Minority & Small Business Week Page A6 F ood September 27, 2006 The mission of the ‘Food Section' is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments, and/or family recipes that you would I ike to share with us are addressed in email to: w ww,fo o d s p o rt landobserver.con) Thai Chill Pepper Beet (Prep time: 30 minutes; Cook time: 30 minutes) Preparation: m inutes on m ed iu m heat. Ingredients: 1. Place the strips o f beef, 4. W hen the onions are golden • 2-3 gariic cloves, minced • 2-3 Birdseye chilis th e m in c e d g a r lic , the add the b e ll peppers, co rn , bam ­ • ltbsp. Grated fresh ginger • Oil g ra te d g in g e r, and (he boo shoots and the w a te r chest­ • 1-2 tbsp Thai redcurry paste chopped c h ilie s and curry nuts and s tir-fry 5 m inutes o r u n til paste in to a b o w l, m ix th o r­ vegetables are tender. o u g h ly . 5. Return the beef to the pan. stir • 1 green bell pepper chopped in the fish sauce, the stock and the sugar, • Baby sweet corn and add the beef and s tir-fry on m ed iu m heat, m ix thoroughly and sim m er fo r 10 - 15 m in ­ • 2smallcansbambooshoots cut into strips • 1 medium onion u n til the beef is bro w n . utes, s tirrin g o cca sio n a lly. Keep an eye • ltbsp. Fish sauce 3. W hen brow ned take the beef out and set to on the level o f the stock: yo u want to • ltbsp. Brown sugar the side. In the same pan used fo r the beef: add reduce it some but not m uch. the wedges o f o n io n and s tir-fry fo r about 3 6. Serve when beef is tender. cut Into wedges • 125 ml beef stock SAFEWAY Ö 1O *O FF Earn chestnuts (optional) • 2-poundrumpsteak. • 1 red bell pepperchopped 2. (te a l some o il in a pan Ingredients for life • Can of water Cardamon Honey Chicken Recipe per gallon of gasoline Every time you spend $50 at your Safeway store with your Club Card in a single transaction. See store for details From New Zealand (LOW CARB) MARINADE R A N C H E R 'S • • 4 Tbsp. Honey 2 Tbsp. Sherry • 1 tsp. C ardam om seeds, ground • I tsp. Peppercorns, ground CHICKEN I Boneless SAVE up to $2.50 lb CLUB PRICE 6 chicken breasts, or one w hole chicken, cut into parts • 2 Tbsp. O liv e o il • I lem on, th in ly sliced • Salt and pepper 1. -149 Rancher s Reserve Angus Beef Bottom Round Roast • Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Bone-in or Pork Shoulder Blade Roast SAVE up to $1.30 lb. lb CLUB PRICE Preheat oven to 35()oF. W arm the honey, stir in the sherry, cardam om and peppercorns. Place marinade and chicken in a large how l, coat chicken w ith marinade. C over w ith plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature fo r 30 minutes. 2. Heat o liv e o il in a large fry in g pan at m edium high heat. Sear the chicken, skin side dow n, u ntil golden. 3. Place lem on slices in a roasting pan. Lay the ch icke n pieces on top. Brush w ith the m arinade. Season g enerously w ith sail and pepper. Place in the oven and bake u n til done, a p p ro x im a te ly 30 m inutes fo r breasts. 20 m inutes fo r th igh s, 99 Butcher s Cut Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks 3 fresh. Grade A SAVE up Io 60» lb lb Fresh Wild Whole Coho Salmon Weather permitting SAVE up Io S3 00 lb. C LUB PRICE Australian Navel Oranges Club Price $1.00 lb. SAVE up Io 99( on 1 lb. CLUB PRICE m inutes before se rving . Pour out d rip p in g s from the pan in to a g ra v y boat fo r g ra v y . Serve w ith rice, mashed potatoes, o r couscous. Large Hass Avocados Broccoli Crowns or Cauliflower Club Price $1 00 ea SAVE up Io 79» on 1 ea Club Price $1 00 lb SAVE up Io 79» on 1 lb PRICE P u lle d Pork. S a n d w