote infonnation.call 5O3-635-39OI or on lin e at w w w .l a k e w o o d - center.org ‘.M etamorphoses - Gods and G oddesses swirl and splash in 'M etam orphoses.' a lucid, glow ing adap­ tation o f O v id 'sclassic myths set in and around a giant onstage pool at the Artists Repertory Theatre, 1516 S.W. Alder, Tuesdays, W ednes­ days, Thursdays at 7 p.m.. Fridays I I M A R K E T J L ò f x u i i ¿ t ía t /r e x cSfiofi Here when you need uel Your Care Our First Priority Shop 503-282-2920 Trippin' through l own - Take a tri p through t i me to find the hottest po­ etry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdaysat the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. tival - The Portland Lesbian & Gay Film Festival takes place Friday, Oct. 6 through Sunday. Oct. 15 at Cinema 2 1 .6 16NW 21st A venue. For e v e n t d a te s an d s c h e d u le s v isit www.plgff.org. Live M usic Every Night - Kick off your week with live ja zz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at' I'he Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont). Participate in a mixed- media open mic night each M on­ day at the Back to Back Café (614 East Burnside). The Thorn City Im prov, featu rin g m em b ers o f Belly Dance C lasses - Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance. A frican dance and m ore. Visit w w w .gypsycaravan.us. I im etojam -JamNight. Portland's ever-popular com edy and variety show is at Christian Petforming Arts Center. 8 13 1 N. Denver Ave. Shows continue every Friday night start­ ing at 9 p.m . w ith d in n e r by M ondemaj Catering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. H ip -h o p D a n c e C la s s e s -- Vancouver-Clark Parksand Recre­ ation is hosting family friendly hip- hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm, tech­ nique, coordination, agility, com bi­ nations and teamwork through ur­ ban dance moves. For more infor­ mation, cal 1360-696-8236. Specializing In A ll Types o f Work: Driveway Black Top A.D. W illiam s Cott 503-309-4488 Call to A rtists - Local artists are encouraged to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland Open Stu­ dios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the metro area to open their studios and become part o f an e x c itin g re g io n a l art e v e n t. V is it portlandopenstudios.com for more information. No Job Too Big - No Job Too Small All Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates PETE-SHAWN & MIKE SUB-CONTRACTOR NEW SEASONS ' ’ T ru m p eter C hrist B o tti (left) a n d m u sic ia n G eorge D uke (right) jo in F rances D avis, fo rm e r w ife o f th e la te ja z z m u sic ia n M iles D avis, during a c e r e m o n y in d u c tin g M iles p o s th u m o u s ly into H ollyw o o d 's R o ck Wall. in d u ctio n in the Rock and Roll Hall o f Fam e have all renew ed D avis' p o p u larity in w hat w ould have been his 8( )t h - bi rt hday year. Don C headle has agreed to play D avis in an u p co m in g biopic and a new D avis C D w ill be released Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) I ‘King of Cool' on Rock Wall d eta ils October 20th & 21st, ‘06 The Blue Monk 3341 SE Belmont, Portland/OR $25.00— doors open at 8:30pm/shows at 9:00pm Tickets on sale at all Tickets West Outlets For information call: 503.491.7271 or 503.595.0575 , Hollywood Honors Miles Davis Master drum workshop to be announced—listen to KMHD for Roofing • Cement Work • Tuckpointing • Seal Coating 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 1601 SE Burnside. Portland. OR 97233 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Tues.-Sat. Tel: 503-442-4166 Dr. Marceline Pailla Chiropractic Physician WF «re locateli at trA tl t a t a State Farm ' Providing tnswaiwe ano Financial StwvK.es 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 .Le» W liitworth C.P.A. ani l’('('kkcci121 \ I t in i Piume 30.1-295-1939 Agent C eli*971 - H4-6414 Fax 303-295-Ititi.» in n i. lenuhilirarlhrpa.rinn Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 email: lenta l r » n 1 i MIUHMt i Vana ..... Ernest J. Hill, Jr. \v e r n ie Portland. OH 9*211 • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Homo Office. Bloominqton. Illinois 61ZIO 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland OR 9Z?1 Z 503 ?R6 1103 fax 503 ?Rh 1,46 erme lull h5inty<$slatetainj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service11 h iln u r lili p n .r im i I