September 27. 2006 Minority & Small Business Week Page B9 ‘Reflections’ Anchors Northeast Marketplace Going with the flow in a changing neighborhood bv R on W eber m embers watching her dad re­ model homes. As many homes in those days came with unfin­ ished basements, her dad spe­ cialized in that area. Her inter­ est in the d ec o ra tio n field com plimented her father's busi­ ness. With a college degree in Interior Design, she w ould trans­ form a bare basement or any other unfinished room in the house. The end result was an elegant design that co m p le­ mented any part of the home or upgraded the entire house. W h ile liv in g in D e tro it, G loria had tw o brothers and one sister. H er parents w ere first g en e ratio n tran sp la n ts from the South. As a young girl, she has found m em ories o f spending her sum m ers with aunts and uncles in A rkansas or M ississippi. She and her siblings w ould ride the train dow n and then at the end o f the sum m er her father would drive dow n from D etroit and bring them all hom e in the car. Not one to follow the foot­ steps o f traditional mid 2()th cen­ tury women, Gloria also spent a num ber a years working sales W hen not running one o f her su cc essfu l b u sin ess, G lo ria M eM urtry is restless. For many years she tilled her days off with jogging. I Ok runs, hiking, skiing, cam ping and an occa­ sional marathon. Today, her fa­ vorite hobbies are gardening and reading. Sheexercises her mind, just the way she always had exercised her body. Being trim and fit both physically and m en­ tally is paramount to keep up her busy schedule. G row ing up a black child in m id-20th century D etroit was not an easy task, especially if you w ere fem ale. But G loria took it all in stride. An e x ­ trem ely in d ep endent young w om an, she started helping her father in his construction business. Later she w ould own her ow n businesses, an incred­ ible acco m p lishm ent for an A frican-A m erican w om an in the volatile C ivil R ights Era. M cM urtry's first successful enterprise was a home construc­ tion business that rem odeled in­ teriors. As far back as the post W orld W ar II period, she re­ diversity "Print * 1 |Jortlanh ©bseruer Week in ""Review E le c tio n Web B a llo ts O n W ay w w w .p o rtla n d o h se rve m As i / quickly becomes more * and more an electronic world. The Portland Observer endeavors to meet the needs of our readers and advertisers by going online. ^2* — To contact for the Mobile Oil in the 1970s and early 1980s. This was an extrem ely daunting task f o r a & On People o f color find a political f t M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver female during this period, but was almos, im possible if you were a black woman. How- ever, Gloria did not let this ste- reotyping bother her. She loved the job and was good at it. continued on page BIO Portland's oldest and most widely respected diversity publication. P a rticip a te in D em ocracy Z o te Return yutu txilict by mail or drop i f o ff at any designated voter irvgntf Call ¡-S66-673-R68i io find a location nearyuu. photo bv Gloria MeMurtry established the first business in the newly built Walnut Business Center, the former Fred Meyer location at the corner of Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Killingsworth Street. ^ J i i r t k i u ò ( O h s c r U e r Call 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 BLACKUN ITEDFU ND O F O R E G O N 2828 NE Alberta Street Telephone (503) 282-7973 Fax (503) 282-3482 Web address: "WHERE EVERY PERSON MATTERS AND EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS SALUTES MINORITY BUSINESS WEEK Please remember us in your company's Employee Giving Campaign! a d s@ p o rtla n d o b se rv e r.c o m Brooks Staffing Supports Minority Businesses in Portland B rooks S taffing A D iv is io n o f S. B ro o k s & A s s o c ia te s , In c . A Full Service Staffing Company “ Where Temporary Staffing leads to Permanent Satisfaction” Experienced employees are carefully screened and unconditionally guaranteed. ■ No surplus labor ■ No interviewing ■ No insurance costs ■ No tax records Simply sign the temporary employee’s weekly time card. You will receive an itemized invoice, that’s it! We give you the individualized attention you deserve! Be known ns one of 'America's Finest.' Become an FBI Special Agent. FBI at work in the community todays f-Bt demands n n t we become more diverse and we are working harder than ever Io be inclusive — lor a t people legarOess of cnxx, race, religion, national origin, political affiliation marital status, disability age, sex, nr sexual orientation Io ths end. we are redoubling our diversify efforts w iffw Die I B and externaty with such (jrg a ra v x rs as Boys and Gels Clubs 01 America. Race Agaxisl Drugs, the I eague of i « te d I atin Ame'icar Citizens. and Ibe NAACP Additionally, we re very a n a l Io hold our lx annual. 7 week FBI Citizen's Academy Owing weekly 3 houi sessions, we tying logeltiei leaders from a multitude of ethnic and religious groups Io gam an insider's view of the FBI. Foreign I anguage skills are an especially critical need l a the FBI particularly it you hold a Bar h o a s degree in any suited area and havp a native fluency« any nl the u H o w iiu ! Arabic, Chinese all dialects. Farsi/Persian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Pashtu. Punjabi, Russian. Spanish. Urdu, and Vietnamese To quality la Ibe FBI Special Agent position, you must possess a fa n year college degree plus three years ol professional work experience, be available f a assignment anywhere in the FBI’s jurisdiction tie between Ibe ages ol 23 and 36, and be in excellent physical condition with Ibe ability Io pass a rigorous physical Illness test. To learn m ae about these and other opportunities please visit a » Wei) site l a complete details Positions added daily Spatial Agents Kite have opportunities tor Special Agents Iron a broad range ol educational disciplines and professions, hrwever, the FB has special needs fix candidates with cr Seal skills among tie I.nt v . ii i in-. Computer Science or IF. Engineering. Foreign Counter intelligence Information Systems Security. Military Intelligence, Physical Sciences, and Acr.owitlnq/Fmancial Management ' You must be a U S. citizen and consent to a compteki background inveslgatioi. drug test, and polygraph as a prerequisite la employment Only those candidates determined Io be best qualified will be contacted Io proceed o the selectinc process TOO (202) 324 2967 The FBI is an equal opportunity employer FBI...Special People. Special Agents. Call, to start saving 503.284.7930 B rooks S taffing A Division of S. Brooks & Associates. Inc. -I P u ll Service S ta ffin g (o m p a n y 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 FAX: 503.284.7977