Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 04, 2006, Image 1

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    5 o¿
Tough Times in
Local artist, leaders get
personal to help teens
•Tcommunity service
‘City of Roses'
* * insid*''Me,r”
íín rtían h (Ohseiner
Established s~
in m
Committed to Culturjl Diversity
Volume XXXVI. Number 40
Wednesday • October 4. 2006
T1 Week in
rhc Review
Freightliner to Cut Jobs
F reightlinerC E O Chris Patterson
says a decline in heavy truck de­
mand w ill meanjobcuts. The com­
mercial truck manufactureroffered
buyouts M onday to its w hite-
co lla rw o rk force, including I .‘XX)
at its Portland headquarters.
N Korea Plans I
North Korea said
Tuesday it w ill
face o f what it
claimed was "the
U .S .
e xtre m e
threat o f a nuclear war." ratcheting
up tensions amid international
pressure to return to negotiations
on its atom ic program.
Amish School Girls Killed
An attack on a tiny Am ish school-
house amid the farm fields o f
Lancaster County, Penn, was the
n a tio n 's th ird d e a d ly school
shooting in less than a week. Five
children and the 32-year-old gun­
man died. Five other girls are hos­
pitalized, fo u r in critical condi­
tion. See s to ry , page A2.
Rice Doesn't Recall Alert
U.S. Secretary o f
State C o n d o ­
leezza Rice said
Sunday that she
ca n n o t re c a ll
th e n -C IA c h ie f
G e o rg e T e n e t
warning her o f an
impending al-Qaida attack in the
U n ite d
S tates,
B ob
Woodward's new book claims he
did tw o months before the attacks
on Sept. 11,2001.
Ozone Hole Matches Record
The "ozone hole" over A ntarc­
tica has matched the record size o f
11.4 m illio n square miles, the U.N.
weather agency said Friday. Thin­
ning in the ozone layer, largely
due to the chemical compounds
chlorofluorocarbons leaked from
refrigerators, airconditioners and
other devices, exposes Earth to
harm ful solar rays.
Hastert Won’t Resign
Speaker Dennis
Hastert brushed
aside any sug­
gestion o f resig­
nation on Tues­
day as H ouse
Republican lead­
ers struggled to contain the fa ll­
Veronica Riley (left) and House o f Prayer volunteer Jesse Neal bring comfort and a helping hand to Janice Bradley (right), wife o f the House o f Prayer's pastor
Darrell Bradley, after the black church was vandalized with racist graffiti.
Trail Hate
help church
bounce back
rvi r
Racist vandals keep h ittin g the small
town o f Longview, Wash., where for months
they have targeted m in o rity places o f w o r­
ship and business, including a weekend
incident where a grocery store, c ity park,
skate park and the m ulticultural House o f
Prayer were tagged w ith swastikas and
racist messages.
House o f Prayer
Pastor Darrell Bradley
stands over a hop
scotch square that
used to be a large
swastika in Victoria
Freeman Park, across
the street from the
Longview church. The
park is named after a
local civil rights
" I l was a ju m p in g revival and I can tell
you the devil was mad," said Bradley's
w ife Janice, who watched from next door
w here she works as a caretaker forchurch
B ishop E .M . Jackson, also A frica n
“ Everywhere they hire black people
they marked 'w h ite p o w e r.'" said House o f
Prayer Pastor Darrell Bradley.
M arr
W ashington /
T iil P ortland
O bslrvlr
As one o f only tw o A frica n American
churches in I .ongview, the non-denomi-
natioiial. House o f Prayer iscomprised
o f about 50 members o f tw o separate
congregations, including Hispanic and
Latino residents w ho make up House o f
Prayer II, w hich holds Spanish-speak­
ing services each Sunday afternoon.
House o f Prayer II hosted a three-day
revival that spilled out onto the front
lawn Friday night, just hours before the
vandals hit.
S arah B lount
Tin P ortland O bsi
photos by
on page A8
Kind of Gentrification
out from an election-year scandal
in v o lv in g sexually e x p lic it mes­
sages fro m a disgraced F lorida
congressm an to h igh school
male pages.
Housing Costs Increase
Oregon homeowners are spend­
ing a greater amount o f their in ­
come fo r housing than at the start
o f the decade, according to Cen­
sus Bureau, reflecting the national
trend o f soaring house prices and
stagnant paychecks.
r u o lo in S i
O'C ossor / ì ì i i P om i is o < Disi kv i k
You re in the retail core o f the Lents neighborhood when you see the
familiar neon lights o f the New Copper Penny Bar and Grill.
Lents is open
for business
rv S arah B i ot n i
Tin P o rtland O bskrvlh
Southeast Portland's Lents neighbor
hixxJ has generated a lot o f interest tor
residents looking fo r affordable housing
and existing or aspiring business im ners in
need o f a jum pstart anil helping hand.
And unlike Portland Development C o m ­
mission projects like N orth M ississippi
r i l o 111 in
M ark W
vsiiisi . io s /T iii P i ik I I anii O bsi hv I k
New construction and more affordable homes make southeast Portland's Lents
neighborhood a magnet for local families.
Avenue that have people questioning the
gentrification or displacement o f local resi­
dents. there is a strong focus on diversity.
Call Lents the new, new China Tow n -
w ith a quiet but rising bustle o f Vietnemese.
Russian. Hispanic and A frican American
" There is a lot o f interest out there." A m y
M ille r D ow ell o f PDC saidof Lents. "People
see it as an affordable neighborhood and
there's a real p lu ra lity out there for ethnic
M ille r I Jowell heads PI X "s I xn ts Rev ital-
ization E ffo rt, w hich became .in I Irban Re­
newal Area in 1998. The agency w ill pump a
total o f $75 m illio n into the neighborhooil
until 2013. The sum seems modest when
compared to the Pearl or South W aterfront
w hich are somewhat o f a Disneyland fo r
Portland developers. Renewal in the outer
southeast com m unity, rather, is focused on
street im provement and affordable ow ner­
"C ertainly there are buildings needing
improvement, and we have programs help­
ful for people wanting storefront im prove­
ments," M ille r D ow ell said.
A meeting last January between the
( iresham InsuranceCo. and Assurcty N o rth ­
west, Inc.. P IX ' representatives and the
Portland Department o f Transportation re­
sulted in the first significant redevelopment
in Lents in decades.
Assurcty plans to build its 30.000 square
feel headquarters, bringing 40 jobs by next
summer. T o help w ith the in itia l phase o f
development. PDC w ill lease back approxi­
mately 3.000 square feet o f the space fo r one
That means new retail and com m ercial
space ¡scorning. PDC senior project co o rd i­
nator Pam Neal said.
A fa m ily -o w n e d Russian and A rm e -
on page A 8