September 20. 2006 (Tilt ^Jortlanb © bserüer Page B5 R eligion Muslim Fury Grows Despite Apology In Loving Memory Bennie Jean W illia m s Militants vow war, others try to calm passions Sunrise: April 9, 1949 Sunset: Sept. 13,2006 (AP) Al-Qaida militants in Iraq vowed war on “worshippers o f the cross" and protesters burned a papal effigy on Monday over Pope B enedict’s com m ents on Islam, w hile W estern church­ men and statesmen tried to calm passions. Iran's Suprem e Leader A ya­ tollah Ali K ham eneijoinedacho- rus o f M uslim criticism o f the head o f the w orld’s 1.1 billion Rom an C atholics, calling the pope’s rem arks "the latest chain o f the cru sad e ag ain st Islam started by A m erica's (President) Bush". Pope Benedict XVI speaks with members of a Muslim delegation from the United States during The pontiff said on Sunday he an open-air general audience in St. Peter's Square an on March 1. (AP photo) was "deeply sorry" M uslims had been offended by his use o f a their m oney and descendants tury Byzantine Em peror Manuel In Som alia, an Italian nun was medieval quotation on Islam and the bounty o f the m ujahideen," II Palaeologus, who said every­ killed on Sunday in an attack one holy war. But he stopped short of said the statem ent, posted on thing the Prophet M uham m ad Islam ist source said could be retracting a speech seen as por­ Sunday on an Internet site o f­ brought was evil “such as his linked to the dispute. The Vatican traying Islam as a religion tainted ten used by al-Q aida and other com m and to spread by the sword said it hoped the killing was “an by violence. m ilitant groups. the faith he preached." isolated event." W hile some Muslims were mol­ On M onday, about 150 people lified by his explanation for the in the Pakistani-controlled region speech made in G erm any last o f Kashmir dem anded that the Tuesday, others remained furi­ pope apologize over his remarks ous. on Islam, chanting "D eath to the "W e tell the w orshipper o f the pope" and burning his effigy. cross (the pope) that you and the Christians — a minority in the W est will be defeated, as is the Middle East that varies from nearly c a se in Ira q , A fg h a n is ta n , 40 percent in Lebanon to tiny C hechnya,” said a W eb state­ I n I raq ’ s southern city of Basra, But he said on Sunday this was com m unities in the Persian G ulf ment by the M ujahideen Shura up to 150 dem onstrators chanted not his view and he favored frank states — generally live in peace Council, an umbrella group led slogans and burned a white ef­ dialogue with Islam.. with the m ajority Muslims. by Iraq’s branch o f al-Qaida. figy o f the pope. Sunday, two churches in the But relations are som etim es "W e shall break the cross M uslims, and some Christians, Palestinian W est Bank were se, strained and outbreaks o f v io ­ and spill the w ine ... G od will across the region have expressed afire a day after M uslims hurled lence have occurred in recent (h e lp ) M u slim s to c o n q u e r anger over com m ents Benedict firebombs and opened fire at four years. Som e w orry the flap over Rom e ... (M ay) G od enable us made Tuesday i n Germany where other West Bank churches and the pope will lead to a new to slit their throats, and m ake he cited the words o f 14th cen one in the G aza Strip. round. A homecoming celebration will be held at Emmanuel Temple Full Gospel Pentecostal Church. 1033 N. Sumner St., on Thursday at 11 a.m. with Senior Pastor Bishop C. T. Wells, presiding. I DIANE’S GEMS dianegems@ Your Id e a s to G old - A ffo r d a b ly !' www.dianesgem Dinne Livingston. A.IP Open Inexdav. Wcdnesdav \ 1 i idav Stine 2O3B 4134 N Vancouver .Avenue Pori kind. ( )rcgon 972 1 7-290(1 Store (503) 288-4584 Cell (503) 320-7444 * , i «f Al 4/37* * * * * > i * 0 ' V RSL Luxury «V - n Care We currently offer: Microdermabrasion • Peels Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosmetics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products Take yourself to the next level in beauty Call today! We tell the worshipper o f the cross {the pope) that you and the West will he defeated, as is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya. 