September 27. 2006 _______________ Minority & Small Business Week pageA? Focus Awesome Autumn Natural Neutrals Define Fall Style A utum n is always the most exciting season in the fashion world. The playful sun and sw im w ear have been put away, and it’s tim e to get dow n to the real busi­ ness o f what's hot and what's not on the fashion scene. This year, the international fashion run­ ways clearly define fall as a season of sim ple, dram atic looks. W hen it com es to color, the black and w hite trend begun in the sum m er is definitely continuing, with grays, nudes and pale golds extending the neutral them e, and an occasional splash o f color com ­ ing from deep purple, red and even chartreuse. T ailored suits, long tunics, tw eeds and plaids Hair styles that are longer with gentle styles are in fashion for fall. will salute the long and lean look, while big collars, big sleeves, volum inous capes and sw ing jackets ramp that look up with new volume. A ccessories - almost gone for the past few seasons - are returning with a vengeance! Bags and shoes get bigger and chunkier, tex- lured leggings are all the rage, glos es slink up to the elbows, antique jew elry and watches are ever-present, and - dare we say it - fu ro r fur-trim m ed items arecs en sneaking haek onto fashion's "m ust" list. "H air styles and eolor are reflecting this softer, yet more austere silhouette." says Clairol C olor and Style Master grinette Pope. "H air will be worn longer, styles w ill be unstructured, natural, very low m aintenance, whether worn loose or pulled back softly in a ponytail or scarf. Haircolor will also be low m ainte­ nance. Enhance your natural color, add shine and brightness, with one of ten different brunette shades in the Beautiful Collection, a semi per­ manent haireolorthat is so gentle it can be used imm ediately fol­ lowing a relaxer treatment. If you want to elim inate gray or try a com pletely new shade, opt for a permanent eolor like rich gold or deep red from Textures & Tones. Smudgy eyelids and a bright slash of red lip color are all you'll need to com plete your new autumn palate." Boyz II Men Set Portland Date Tickets go on sale Friday for an upcoming concert featuring Boyz II Men. one of the most successful R&B groups o f all- time. The group will perform with Lilia D’Mone on Saturday, Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. at the Roseland Theater. Admission is $45 reserved and $30 general admission. For tickets, call 503-224-8499 or order online at World Forestry Opens Doors, Free on Saturday On Saturday, Sept. 30, for one Seven m useum s in Oregon anti day only, museums across the coun­ over 300 m useum s nationw ide will try, including the W'orld Forestry extend free adm ission when pre­ C enter Discovery M useum will join sented with a M useum Day A dm is­ the Sm ithsonian Institution in its sion Card. Each card allow s free long-standing tradition o f offering adm ission for two people and fami­ free adm ission to visitors. lies can present more than one card. V isitors must present a coupon The W orld Forestry C enter D is­ to get the free adm ission - the cou­ covery M useum is a non profit pon c a n be d o w n lo a d e d at educational institution dedicated w to ed u c atin g peo p le ab o u t the w orld's forests and trees. The m u­ seum underwent a $7.5 million reno­ vation in 2(X)5 and offers family- friendly. fun. and interactive exhib­ its that engage visitors to learn about the sustainability o f forests A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! in the Pacific Northwest and around the world. The Discovery M useum is lo­ cated in P o rtlan d 's W ashington Park o ff of Highway 26 at exit 72 marked Zoo/Forestry Center. ‘ Ll~ Lición» # S M O K E H O U S E ^ ,,,,« Kimberly Adams.Owner, Mortgage tin k e r fyecittlizintf in Ôniohcl jVtc/if.v 6 $c/ifodb Food Donation for Free Movie See a film for just three cans of food and help fight hunger at the 26th annual Cans Film Festival. T hursday, Sept. 28. M o v ie g o e rs d o n a te d m o re than 9 0 ,0 0 0 pounds o f food to the O regon Food Bank N etw ork d u r­ ing C ans Film F estival last year. T h a t’se q u iv alen t to 69,000 m eals for people w ho are hungry. V olunteers w ill be on hand to accept food d o n atio n s at p a rtic i­ pating Regal C in em as in O regon and C lark C ounty. T he o ffe r o f three o r m ore cans o f boxes o f n o n p erish ab le food is good for all show s except "T he G uardian." Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts*"1 will find the perfect loan for your needs Beet • Pork • Latnb • Poultry • Seafood • • • • • lunch starting at $5.95 Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey Sandwiehes & More 'D inner S ta rtin g at $9.95 First time buyer or seasoned investor Purchase. Refinance, Line of credit Good or bruised credit Single family, condo, 2-4 units Commercial financing & more! We re local We care Experience the difference Daily Speeial also available. Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $ 10.95 Open 1 1 :3 0 -1 1 :0 0 PM M onday tlirn Saturday 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 > OR M U -3793 » 4 #5tO-MB-2R452 (360) 433-2466 or Toll free (877) 436-2466 Apply online at www dakahome com * M . C H *l L, 1 A E N E V E R Y 0 N E'S FUTURE ★ T H E G O V E R N O R 'S D E B A T E * The major candidates for Oregon governor will debate public policy issues related to children and families. OPB Radio -I \ Thursday, September 28, live at 1pm Repeats at 7pm OPB TV < Thursday, September 28 at 9pm The debate is presented in partnership with: C H IL D R E N S First ($) Children for Oregon in s t it u í t Sland for ( h ild r r n “ Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself makes you fearless ” - i ao tzi ............., m w < r ■ ................ oan ’ i m im w ----- - NOW PLAYING EVERYW HERE I