Page B 14 Minority & Small Business Week September 27. 2006 African American Contractors in Solidarity advocating for more subcon­ t r a c t o r p a r ti c ip a ti o n a n d w orkforce diversity on pub­ licly funded projects. The favorable relationship now enjoyed with Tri-M et and the associated benefits derived for the African American com ­ munity and other minorities on the Interstate Light Rail project came as a direct result of the assertive actions and advocacy o f African American subcon- Advocacy group has been reactivated A group o f 30 local African A m erican c o n tra c to rs have identified a critical need for ad­ vocacy and solidarity by rees­ tablishing an active chapter of the National Association o f Mi­ nority Contractors. One of the major benefits of the group is to realign local A f­ rican American contractors with national major corporations and partners to create more consis­ tent long term work opportuni­ ties and relationships. The reestabl ished chapter has the distinction o f being the only chapter in the Northwest and would have broad influence in establishing new programs and initiatives O ver the last several years it has become increasingly clear that in the absence o f an orga­ nized effort, African American contractors will continue to face a precipitous decline. The record shows that fewer certified African American con­ struction firms are now operat­ ing effectively in Oregon since the late 70’s while the industry has grown to be a major eco­ nomic engine for Oregon. This is significant because of the long held notion that the African American construction industry is a definitive barometer o f the economic health of the local African American community. The African American con­ struction industry has long been tractors. During the Interstate Max project, the African American s u b c o n tra c to rs re ta in e d a $50,000 fund to provide funding for com m unity projects and en­ couraged the Prime Contractor to also find ways to give back to the community. The National Association of M inority Contractors - Oregon (NA M CO ) was a key instru­ mental entity in initiating the 1996 regional disparity study used to formulate equality programs at the City of Portland and several governmental agencies. In addition, for several years, NAM CO served as the primary supportive resource agency for African American contractors seeking technical assistance, networking, and industry related training in an environment they trusted. Several local contrac­ tors have also maintained their relationships with the national N AMC office organization dur­ ing the localchapter'sdormancy. For more information, con­ tact chapter organizers James Posey at 503 936-0277 or via em ail at posej@ com; S ta c e y D ra k e E d w a rd s at; F ay e B u rch at fm burchpr@ : or on the web at the National Chapter W ebsite nam James Posey an advocate for economic equal­ ity and the leadership and those participating members seek op­ portunities for themselves and other minority contractors. Currently the chapter is hav­ ing dialogues with Legacy Health System and Kaiser Permanente realizing some com m itm ents made to erase long standing bi­ ases in their subcontracting pro­ grams andestablished historical precedents for newer programs creating economicopportunities for African Americans and other minorities. The group is also participat­ ing in the A frican A m erican A lliance organized presenta­ tions to the Portland D evelop­ m ent C om m ission about the lack o f access and opportu­ nity for the A frican A m erican com m unity to PDC projects, e m p lo y m e n t an d h o u s in g . M em bers are also discussing the im pact o f prevailing wage on m inority contractors, and Annual Wellness Village Health Disparities Conference P oor health affects everyone so join us for two great events because a healthy community starts with you! Friday Oct. 20th, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 2nd Annual Health Disparities Conference: We Can Make a Difference Ambndge Event Center (formerly Portland Convention Center) 300 NE Multnomah Street For com m unity m em bers, health care providers, anil policy makers to generate Saturday Oct. 21st, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 11th Annual Wellness Village at The Blazers Boys & Girls Club 5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Free health services and activities at the W ellness Village include: solutions to health disparities in O regon. Health Screenings & Services Keynote address by Dr. Joy Leary: • • • • • • • • “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” • 10:30 a .m .-11:00 a.m . Registration (SI50 for lunch and the workshop) • 11:00 aan.-llJO aan. State o f Black Health Report by ( hvgnn State DI IS • 11:30 a .m .-1:00 p.m . Lunch & Keynote Address by Dr. Leary • 1:00 p.m .-2:00 p.m . 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