$ Minority & Small Business Week September 27, 2006 Page A5 Salem to Host NAACP Events; Saturday March Court appeal supported The NAACP will host two Salem events this w eekend, including a Civil Rights march on Saturday, Sept. 30from noon to 3 p.m., begin­ ning at Riverfront Park and ending at the State Capitol; and a NAACP A laska/O iegon/W ashington chap­ ters State Conference C onvention, front Friday. Sept. 29 to Sunday, Oct. 1. W alker m aintains that another The theme o f the march is "Injus­ man. J.D. Beall, threw the punch tice in O regon," with particular sup­ that knocked G illins unconscious. port for Darrel Sky W alker, a 21 G illins’ head hit the pavement when year-old African American com m u­ he fell, and he died from brain inju­ Darrell Sky nity college student from Eugene ries two days later. Tw o eyewit- Walker w ho many believe was wrongly ne1 ses, who were drunk at the time, convicted o f m anslaughter. s a id they saw W alkerhit Gillins, hut In April, W alker was sentenced at least six other w itnesses say that to m ore than six years in prison tor Beall bragged about dealing the recklessly killing 22-year-old Phillip knockout blow. ness w hocoukl have cleared Walker G illins in a drunken confrontation During the trial, police were un­ and Beal pleaded the Filth A m end­ outside a Eugene bar in June 2005. able to locate Ryan Joyce, a wit- ment A fter his conviction. W alker’s case garnered the attention o f the Salem -K aiser N A ACP and others who believe W alker was a vic tim of racism in a system that failed to turn up a key witness. The civil rights group located Joyce w ithin four hours, w hereas Eugene police had no leads after searching more than a year. Currently, W alker’s attorney has filed with the Oregon Court o f A p­ peals and aw aits that process. N A A C P representative Sterling A lexander said representatives and other m inorities fighting for justice i n i »(her ( )regon cases are w elcome. T he S aletn /K ei/er N A A C P is looking for volunteers to help in the march. A nyone interested should co n ­ tact Sheryl Dash o r A lexander for m ore inform ation. E-mail them at em ail legalredress@ yahoo.com or call 503-364-0558or 5( >3-566-8876. Farrakhan Says He’s Seriously III Asks others to carry movement Portland business leader Roy Jay conducts a court room orientation for people attending Project Clean Slate, the effort he organized with staff from the district attorney's office, Department of Motor Vehicles and Child Support Enforcement for people looking to clean up their past troubles with the law and gain meaningful employment. Advice from a Pro: Market Yourself First continued from Front like the Service Corps for Re­ tired Executives (SCORE), for example, which offers expert business counseling by retired executives. Jay encourages the use of technology to get your products on the Internet. He said promoting a diverse customer base in a global mar­ ket is important because no large company is going to work with you if you don’t offer services to every type of person. Having talent is only one as­ pect to starting a business. The best companies know how to keep an open mind and service a wide range of people. Other pointers include the hir­ ing of employees that become assets to your company not li­ abilities. Start-up entrepreneurs should be ready to accept fail­ ures and rejection along the way. Jay’s ultimate secret to run­ ning a company is his ability to juggle. ‘ Being your own business­ man is not a 9-5 job,” Jay says, “You have to be available at all hours and dedicate a large amount of time to your busi­ ness.” Even for Jay, every day is a continuous struggle in an effort to keep up with changing tech­ nologies, growing and failing companies, and even making lime to parent his new cham­ pion Cocker Spaniel p u b lish ed in the N ation o f Islam 's T he Final Call n ew sp ap er. Farrakhan said he will work hard to recover "be­ cause I do not believe my earthly work is done." He said he asked his executive board to solve problem s (A P) — M inister Louis Farrakhan during his recovery. said in a letter to follow ers this month Farrakhan likened his situation to that J that he is seriously ill, and he asked the o f Fidel Castro, who tem porarily relin­ Nation of Islam's leaders to carry on in quished pow er because o f illness. his absence to m ake sure the m ove­ W hile m any rejoiced — b elieving and ment "will live long after I and we have th in k in g that if Fidel C astro and the gone." C u b an R ev o lu tio n ex p ired they could Farrakhan, 73, said he began suffer­ m ove C uba an d the R evolution in a new ing painearlierthisyearsim ilarto 1998, d irec tio n — his absen ce front the helm when he was diagnosed with prostate o nly p roved that C uba w ill not fall apart cancer and underw ent surgery. He said Louis Farrakhan o v er the ab sen ce o r passin g o f th e ir ! doctors discovered an ulcer in the area illu strio u s lead er," F arrak h an w rote in during a visit to Cuba in March. the letter. S in ce then, he has lost 35 pounds w hile He also w arned follow ers to be "ever watchful for battlin g "serious infection and in flam m atio n ," any smart, crooked deceiver and hypocrite who F arrak h an said in a letter d ated Sept. 11 and would create confusion over my present condition." Parent Summit on Achievement Saturday D iverse parents, families, and com m unity members interested in supporting academic achievement for school-age children are invited to participate in a no-cost, one day Parent Summit on Saturday, Sept. 30 at Highland Center, 7600 N .F.G IisanSt. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m, and the event runs from 9 : 15 a.m. to3:(X)p.m. Sponsored by the Equity Center at Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (N W R FL), the event offers interactive workshops, print and com m unity resources, and opportunities to share information and exchange ideas on what par­ ents and tam il ies can do to promote and enhance achievem ent for all students. C o ntinental breakfast and lunch will be provided. All are asked to RSV P their attendance at 503-275-9603. The featured presenter will be Dr. R eginaldC lark from C alifornia State University, a national parent involvem ent expert, educational researcher, and author o f “Family I.ifeand School Achievement: Why P w r Black Children Succeed or Fail.” He will be joined by many dy­ namic speakers and presenters. Local Business Leader Excels continued from Front of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME) in 1987, a collabo­ ration of 850 companies do­ ing business with 57 coun­ tries. In July 2007, Brooks will becom e the first African American chair of the Port­ land Business Alliance. Life comes with standard safety features. Sam Brooks ....... ........... ..... 1 --------------------- ------ ■ ■■, , • • n mm inn u m i i Jefferson Film Festival Returns Jefferson High School again prom­ ies, anecdotes and true confessions ises to have a thought-provoking that reveal behind-the-scenes ten­ and controversial line-upof films for sions and influences in several their AnnuulMulticultural Film Fes­ corporate and anti-corporate dra­ tival. which premiers its 6th season mas. Footage from pop culture, on Monday, ( k t. 2 at 6 p.m. with the advertising, TV news, and corpo­ documentary “The Corporation.” rate propaganda, illuminates the Provoking, witty and inform a­ corporation's grip on our lives. tive, the film discloses ease stud­ A dm ission is free. diversity "Print Participate in Democracy Zote "W Election Ballots On Way People o f color find a political fit To contact nrthxnh (íObscrucr Call 5O3-288-OO33 I ads @ p o rt la n d o b serve r.co m T h e y ’re all a ro u n d you.