JInrtlauh ©bseruer p, orfl&ml OL s e r v e r Page B6 Adve itise with diversity in f i ', | ] lo rtk m h 0 )h s c ru c r ENHANCING THE OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE. AFFORDABLE NEW HOMES in PARKROSE 10 year TAX abatement. Garage, yard, porch A patio, NO common walls Karmen Baricevic CSP Beautiful new homes loaded with great features! Convenient NE location to MAX. B us.1205, & 1-84! Value at $218,750-5227,750 5 0 3 -3 8 0 3 3 1 5 Selling in your neighborhood □ Û karmenb© lohnlscott com 3otinL Scoff * * * • w» lohnlscott com 'karm enb WEST ESTATS ITAIt • State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services I N I U I «M L I Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 109 September 20. 2006 A u i o R e v ie w 2007 Subaru Outback AWD Wagon K athlene C arr T h e ic o n ic A W D O u tb a c k W agon p ro v id es all the room and tractio n that m any peo p le need from an S U V , w ithout the bulk and p o o r fuel eco n o m y . G iven the ca r's level o f p erfo rm an ce, EPA ratings o f 19 m pg city and 24 m pg h ighw ay are q u ite good. In­ cre ase d g ro u n d c le a ra n c e and s tr e n g th e n e d s u s p e n s io n im ­ prove o ff-p av em en t cap ab ility . E ven so, the O u tb ack is b etter suited for trav e rsin g d ee p snow d rifts o r m uddy roads, than seri­ ous o ff-ro a d duty. S u b aru d e v e lo p e d th e first cro sso v e r sp o rt w agon w ith the by SPECIFICATIONS: 2.5 Liter Engine. 4 Cylinders. 5Spd Sport Shift Auto Trans. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price o f $34.195.00. fiv e-d o o r O u tb ack , w hich w orks lik e a ta ll s ta tio n w ag o n o r d ro p p ed -d o w n SU V . It uses the L egacy p latfo rm but rid es h ig h er d ue to the elev ated suspension. O n the freew ay , the O utback h an d les the usual p av em en t ir­ reg u la ritie s and ex p an sio n jo in ts n early as w ell as a luxury sedan, n ev e r ru fflin g its o ccu p an ts, the O u tb ack w agon is v ersatile. Its v ersatility co m es not ju st from its w ag o n lik e body co n fig u ratio n , but from its all-w h e el-d riv e sy s­ tem — stan d ard eq u ip m en t on every S ubaru. It s also h earten in g to note the O u tb a c k 's c r a s h - te s t ra tin g s : solid five stars for both front- and sid e-im p act crash es. B eyond all this, the O u tb ack w agon is ae sth etically p leasin g , inside and out. L ong g one are those days w hen S u b aru s w ere d o w n rig h t w eird -lo o k in g . W hile the O u tb ack w ag o n 's e x te rio r is p r e tty m u c h s t a n d a r d - i s s u e w agon w ith a few a tte n tio n -g ra b ­ bing d etails — a rear sp o iler, a sharply raked rear w indow and a fu n ctio n al hood sc o o p on the turbo m odel — its in terio r is e s p e ­ c ia lly a ttra c tiv e . T h e S u b a ru O u tb ack proves to be the w hole p ack ag e o f p erfo rm an ce and fun! Portland. OR 97219 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 S ports m ithael harper cuik@ statefarm com Ducks Win is Bittersweet Oklahoma gets apology but final stands Bargain • r I í I Jr H it « r < - ' « » rl* #1 Wireless Store! No Credit Checks! We buy & sell used phones. We do Bill Pay (Cell Phones, Utility Bills) Sprint, Nextel, T-mobile, Qwest, Dish Network, Comcast, prepaid. Service offered: 3511 N.E. MLK Blvd. Portland. OR 97212 (503) 282-6061 Qwait •*. ^»"nt > d sh w w w .bargainw irelM S.net (AP) — T he Pacific-10 C onfer­ ence, finding m erit in O klahom a's com plaints about the officiating in its loss to O regon, issued a one- gam e suspension M onday to the officiating crew and the instant re­ play officials w ho worked the game and an apology to the Sooners. The Ducks won the gam e 34-33 after scoring tw o touchdow ns in the final 72 seconds. “ Errors clearly were m ade and not corrected, and for that we apolo­ gize to the University o f O klahom a, coach Bob Stoops and his play­ ers," Pac-10 C om m issioner Tom Hansen said in a statem ent. "They played an outstanding college foot­ ball gam e, as did Oregon, and it is regrettable that the outcom e o f the contest was affected by the offici­ ating.” A fter the S o o n e rs’ p rac tice M onday night, Stoops said the apology brought him no satisfac­ tion. “At least they have reacted to it and tried. Truly there can be no am ends to it and it ca n ’t be cor­ rected," Stoops said. Tw o plays w ere review ed on Oregon's Jordan Kent drops the football after it was tipped by Oklahoma's Marcus Walker during the second quarter o f their college football game Saturday. (AP photo) O regon’s gam e-w inning drive — an onside kick that gave the Ducks possession and a pass interference call one play before O reg o n 's w in­ ning touchdown. Hansen said the onside kick was touched by an O regon player b e­ fore it had traveled the required 10 yards, and, therefore, the ball should have been aw arded to Oklahom a. The video also show s an O klahom a player actually recovered the ball, although that aspect o f the play was not review able under the in­ stant replay rule. MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Not