September 27. 2006 Minority & Small Business Week Urban League Celebration Tüesday Equal opportunity awards presented Dr. Peter Kohler, departing president o f O r­ egon Health Sciences U n ive rsity, and Pastor M ary Overstreet Sm ith o f Powerhouse Temple Church and the North by Northeast C om m u­ nity Healthcare C lin ic, w ill be presented w ith Urban League o f Portland's Equal Opport unity Awards. The awards w ill be presented at the group's upcoming Equal O pportunity Day D inner in appreciation fo r and in recognition o f important contributions to equal opportunity. Both o f this year's awardees have advanced equal op­ portunity in health care, among other accom­ plishments. A no-host reception begins Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 5:45 p.m., follow ed by dinner and the program at 6:45 p.m. at the Portland H ilton Hotel, located at 921 S.W. Sixth Avenue. Janice Bryant H o w ro yd .C E O of A ct# 1 Group, the nation's largest female, m inority-ow ned employm ent service is the nation, is the event’ s keynote speaker. H ow royd founded the company in C a lifo r- Postmaster Welcomed Jefferson grad earns top job B o rn and raised in P ort­ land, Betha be­ gan her Postal HoirtH-iK-CHitf. Pi h iis h u i : Charles H. Washington E o it o k : M ichael Leighton P u n t RfuTioNs: Mark W ashington CutAtm Diiii im : Paul N eufeldt Orru f Mwa.m: Kathy Linder Rnonm: Sarah Hlount I he Portland Observer weknme* freelance submission^ Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled ami will be relumed tl accompanied by a sell addressed em elope All created design display ads become the sole property ol the newspaper and cannot he used in other publications or personal usage w uh, mt the written consent ol the general manager unless the client has purchased the compositi,«! ol such ad C 1996 I HI- PORTLAND OBSERVER A ll RIGHTS RESERVED. Kl PRODI (,'TION IN WHO! I OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer Oregon s Oldest Multicultural PublK-aiton is j member ot the National Newspaper Association Founded in 1813. and Die National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, liu New York. NY. and The West Const Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box3137, Portland. 0R 97208 CALI. 503-288-0033 LAX 503-288-0015 adsKtnorllandobserve SUbschDlion@lwrllandobsener.cont AT A R B O R L O D G E Me are- a regular pharmacu! K W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s - in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p re s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti- d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re . W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo r m a tio n . c re d ib le p r i v i ­ lege," Betha said, “ lam excitedtobe P ortland's post­ m a s te r and to work w ith the Post O ffice’ s I ^ e m ­ p lo y e e s across the c ity w ith a fo ­ cus on g iv in g Portland custom ­ ers the best mail the office by U.S. Postal S ervice Portland D istrict Manager Dallas W. Keck. USPS 959-680 ________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 NEW SEASO NS “ T o be appointed as postmas­ ter o f my hometown is just an in ­ The 22-year p o sta l veteran was sworn into JJnrtlanb (ftb&vvtoer Established 1970 at or call 5O3-28O-26OO O ffic e ’ s Tigard Branch, and four years later was appointed manager of customer services, overseeing operations at h a lf o f Portland's 24 Post O t I ice facilities. Since last year, she has served as the Post master o f Beaverton. Shawneen L. Betha was installed as Portland’ s 30th postmaster d u r­ in g a ce re m o n y on F rid a y at Portland's M ain Post O ffice , 715 N .W . H oyt St. iTlir nia in 1978 to serve the enter­ healthcare and basic livin g tainment industry. needs to low-incom e people. The dinner's honorary co­ A wardee Dr. K o h le r has chai rs are Sen. M argaret Carter, helped locus the state's only Oregon Senate President Pro health and research univer­ Tempore, and Roger Hinshaw, sity on im proving the w e ll­ Bank o f Am erica President for being o f all Oregonians.” Oregon and Southwest Wash­ The dinner is strongly ington. The dinner’ s Emeee is supported by P o rtla n d ’ s Ken Boddie, anchor and re­ business com m unity. Spon­ porter, News Channel 6. sors include Fred Meyer, NW "W e at the Urban League N atural. O H S U , Portland are th rille d to have the oppor­ General Electric, Providence tunity to honor tw o in d iv id u ­ Health System, W ells Largo als w ho have fo llo w e d very J a n ice B rya n t H owroyd and W illa m e tte M anage­ different paths in their pursuit ment Associates. o f a d v a n c in g e q u a lity fo r a ll” said D r. For more inform ation about Urban League o f A lgieG atew ood, C hair o f