(Elie Page A 6 S e p te m b e r 2 0 . 2 0 0 6 'jjío rth n ih © h s e r tf e r F ood T h e m is s io n o f th e ‘ F o o d S e c tio n ’ is to p ro v id e o u r readers w ith g re a t ta s tin g h e a lth y re c ip e s and u s e fu l h ou se h o ld in fo rm a tio n . T he P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r re s p e c tfu lly requests a ll c o m m e n ts , a n d /o r fa m ily recipes th a t y o u w o u ld lik e to share w ith us are addressed in e m a il to : w w w .fo o d s @ p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m r> Refreshing Southern-Style Crock Pot Greens B etter B reath Pet B iscuits are , - ' d eg reeo v en l o t 15 n u n utes.-Cool biscuits and sto re , c o v e r e d , in th e refrigerator. Notes: Store at room tem perature up to I month OK freeze up to I year. Activated charcoal can be pur­ chased in most health food stores. gether parsley, mint, oil, This, activated charcoal - see Notes and egg.-G radually add below I tsp. Salt 1/2 tu p chopped dry mixture to wet mixture 1 fresh parsley I /3 tu p chopped fresh while m ixing.-Stir in enough minl3 This, vegetable oil I egg2/3 milk to make a thick, pasty dough.-D rop dough by heaping tu p milk. Directions: Combine flour, char­ T ablespoonfuls 2" apart onto a coal, and salt; set aside.-Beat to­ greased cookie sheet.-Bake in a 400- Ing redien ts: 2 tu p s rite flour I Ingredients for life. This low curb recipe is tasty and easy to make. Using the crackpot eliminates a lot o f the maintenance needed to m o n ito r greens on the stovetop. SAFEWAY O In g re d ie n ts : • I bunch fresh collard greens • I bunch fresh turnip greens • 1 sm oked turkey wing • I onion, sliced • 3-4 cloves garlic, sliced • 2 tbsp. Vinegar • 1 tsp. Brown sugar twin • !/j tsp. Red pepper flakes • salt • Pepper • !4 cup water R A N C H E R ’S Directions: W ash greens and cut out thick stems. Stack greens in a pile, then roll up like a cigar, and then slice. Place sliced greens into crockpot with rem aining ingredi­ ents. C over and cook on low for 6 hours or on high for 3 hours or until greens are tender. You can vary by using m ustard greens or kale. Servings; 4 Prep. l ime: 15 min. T o ta l T im e : 3-31 /2 hours Asian Fire Meat "For a great lasting beef dish from Asia, fire meat is delicious and easy lo prepare. Il originates from China, offering a refreshing change from standard fare recipes. Ice cold beer is the beverage recommended with fire meat." O rig in a l recipe yield: 4 servings. P re p T im e : 15 M inutes C o o k T im e : 5 M inutes R eady In: 2 Hours 20 M inutes Serves 4 INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 cup soy sauce • I tablespoon sesam e oil • 2 tablespoons brown sugar • 3 eloves garlic, crushed • I large red onion, chopped • ground black pepper to taste • I teaspoon red pepper flakes • 2 tablespoons sesam e seeds • 2 leeks, chopped • I small carrot, chopped • I pound beef round steak, sliced paper thin Red or Black Seedless Grapes Club Price: $1 00 lb SAVE up Io $1 99 lb. CLUB PRICE ■ W ■' Earn 10'OFF DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, mix together the soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar, garlic, and red onion. Stir in the black pepper, red pepper flakes, sesame seeds, leeks and carrot. Mix in the meat by hand to ensure even coating. Cover and let m arinate for at least 2 hours or overnight. Brush the bottom h alf o f a wok ea club price I of gasoline Every time you spend $50 at your Safeway store with your Club Card in a single transaction. See store for details. Mix & Match 4 % ' Easy Strawberry and Blueberry Dessert Recipe «¿è 1 2J5‘ LUB PRICE tP tu« an« tu* 20 21 22 23 24 25 » E3 p 21 mtb your SÄ*» Sh A l l LIMITS ARF PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Item« ft p ru e in this are âvâilablr i t your local Safeway ual or pKtonfll error« We reserve the right to lo r m t all pr item p u n (used, the regular price apphe» Manufacturer»' $o i No kite» lo dealer'. restauranti 01 institutions. Sales in itta il quantities only Quantities otsome items may be limited and subject to availability. Not responsible bsrtspograph- On Buy One, Get One Free C BO GO ") often, customer must purchase me first item to receive the second item free. BOGO often ate not M l price cates. It only a sm^e may be used on p u r th w d item» only - not on free item» < 2006 .»airway Store». Inc. • • • • • • • 4 eggs I medium sized tomato, washed and diced 1/4 onion, finely chopped I -2 serrano pepper, chopped I tablespoon butter I tablespoon oil pinch of salt 1. Mel, the butter with the oil in a deep skillet, add the onion and the peppers and sauté until the onion is translucent. __________ 2. Add the tom ato and the eggs, stirring constantly to prevent sticking until the eggs are done. 3. Season to taste with salt.