i$) Minority & Small Business Week Page A4 September 27. 2006 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Congress Impedes Our Right to Vote BY JIIM.E G reg M athes Government ID puts up obstacles The House o f Representatives passed a b ill that w ould require voters to show a photo ID before they are allowed to east their bal­ lots. The b ill, known as the Federal Election Integrity Aet is part o f the governm ent's eraek down on ille ­ gal immigrants. However, hundreds o f thousands o f American citizens - the e ld e rly and ex-offenders among them - could potentially be denied their constitutional right to vote i f this becomes law. Though a Georgia judge recently declared a sim ilar law unconstitu­ tional, Congress has decided to move this b ill forw ard. I f this gov­ ernment is comm itted to ensuring all Americans have a voice in the political debate, then this issue has to be tabled.. .for gixid. According to a report sponsored by the Justice Department, such a requirement w ould disproportion­ ately affect Latinos and A frican- Americans, the elderly, the home- *TR e £vi>WTfotl of eAîfbRjtîA AMH : Is this hill really about voter integrity or is it a way to make sure the conserv­ atives maintain power? less, low-incom e people and mar­ ried women. Studies show these groups are less like ly to carry a photo ID. Under the proposed law, voters must prove citizenship w ith a photo ID. Since most states don’ t require citizenship to obtain a state ID or d rive r's license, the only piece o f identification on the approved list that meets this requirement is a passport, w hich can cost up to $ I (X). Recent statistics indicate only 25- percent o f voting age Americans have a passport. A few months ago. Congress shocked many o f skeptics and re­ authorized the V oting Rights Act T fie PeVaWHoN oF GOlFCoASTMAM • . V ,ï ’t ó zrx« » . /..*•» twswts - ,A K K lû « û BW« V Smooth Jazz Is Here! ■<> o f 1965, g iving all A m erican’ s free and clear access to vote fo r the next quarter century. Yet, here we are once again debating who in America should and should not vote. The b ill's supporters contend that this requirement w ould pre­ vent those ineligible to vote from doing so. However, according to the American C iv il Liberties Union, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving our constitutional rights, less than 100 people have been convicted o f election fraud in the last four years. K now ing this, we have to ask ourselves: I f voter fraud is so un­ common, who are we trying to keep people away from the polls? W ith the stories o f voter intim idation that came out o f Florida and O hio dur­ ing the 2(XX)and 2004 elections, we have to wonder i f this b ill is an attempt at legally keeping peopleof co lo r - individuals most like ly to vote progressive agendas - away from the polls. Is this b ill really about voter integrity or is it a way to make sure the conservatives maintain power? Election reform is a serious issue in this country. A nd it has to be dealt w ith. But denying American citizens the right to vote is not the way to do it. By voting down this b ill, the Senate can stand by the com m itm ent it made to historically disenfranchised people when it re­ authorized the V oting Rights Act. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. What the Pope Should Have Said in R osemary R aoeord R i ether Pope Benedict X V I aroused the fury o f the Isla m ic w o rld w ith a speech in w hich he as­ sailed the M uslim con­ cept o f holy war as a v io ­ lation o f G od's w ill and nature. The Pope quoted a 14th century Byzantine e m p e ro r, M a n u e l II Paleologus, w ho derided Islam and its founder Muhammad fo r in tro ­ ducing “ things only inhuman and e v il,” such as spreading the faith by the sword. The Pope held up C hristianity, by contrast, as a model religion that promoted a "profound encounter o f faith and reason.” From many parts o f the Islam ic w orld there were angry reactions to the Pope's words, rem inding the Pope o f the evil history o f Christian crusades. A lth o u g h W e ste rn Christians may think the crusades are ancient history, these medieval wars in w hich C hristian crusaders slaughtered M uslim s and estab­ lished crusader states in Palestine are v iv id memories fo r Muslim s. Current Western threats against Islam and invasions o f Islamic coun­ tries, such as Iraq, are seen as a continuation o f the crusades. The US and other Western nations who and hatred between peoples. God desires peace and love, not war, he m ight have said. The Pope w ould then turn to the history o f the crusades and acknow l­ edge w ith sorrow that C h ristia n ity has often been w rongly used to promote hatred and vio ­ lence against others, perhaps quot­ ing some pithy statements o f popes who called fo r crusades against Islam. He w ould then declare that Christians must repent o f such re­ ligiously inspired war-making. He would ask fo r forgiveness from "our M uslim brothers and sisters” for having wronged them in the past by calling forcrusades against them. He w ould end w ith a call fo r all peoples to unite to overcome war and violence, and to reject any use o f religion to promote violence. This speech, I suggest, w ould have won the hearts o f M uslim s around the w orld and w ould have made the Pope welcome in Turkey for his planned visit there on N o­ vember 28 o f this year rather than putting this trip into jeopardy. It w ould also have put C hris­ tians in the US and elsewhere on notice that the language o f prom ot- Current Western threats against Islam and invasions of Islamic countries, such as Iraq, are seen as a continuation o f the crusades. Portland's Only Smooth Jazz Station k ijz.c o m promote such wars are regularly referred to as “ crusaders" in the M uslim press. The Pope's words condemning Islam and its founder fo r holy war, w hile holding up C hristianity as innocent o f any such w arlike ten­ dencies, has infuriated M uslim s ¡ng Western "a n ti-terro rist" wars against the M u slim w orld in the name o f a "crusade” (the term George W. Bush actually proposed fo r his wars against Afghanistan and deeply damaged C a th o lic - M uslim relations. In using a Byzan­ tine emperor to assail Islam, the Pope also failed to reckon w ith the fact that the Fourth Crusade (1201- 4 ),called by Pope Innocent III, was diverted into an assault on the capi­ tal o f the B y z a n tin e e m p ire , Constantinople. The Cnisaders p il­ laged and occupied the city, lead­ ing to a weakening o f the Byzantine w orld and its eventual fall to the Muslims I w ould like to suggest what the Pope should have said about holy war that would have won M uslim good w ill and opened up new dia­ logue between these em battled w o rld s. The Pope m ig h t have opened w ith some generalities de­ ploring the current state o f war and violence in the world. Then he would remark that such tendencies to war are deeply aggravated when re li­ gion and the name o f God are w rongly used to foment violence tion realized the volatile nature o f this term and warned him against his use o f it. But Christians need to do more than not use the term "c ru ­ sade,” w hile continually the reality o f such w ar and w arlike God-talk. We need to confront the question­ able history o f such wars against the M u slim w orld and the use o f C hristianity to promote such wars. Is it too late? Although my in flu ­ ence in Vatican circles is lim ited, there is no reason why other C hris­ tian bodies. C atholic and Protes­ tant, m ight not come together to p ublicly issue an apology to the M uslim w orld fo r the crusades and to call fo r a rejection o f m ilitarist responses to terrorism and the use o f religious language to ju s tify such militarism. and Iraq) are not acceptable. Some more historically aware advisors o f the Bush adm inistra­ Rosemary Radford Ruether is a scholar, teacher and activist in the Roman Catholic Church, and is well known figure in Christian fem i­ nist theology.