Minority & Small Business Week September 27. 2006 Page B5 Curiosity Leads to Work as Architect Bill Hart leads his own company C harity P rat er for T he P orit . and O bserver by As a five year old boy. Bill Hart’s dream of being an ar­ chitect was as grand as the tree house’s he built with his father and neighbors. Perhaps because of simple curiosity, Hart would gather 2x4s, which were readily avail­ able from his dad’s small con­ struction company, and cre­ atively manipulate the wood into different structures in different spaces. “ Mom, I want to be an ar­ chitect,’’ he would tell her. 47 years later. Hart has ful­ filled his childhood dream. He has been the principal of his company, Carleton Hart Archi- His firm specializes in cre­ ating buildings that work as a place for people to gather within the community. One o f his m ost recent projects is the redesign of the University Park Community Center, a Portland Parks and Recreation facility that’s lo­ cated next door to the New C olum bia neighborhood of north Portland. Hart particularly enjoy s see­ ing people of all ages able to meet in com m unity centers where they can enjoy educa­ tion and fitness. University Park was a vic­ tim of low funding, deteriora­ tion, old equipment, poor light­ ing, petty am enities, and a growing neighborhood until his Carleton Hart Architects took Michael Johnson African American Business Support photo by C hari ty P rater /F or T he P ortland O bserver BUI Hart followed his childhood dream to becoming a leading architect in the city of Portland. His work includes the redesign of the University Park Community Center (above) in north Portland. on the project. Hart has added his touch with bright colors, wide doors, open windows, andexcellent ventila­ tion to bring the outdoors in on pleasant summer days. The center is now stuffed with machines, gyms, classes, and people o f all ages since the building's rejuvenation. A future upgrade will trans­ form the current small gym in a community room and audito­ rium with room to double as a single court gymnasium. A master plan also includes an aquatics facility, pending fu­ ture funding. Hart admits his love for his community and his two dimen­ sional art is a perfect fit for him and if he had to do it all again he would, with no ques­ tion, “ Be an architect.” Celebrating the success o f A fric a n A m e ric a n - owned small businesses - grow ing four and a half times faster than all small businesses - Wells Fargo and Turning Point M aga­ zine have awarded the 4th a n n u a l L iv in g H isto ry Maker Entrepreneur Award to Michael Johnson, founder and president of Em Johnson Interest, Inc. EJI is a leading San Fran­ cisco Bay Area real estate development company dedi­ cated to the construction of mixed-income and afford­ able housing projects, in­ cluding urban redevelop­ ment, new construction and rehabilitation of m ixed-in­ come, and affordable rental apartments. A recent example of EJI’s success is the Fillmore Heri- coiitiinied We Want To Do Business With You W e are s triv in g to increase the num bers of minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small businesses that provide goods and services to us. We have opportunities for suppliers and consultants across a range of professional services, including the technical, creative, finance, and legal fields. We can help businesses and individuals enter the construction industry with resources such as the Sheltered Market, Technical Assistance, and Workforce Hiring and Training programs. Multnomah County, Oregon Contact our agencies at the numbers or websites listed below for specific opportunities. Housing Authority of Portland Jerry Walker, 503.802.8509, www.hapdx.org Multnomah County Lisa Williams 503.988.5111 x 22596 www.multcopurch.org Metro Cinna’Mon Williams 503.797.1816 www.metro-region.org City of Portland Bureau of Purchases Gregory J. Wolley, 503.823.6860 www.portlandonline.com/omf/purchases M ETRO PEOPLE PLACES OPEN SPACES Portland Water Bureau Susan Bailey 503.823.1956 www.portlandonlme.com/water Office of Transportation Gayle Wallace, 503.823.6827 gayle.wallace@trans.ci.portland.us I on page HIO