September 20, 2006 i,!C |Jortlanb ©bscruvr Page A3 PDC Under Fire Institutional racism targeted by activists ** j « The city agency designed to reverse blight in urban Portland is under tire from African A m eri­ can leaders, w ho say th e y 'v e been neglected in the Portland D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n 's agenda. M ore than 90 people attended the agency’s board last week to press the issue o f what Sen. Avel Gordly called “institutional rac­ ism", Gordly was joined by Port­ land U rban L eague president M arcus M unday, Dr. L eR oy H aynes Jr. o f A llen T em p le Church and form er PDC execu­ tive Baruti Artharee. Charles W ilhoite, a PDC board member, said that as an African A m erican he ap p reciated the group’s concerns, and that he shared their opinions. The outspoken leaders repre­ sent a community unsatisfied with Portland's attem pts to spread its prosperity into their neighbor­ hoods with construction projects overlooking m inority w orkers, and a hom e-ow nership gap that leaves African Americans lag­ ging. PD C ’s annual budget is $247 million this year - money for projects like recreating the outer southeast Portland com m unity o f Lents and developing the high profile South W aterfront Project and Pearl District. Historically, African American Sen. Avel Gordly Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr com m unities have felt the short end of the stick when it com es to urban renewal. Frustrations have increased since African A m eri­ cans were moved out of North Portland to make way for Legacy E m an u el H o spital & H ealth More and more people have told me PDC means People Don't Count. — Baruti Artharee, former PDC executive C en ter's expansion in the early 1970s. followed by an upheaval to make way for Interstate 5 and M emorial Coliseum. The activists want to see pub­ lic dollars start to work more in the favor o f African American neighborhoods. They say that starts with more representation in agency staff. PDC, already lagging behind in em ployee di­ versity, recently lost three Afri­ can Am ericans in a public depar­ ture - Tyrone Henry in contract­ ing and Allyson Spencer and Rita McCain in housing. Based on voluntary inform a­ tion provided by employees. PDC says about five percent o f its staff, or 10 o f 185 employees, are African American. None of the agency's executives is A fri­ can American. About six percent o f Portland's 514,0(X) people are African American, according to a 2005 estim ate by the U.S. C en­ sus Bureau. Artharee gave a sobering ex­ ample o f the agency's reputa­ tion, telling the board that "more and more people have told me PDC means People D on'tC ount", "This isn't about any single issue," he said after the meeting. "It is one o f being ignored and not caring.” Portland Broadcasts Scheduled T w o public gatherings to hear from N ation o f Islam leader M inister L ouis E arrakhan are scheduled this w eekend in Port­ land. O p en E y es P ro d u c tio n s w ill h o st a w id e sc re e n D V D b ro a d c a st o f F a rra k h a n 's S tate o f the B lack U nion A d d re ss, w ith h o st T a v is S m ile y , on F rid a y , S ep t. 22 at R e fle c tio n s C o ffe e /T a lk in g D rum B o o k ­ s to r e , 4 4 6 N .E . K illin g s - w o rth St. T h e free b ro a d c a st b e g in s at 6 p .m . an d is fo llo w e d by a d iscu ssio n . O n S u n d a y , S e p t. 2 4 , Farrakhan will address the c o m ­ m unity via D V D in a speaking o g is m r u ; Protection Sized To Fit One thing you want your family in always led is protected. We understand. At American Family Insurance, we feel that way about our family of customers, too. That's why our agents are so knowledgeable and eager to try io help you select an auto policy that tils in perfectly with your family's needs. No leeling compares to the confidence ol knowing family’s got your back, no matter what comes down the road Visit us ai or call today and talk to a helpful, friendly agent about the variety ol auto coverage options we have to offer. American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin Home Office ■ Madbon. W! 53783 American Family Mutual Insurance Company American Standard Insurance Company of Ohio Home Office - Columbus. OH 43240 www amfam com AMERICAN FAMILY ■■■ m u r r -M ©2005 AU your protection undoi one root * 001631 - 7/05 JET LI IN HIS FINAL L ARTS EPIC From the producers of “HERO” and CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON” M inister Louis Farrakhan eng ag em en t titled “T he A buse ol the F e m a le ', broadcast at U n iv e rsity Park C o m m u n ity C en ter, 9 0 0 9 N. Foss in St. Johns, D oors open at 1 p.m . and adm ission is free. Woman Named to Supreme Court Gov. Ted Kulongoski appointed Martha Lee Walters to the Oregon State Supreme Court Monday, add­ ing a woman to the all-m ale panel to t ill a vacancy created by the retire­ ment o f Justice R. W illia m Riggs. legal analyst who comes from a unique background, and we are lucky to have her serve on the co u rt," the G overnor said. "She is a real person who has a sense o f what is happening on the ground, and she cares deeply about Oregon, the laws and the people. Walters has close to 30 years’ experience in c iv il litigation, labor law and m unicipal law. Kulongoski said he was also pleased to appoint a woman. She is w id e ly acclaimed fo r her representation o f disabled profes­ sional g o lfe r Casey M artin in his lawsuit against the PGA T our over the T o u r's refusal to a llo w M artin to use a g o lf cart. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that federal law required the PGA to accommodate M artin by allow ing him to ride thegolfcart. “ Ms. W alters is an outstanding ÎÂ " It is important to havejudges o f varied backgrounds and e xp e ri­ ences. We need to continue to strive to d ive rsify both the bar and bench in Oregon so they better reflect the population they serve," M artha Lee Walters H f jjjj/ / u r o he said. Walters resides in the Eugene area and is married w ith tw o grown children. Sickle Cell Annual Telethon Upcoming More pledges and entertainers needed Join the fight against Sickle Cell D isease by calling in y our pledge during the A nnual Sickle Cell T elethon, Saturday, Sept. .30 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.nt. at M etro Fast C o m m u n ity M edia Studio, 829 N F 8th in G resham . T he fun d raiser will air live on channel 21. Sickle Cell is an inherited blood d iso rd er p ri­ marily affecting m orethan 70,000 African A m eri­ cans but frequents H ispanic. G reek. M altese. I C aucasian and o ther races. T his painful and disabling hereditary disease often results in early death. T he Sickle Cell A nem ia Foundation o f O r­ egon still seeks volunteers o f all kinds to help with entertainm ent for the telethon. For m ore inform ation o r to donate o r provide e n te rta in ­ m ent, call the foundation at 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1366 or 503-667-7555. I .ocatedat 4936 N F Skidm ore, the foundation o tte rs tree testing, lim ited financial support for those suffering from the disease, free c o u n se l­ ing, parent education and support groups. ■ " 7 ^ “’ J ' . ‘■Vf’ •■/,( .u tdf* 1 ■ ^D h « gon "T ? f r. i'll it r.9 7 ? ||J