the Urban League o f Portland programs and services, visit the website Portland's Board o f Directors and President o f Portland C om m unity C o lle g e 's C ascade Campus. "W h ile Pas­ tor Overstreet is best k n o w n fo r h e r re ­ sponse to H urricane K a trin a she is now w o rkin g at he grass roots level to bring Page A3 O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s r e q u e s te d . I t W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . M eet yo u r P h a rm a c M e lin d a B u tle r YOUR L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D PH A R M A C Y AT ARBO R LODGE N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 4 6 7 4 8 4 8 Service career in 1984 as a letter service possible." A graduate o f carrier working at J e ffe rs o n H ig h S haw neen B e th a St. John's Sta­ School. Betha en­ tion in north Portland. She was pro­ jo y s volunteering at the Oregon moted as a delivery supervisor nine Humane Society. Her other hob­ years later. bies in clude scrapbooking and In 1999, Betha was promoted as spending tim e w ith her grandchil­ station managerof the Portland Post dren. w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m • M O N -F R I 9 a m - 7 p m • S A T 9 a m - 6 p m • S U N 1 O a m -4 p m _fj¿j_r_rj 7 /Cii"- SEI Gala Raises $4.8 Million Supports local youth, families S e lf Enhancement, Inc. (S E I) reached another fund-raising m ile ­ stone when it raised nearly $4.8 m illio n at its recent A rt + Soul Gala. Honorary C hair A lonzo M o u rn ­ ing spoke to the over 500 guests packed into the SHI gymnasium w hich was turned into a gala b a ll­ room fo r the 13th annual event. firs t-tim e young philanthropis cocktail benefit that raised $204,00 SEI has an annual operatii budget o f $8.8 m illio n . The agent entered into the fund year w ith challenge to replaceover$l m illit lost in government funding. A proceeds support SEI's aw ard-w ii ning academic programs fo r lot- youth, serving nearly 2.500 sti dents and their fam ilies annually "We entered this fundraisin year w ith quite a challenge on oi hands, but also w ith tremendot optim ism " said Tony Hopson, SE president and c h ie f executive ol ficer. "O uranniversary celebratio was a great opportunity to intri: duce new friends to SEI. In the en Tony H o pson The event was the capstone to an intense summer-long celebra­ tion in honor o f S E I's 25th A nniver­ sary as an educational program helping children and families mostly from the local A frica n American community. The celebration campaign in ­ cluded an invitational g o lf tourna­ ment at The Reserve Vineyards and G o lf Club. Other events included an a ll-c o m m u n ity and a lu m n i barbeque in Unthank Park; and a our friends, new and old, came to gether on behalf o f kids and fami lies and gave generously. There' s till much w ork to be done, but w, feel we got a great start.” T h is year's 25th anniversary campaign was sponsored, in par by Platt Eleelrie, M t. Hood Bever age, T o n k o n , B o ly : W e lc h W eiden+Kennedy.Gerding/Edlen N W Natural, Bank o f Am erica Dunean and C indy Cam pbell, Jeld W en F o u n d a tio n , W a s h in g to r M utual Bank, S toll, S toll, Berne Lokting and Slachter.andU.S. Bank D uring its 13-year history. A rt + Soul has raised more than $12.5 m illio n fo rS E I programs. Benefit BBQ for Urban Gardens A ll New Seasons Markets w ill host benefit barbeques fo r local urban garden organizations, Satur­ day, Sept. 30 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday. Oct. I from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The festive fall menu in ­ cludes beef o r vegetarian c h ili w ith a ll the to p p in g s, cornbread, a scrumptious fall dessert and warm apple cider o r bottled water, all fo r Get the convenience of a Line of Credit with the security of a fixed rate. Equiline Home Equity Line of Credit with Fixed Rate Option features • No closing costs • No points • No fees • Low Rates with Five Star Service Guaranteed How many stars does y o u r bank have? $6. A ll proceeds from the meal w ill be donated to Friends o f Zenger Farm, G rowing Gardens, the Learn­ ing Garden at Oregon Food Bank/ W a sh in g to n C o u n ty S e rvice s, Sauvie Island Center o rT ry o n L ife Community Farm. For New Seasons locations, visit w w w . nc wseasonsmarket ,c< >m. Five Star Service G u.iru m avi (J**) I 888-444 -B A N K (2265) ext. 4 1 0 0 A" nual Rale (APR) is available to, terms up to IO years, loan to value (UVl ot 8 0 * ot less This loan is a Fixed Rate Option within a U S Bank Mon« Equity Line of Credit Miuhet rates apply - ? '■ j? i * y ■ " - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • 0 * to Prime. * ... ............. ............... ........ 1 '• lie i