September 27. 2006 Page B 12 r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Big C ity Produce ! From 722 N. Sumner Ave, Portland, OR 97217 503.46 0.3830 Local grown Mustard Greens 4 bunches f o r $ lM (Limit 8 bunches additional @ 2 for S I“ ) Coupon Expires 10/4/2(X)6 Open M-F7:30am-7pm SAT 9am-7pm SUN 9am-6pm Look fo r Big City Produce Community Market opening soon in the New Columbia/Hope VI Project 4632 N. Trenton Ave, PDX College to the Real World Author guides readers through the transition In "D orm Rooms to Board- rooms” Victoria Pi late guides readers though the pain of transitioning from college to the Real World. The book starts with the job search process and continues on through relocating and the first days on the job. Its major sections are on surviving o f­ fice politics and learning pro­ fessional etiquette and groom ­ ing. The book covers all m ajor hurdles o f starting a jo b and m aking career decisions with valuable tips on travel and busi­ ness presentations. Woven throughout the guide is the P ilate's own story as well as that of200-odd survey Victoria Pilate respondents. She also brings in academ ic research to d riv e home points. The book is ben­ eficial even for those already in the w orkforce and who are struggling to d ecip h erth e un­ spoken rules o f the office. Pilate is a form er statisti­ Pilate offers readers sage ad ­ vice on surviving the rough cian and econom ist for the w aters o f transitioning to the federal government. She holds a Ph.D. in Policy Sciences Real World. from the U niversity o f M ary­ land. B altim ore C ounty. She lives and works in the W ash­ ington, DC, metropolitan area. “ L if e ’ s m o s t u r g e n t q u e s t io n is : W h a t a r e y o u d o in g f o r o t h e r s ?” H A P M artin Luther King fr. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND CO NTRACTING O P P O R T U N IT IE S B ecom e A P o r t l a n d F ir e f ig h t e r We are replacing the Iris Court public housing community in North Portland w ith a mixed-income development, Humboldt Gardens. A p plications av ailable for the positions o f F irefighter EM T and F irefighter T rainee starting O c to b e r 2 -16, 2006. Walsh Construction and CJ Jackson will team as Construction Managers/General Contractors on the $40 million project. HAP and its CM/GC team are com m itted to providing o p p o rtu n itie s fo r disadvantaged, m in o rity -o w n e d , women-owned and emerging small businesses. D/M/W/ESB firms provided 24 percent of the construction on HAP's Applications a vailable: New Columbia redevelopment, representing nearly $24 million On-line in contracts. w w w .ci.p o rtlan d .o r.u s/jo b s Portland Fire & Rescue - Training Division Watch for Humboldt Gardens building opportunities: Abatem ent and D em olition 4800 N E 122nd A venue 7:00 am - 4:30 pm October 2006 Pre-bid meetings October 5-6, 2006 Right o f Way (streets, landscaping, lighting) January 2007 Housing Construction March 2007 Portland Fire & Rescue - Administrative Office T hird Floor R eception 55 SW A sh Street 8:00 am - 4:30 pm For more information call: HAP (Jerry Walker) 503-802-8509 Walsh Construction (Carolyn Wilson) 503-222-4375 CJ Jackson Construction (CJ Jackson) 503-285-8370 Portland Bureau of Human Resources Application Center Portland B uilding 1 1 2 0 S W 5th A venue 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Or visit h ttp ://w w w .h a p d x.o rg /h u m b o ld tg a rd e n s/ and click on Business O pportunities A L L A P P L IC A T IO N S M U S T BE S U B M IT T E D TO : Portland B ureau o f H um an R esources 1120 SW 5"' A venue. Room #404 By 4:30 PM , M onday, O cto b er 16th, 2006 r n SUBSCRIBE NOW! ¡ i " 'P o r t l a i i í > ( O b s c n > r r The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Puhlication-is a member o f the National Newspaper ------ New Orleans dcvastaicu I Association-Founded in 1885, andThe National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, W . WSHK.SWCA New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association, Serving Portland and Vancouver. □ Yes! I'd like a year's subscription to The Portland Observer: __ individual-$60 ___Institutions, organizations - $75 Internaitional -$ 7 5 Com oil dation Clo««« KlUIngiwortt'c b®Pe' Name____ Address__ ■LS5SSBB I_______________________________________ City_____ Phone 1__ 1 □ I want to keep the presses rolling. H ere's my contribution o f $_____ to The Portland Observer. Please do not send cash ------------------------------------------------------ M a il fo rm to: ________________________________ Northwest Print Co. State Zin_____________________ 4747 NE M L K Blvd. Portland, OR 97211