worried about scandal Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING $25.00 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $35.00 STAIRS (with other service) $1.50 Each Each Area Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • A U TO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREATMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION U P H O LS T E R Y C LEA N IN G SOFA-------------------------------------------$ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 I . I COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR L _____ $ 1 3 5 0 0 _______ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 rageous injustice," and asking him to pursue having the gam e elim i­ nated from the record books and having the officials involved in the gam e suspended for the rem ainder o f the season. W eiberg responded with a state­ ment saying the result o f the game would stand. “There is no provision under N CA A or conference rules for a gam e resu lt to be rev ersed or changed as a result o f officiating errors, nor do 1 believe there should be,” he said. Reggie Bush: I Know the Truth CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL “T he fact that the errors on the onside kick altered the outcom e o f the gam e is m ost unfortunate and unsettling," Hansen said. "W e had a solid veteran crew assigned, and the instant replay official had a fine career as a referee in the Pac-10. Hansen said that the future work o f the officials who were suspended will be closely monitored. University o f O klahom a presi­ d en t D avid Boren sent a letter M onday to Big 12 com m issioner Kevin W eiberg, saying the officiat­ ing problem s w as beyond an “o u t­ Reggie Bush with the Heisman Trophy he won while at the University o f Southern California. Improper benefits while in school could lead to NCAA sanctions against the Trojans and retroactively cost Bush his Heisman Trophy. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 (A P) - New O rleans Saints running back and H eism an Trophy w inner Reggie Bush insisted Friday he and his family have done nothing wrong, responding to allegations that they accepted gifts, money and other benefits worth more than $ 100,000 from two m arketing agents during his career at South­ ern California. “I'm not w orried about any o f these allega­ tions or anything like that, because I know w hat the truth is, like 1 said from day one,” B u sh sa id . “ O n c e th e sm o k e c le a rs , ev ery b o d y 's going to see we did nothing w rong.” Y a h o o .c o m re p o rte d T h u rs d a y th at M ichael M ichaels, a m arketing agency inves­ tor and current Bush m arketing agent Mike O m stein supplied Bush and his family with gifts w hile he was still at USC. The NCAA prohibits student-athletes and their families from receiving extra benefits from agents or their representatives. Any im proper benefits could lead to N CA A sanc­ tions against USC and retroactively cost Bush his college eligibility and H eism an Trophy. Bush responded to questions about the report much the same as he did when the allegations o f im proper benefits first were reported earlier this year. "O bviously it does affect you ju st because it is out there," Bush said. “ But at the same tim e, I know th ere's nothing to worry about. It m akes you want to go out there right away and tell your side o f the story. Show every­ body the facts, the truth. But you c a n 't do that. T hat w ouldn’t be the right way to do it.” Y ahoo.com reported earlier this year that B u sh 's m other and stepfather lived rent free last year in a house in the San D iego area ow ned by Michaels. He later said the family promised to repay him the $54,(XM) in rent once Bush w ent pro. Portland Trail Blazers Begin Training P ortland T rail B lazers H ead Coach Nate M cM illan officially em barks on his second training Leonard A Latin Next Level Acquisitions \ Direct Sales (comcast. Priority Service Digital Cable High Speed Internet, Phone Call For Promotions Leonard A Latin 503.740.1448 cam p with the team 's annual m edia day on Oct. 2, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Rose G arden Arena. “T his year our players began Septem ber w orkouts together in Portland and I believe that will give us positive m om entum heading into the preseason,’' M cM illan said. “ I have the expectation that this will be a very high energy, com petitive cam p and we will work to get better each and every day." Portland’s first public appear­ ance at the Rose G arden will be at the W ells Fargo Fan Fest on Sun­ day, Oct. 15, with doors opening at 3p.m . The e vent w i 11 i nc I ude fam i I y oriented activities and a intrasquad scrim m age that will feature the en ­ tire team, including 2006 first-round draft choices LaM arcus A ldridge, Brandon Roy and Sergio Rodriguez. Free tickets are available at all Oregon and Southw est W ashing­ ton W ells Fargo branches and at the Rose Q uarter ticket office. Fans are encouraged to bring new school supplies to the scrim m age to sup­ port the School House Supplies program.