Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 27, 2006, Page 12, Image 12

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    September 27, 2006
Page Al2
U2's ‘The Edge' (left) and Bono (right) join Billy Joe Armstrong of
Green Day during a pregame celebration o f the reopening of the
A u g u s t 31 -S e p te m b e r 26
M a r g a r e t v a n P a tte n & E rika K o h r
Saints Win in Return
to Superdome
Pictured above: van Patten “ Siamese Twins" etching
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(AP) — Just 90 seconds into
a game that was a horrific
year in the making, the New
Orleans Saints flopped on a
ball in the end zone — and the
party was on.
T he d e fe n s e b eat up
Michael Vick. Tom Benson
danced off the field with his
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parasol. Even "The Superdome
Special” worked to perfec­
The Saints are home again.
In an earsplitting return to
their rebuilt stadium, the Saints
gave the Big Easy something
to cheer about — an unde­
feated football team that made
Curtis Deloutch o f the Saints celebrates
scoring a touchdown in a 23-3 victory
over the Atlanta Falcons in the team's
first game back in the Superdome
following Hurricane Katrina. (AP photo)
it look easy with a 23-3 victory
over the Atlanta Falcons on
Monday night.
This one couldn’t have been
scripted any better for a team
that spent all of last season on
the road, and it couldn’t have
come at a better time for a city
that is still struggling to over­
come the devastation of Hur­
ricane Katrina.
After a Super Bowl-like pre­
game show that included a
performance by supergroups
U2 and Green Day, the Saints
wasted no time turning their
w elco m e-h o m e p arty into
Mardi Gras.
Ask fteöwna!
T he rig h t value.
T he rig h t s e rv ic e .
T he rig h t so lu tio n .
Dear Deanna!
My fiancé and I are trying to get
married. 1 have no interest in a big
wedding or spending tons of
money on a honeymoon. 1 prefer
saving for a home. My fiance has
a different idea. She wants a big
wedding, the church and a trip to
the Virgin Islands. We re on the
brink of breaking up because 1
won’t compromise all the way and
let her have her way. I’m willing to
make the wedding a good memory
but I’m not going broke to do it.
What do I do? --Michael; India­
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Dear Michael:
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In this day and age, your fiance
should feel blessed to have some­
one wanting to marry and do the
right thing. Most women want
big weddings so they can show
off to their family and friends and
look silly three years later when
they divorce. The most you
should do is set a budget and
make her get the most out of those
funds. A peaceful solution is to
get married with a simple wed­
ding. buy your home and have a
big celebration when you renew
your vows.
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Dear Deanna!
I've had it with my girlfriend and
her pet obsession. W e've been
together for two years and all of
a sudden she’s become an over­
night dog lover. Every time I turn
around the little dog is in my face.
My girlfriend is rude when she
has it on her lap at the table. She
brings it in a box to the movies
and she lets it in the bed with us.
There are too many women out
there for me to be held hostage by
a dog. Am I wrong to say she
needs to choose the dog or me? -
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‘ Hablamos Español
You're a grown man and you let
an animal control your relation­
ship. You should've had this dis­
cussion the first time the dog came
to the dinner table. Just like chil­
dren. pets have a time and place
to be seen and involved and a
dog is no different. However,
your girlfriend needs to grow up
and learn how to he mature and
manage her man and her pooch. If
there’s no commitment and she
chooses to keep her habits with
the dog, then suck it up and keep
it moving.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal9yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 9021 /. VVfft.y/fe;