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street. Suite 108, Portland, OR 97214 p r o je e t H o p e 223 NE Russell St Portland, Oregon (503)287-4914 Open M -F9-5 pin • Saturdays 10-5 pm FURNITURE SALE 50% -70% All The Time Benefit Set for AIDS Orphans in Kenya Donations bring survival, education W hen B eav erto n re sid e n t, Joyce M aier and her family ar­ rived in Kenya last year, they weren't prepared for the poverty and suffering that surrounded them. Since then, M aier has de­ voted herself to helping hundreds o f school children in Kenya who have lost one or both parents to AIDS. “T he best hope in keeping these H IV -free child ren alive is for them to stay in school until graduation w hen they becom e elig ib le for university or e m ­ ploym ent. In A frica m ore than anyw here else, ed ucation is the key to the fu tu re," she says. Since then M aier has joined w ith P o r tla n d 's B e th le h e m Lutheran Church and Wash Jo Humanitarian O utreach in a non profit endeavor com m itted togi v- ing AIDS orphans the chance for survival and hope for the future. T h e ir n o n -p ro fit o rg a n iz a ­ tion, Partners in K enya, is p re­ paring for a stunning benefit din n er S unday, O ct. I at The L; a c c la im e d A f r ic a n G o s p e l A capella and L oveness W esa and the K gotso A frican D ance T roupe. The dinner is $125 per plate w ith 100 percent o f all pro­ ceeds going to the educational expenses o f K enyan orphans. Partners in K enya pays for the educational expenses o f high school age children w ho m ight otherw ise end up on the street. Secondary education provides them w ith the know ledge and skills to break the cycle o f po v ­ erty and m isinform ation asso ­ ciated w ith the epidem ic that took th eir parents lives. P art­ ners in K enya is com m itted to the b elief that every child is a precious and unique individual. “ Most schools have no run­ ning w ater and no electricity," M aierexplains. “At some schools 8 to 10 students share one book in one class. In Kenya, the cost of education a child o f secondary educating (grades 9-12) is only $400 for room and board and The African Gospel Acapella will perform Sunday. Oct. 1 at school fees. An additional $100 the Governor Hotel, downtown, in a benefit for AIDS orphans will pay for uniform s and books." in Kenya. To reg ister for the banquet G o v ern o r H otel, H eritage B all­ p.m. M aster o f C erem onies is or for m ore inform ation, c o n ­ room . 614 S.W . I Ith Ave. The S h e ila H a m ilto n , c o -h o st o f tact M aier a, 503-626-4239 or event begins w ith a silent a u c ­ KINK 102 FM. T he event will 503-703-6089 o r by em ail at tion at 5 p.m . and dinner at 6:30 fe a tu re p e rfo rm a n c e s by the jo y c e @ p a rtn e rsin k e n y a .o rg . him during his long illness. There are 10 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. John Otis was the oldest of 10 children. I V. White. Charles R White and Eddie G. White preceded him in death. His surviving sisters and brothers are Shirley White. Helen While. Ricky White. Joseph White, Amelia Miles and Robert area of Northwest Portland and in Anderson. north and northeast Portland. He He w orked as a cook at attended Roosevelt High School. Goldberg's restaurant in the Lloyd He married Peggy Butler and be­ Center. came the father of four children: He was a stellar performer in Terry E. White, Wendy K. Huriic, boxing in his youth. He was in­ CliffordC. White and John O. White cluded in the Oregon Sports Hall of Jr. The family remained close and Fame for Knoll Street Community Clifford extended special care for Center in October 2005. His boxing / Z z/ zf z <* In Loving Memory John Otis ‘Frog’ White Sr. Funeral services were held Sept. 19 at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in north Portland for John Otis “Frog" White Sr. He was born Jan. 31, 1940 in Crossett, Ark., son of Otis and Johnnie Mae White. He moved to Portland as a child and spent his younger years in the Guilds Lake enabled him to experience his first airplane ride and travel to different parts ofthe country participating in tournaments and being a main con­ tender in his division. In 1989, he accepted the Lord as Ins personal savior and was bap­ tized at Mount O livet Baptist Church. John Otis was a father, brother, grandfather, nephew, brother-in- law. cousin, great-grandfather, uncle, son-in-law and a friend to many. He will be greatly missed. He was truly loved. Arrangements were under the direction o f Ross H ollyw ood Chapel. Help Support The Youth Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? It's never too soon to think about refinancing. You may have more options then you think. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr., Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 98684 t=I HOMELOAN SO LR( I & & £ f t © Breakfast Lunch Pottle training Snacks State certified Story time Toys Games Fun Arts and crafts And much morel Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center Ages 2 mos 12 years Educational learning For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -3 1 5 4 3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227 I