il!l'fjortlanh © bseruer PageAS September 20. 2006 Custodians’ Uphill Battle Continues continued from Front associate iixnberships with sis­ ter SEIU Local 503 to succeed in the legal battle to overturn the district outsource. Birdie Kirk is one of the return­ ing custodians and a member of the steering committee. Before the lay offs, Kirk. 53, worked at Buckman Elementary, an arts magnet school in south­ east Portland. Her career with the school district started in 1978 with basic duties like sweeping Boors and cleaning the inside of boilers. She steadily worked her way up to becom e head cu sto d ian at Buckman, where retirement was just a few sweet years away. Kirk said she'll return to Port­ land on Monday because she en­ joyed her job. but also because by age 55 she’ll collect her pen­ sion. She also recognized custo­ dian work as her true calling, after exploring a career in com­ puters and office work during her transition from Buckman. “1 was working on a com­ puter one day and |coworkers] were moving some things in a warehouse,” she said. “ 1 told A sk Deanna'. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Steve Armony, outside Portland Public School District's main offices in north Portland. Armony was head Custodian at Franklin High School before the district contracted his job to Portland Habilitation Center in 2002. He retired out o f the Beaverton School District, but heads a steering com m ittee o f custodians dedicated to receiving the sa m e pay and benefits as before their layoffs. them I could help, and realized I She found a $25,OOO-a-year from the $45,000 salary she was working in Estacada, Kirk said, needed to get back to being a custodial job at the Estacada earning in Portland. Forone, her supervisors talk with movable person.” School District, quite a pay cut But there are advantages to the custodians on a regular basis. In Portland, she w asn’t sure school staff understood what a custodian was. "W hen we left (P ortland schools], Kirk said, “we were called back by our principals w ho asked us ‘where do you find this, how do you do this’. It was something they weren't really prepared for.” The School Board’s next step in the transitioning process comes later this month when they will review custodian staffing rec­ ommendations. The number will probably be between 250 and 270, according to Jim Chi isteson, the project manager hired by the district to smooth the return-to- work process. The district will also review budget packages ranging from $16 to $ 19 million for the 2(X)6- 2007 school year, covering staff­ ing, a transition contract with PHC. the district's internal man­ agement and supplies and equip­ ment. The figure is $4 to $7 million higher than what was originally budgeted. “At this point we're very close,” Christeson said, "but there are so many lawyers it will make your head spin.” is S Real People, Real Advice An advice C llllllllll known fur reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I had a friend that was lonely and unhappy, so I decided to help her. I asked her to be my room­ mate and introduced her to my crowd. She later told our mutual friends about my personal busi­ ness and she became best friends with them. They told lies about me around campus, my grades deteriorated and I lost my friends. I have wanted to get back at her for backstabbing me. How do I repair a ruined reputation and deal with these vicious two-faced people? —Totally Ruined; On- Line Reader Dear Ruined: Consider yourself lucky that your so-called friends have been re­ vealed as wolves. These weren’t your friends to begin with and you shouldn't let them see you stress. Hold your head high, get a life and find a new set of friends with high values and morals. The two-faced people are beneath you and you should separate yourself. Get a tu­ tor to help pull your grades up. and stick with people that have com­ mon interests. Stay positive, smile and keep it moving. 24/7 te c h n ic a l s u p p o rt so you a re alw ays up and running Dear Deanna! My girlfriend is sending mixed signals about our relationship. At times, she makes me feel as if I'm the only one for her and other times she makes me feel as if she doesn't want me. As long as I’m spending money and things go her way sh e's happy. When things aren't rosy or I have an issue or need attention, she acts funny. I'm beginning to feel like she's using me but don’t know how to approach her. How do I ask where I stand in this relation­ ship? — Wayne; Altus, OK Dear Wayne: You're being used and have al­ lowed yourself to become a finan­ cial sponsor. If you can't pull the money away and still get the girl, you have your answer. She doesn't give a damn about you and her emotions are tied to your money and what she can get out of you. You can make an effort and let her know you're scaling back on the spending and ask to have your needs me. If she agrees to work on this, then stick with it. If not. pack your bags and exit stage left. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Entail: or 264 S. DiCieneita Blvd. Suite 128 J Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website; N ltR -IP IfR IR T C R R IT , D I S IT A l V O IC I QW EST OFFICE PLUS D IG ITA L VOICE with download speeds up to 1.5Mbps Local phone package and unlimited nationwide long distance n i I IQ ■ LU w Add Qwest Wireless‘ Cross Country 500 for only an additional $29.99 a month. 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