ic h C LUB P R IC E SAVE up Io $10.00 on 20 C L U B P R IC E SAVE up to S3 88 on 4 SAVE up to $2 98 on 2 C L U B P R IC E Delicious Sweet Potato Pie Recipe (Just say "W a-HA -Kan") Tender, slo w -cooked p o rk w ith a sw e e t sm oky sauce inspired fro m a tra d itio n a l recipe fro m I2»É th e M exican re g io n o f Oaxaca. r w in g s and d ru m s tic k s . R em ove fro m oven and let rest fo r 10 In th e Deli. F r ’ I ) L |? TQUAI O* I » W R VALUT F M I 18-Pack Budweiser, Miller or Coors Stoutfers Meals Butter Top Breads «S-or 8 37 Io 20-oz Selected varieties Club Price $ 2.00 ea SAVE up to $8 34 on 6 White or Wheat SAVE up to $ 1 .9 9 on 2 C L U B PR IC E 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit In Oregon SAVE up Io $4 30 C L U B PRICE ONE WEEK ONLY! Valid Wednesday, September 27 thru Tuesday, October 3. 2006 M inim um $10 Purchase Required S A F E W A Y * COUPON S A F E W A Y * COUPON S A F E W A Y * COUPON To make a potato pie, you need: • 4 large potatoes I September 27 thru October 3 39 * September 27 thru October 3 1 J- < 4147 B ■ with rard and «oupon Doritos Tortilla Chips 1 ? irtriMw limit J Mmanunt SIOF ur M w 'Aww ONE WEEK ONLY! 47’ with < ard ¡»nd coupon Betty Crocker Cake Mix I ig t tto tlS o » Setetird /aueties limit 4 SAVE u p to S I 00 SO G o o d Y o u C a n ’t S to p -th in k in g A b o u t T h a o ,r SEPTEMBER-OCTOBEP 77 » 29 30 . . w 777 A U LIMITS ARF PVR H O t'S FH O I D. PER DAY Item* * price* n this id are jv jih b k at your Iota- Satrway stores No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sale« m retail quantities only Quantities of some items may l x limited and subiest to avatlahilitv. Not responsible for typograph­ ical or pHtonai erroo We reserve the right to torret t all ponied errors O n Buy ( hte, Ge* One Free ("B O G O ") often, customer m utt pun hase the im t item to receive the second item free BOGO often are not 1 '1 pnte sales 11 only a single item purchased, the regular price applies Manufactured coupons may be used on purchased items only not on tree items f 21VUi Safeway Stores, hu 1 I W heth er you used a ready made pie crust o r ju s t cookies, pour the • I stick butter potatoes m ixtu re in to the crust. • I pinch cinnam on Put in to an oven preheated to • I pinch nutm eg 375 degrees. C ook fo r about 35-40 • I store-bought p ic crust (o r y o u r m inutes o r u n til a too th pick inserted can ju s t line a pan w ith v a n illa w a ­ in the center conies out dry. It’s best to eat the pie w h ile s till hot. It’s good cold too though. • l/2 c u p m ilk September 27 thru October 3 1 H - 1 1 1 1 rt.L V 1 S tir u n til w e ll m ixed. • 2 cups sugar fers) J ONE WEEK ONLY! J ONE WEEK ONLY! ingredients in the b o w l o f potatoes. I f you w ant you can m ake a m e­ B o il the potatoes u n til tender. W hen you stick a fo rk in them it r in g u e t o p p in g by b le n d in g c o n fe c tio n a r y s u jja r w ith egg should go in easy but you ilo n ’t whites. A fte r the pie is alm ost done, want them to fa ll apart. spread the m eringue th in ly across Let the potatoes coo l anil then the lop. C o ntin ue baking u n til the m eringue turns lig h t brow n. I f you peel them. Pul the potatoes in a large m ix in g use the m eringue, you can add the b o w l and mash them th o ro u g h ly egg yokes to the pie i f you like. I w ith a potatoe masher. M e lt the pre fe r my pie w ith o u t eggs, so I ju s t bu tte r anti pour it and the other save the yokes fo r breakfast Adverti se with diversity / in tTlr 'Jlo t’t l a n h C ^ b s c lu c r ( .ill 5()3-288-(X)WatlUr«>ortlandoFi scrvcr.com